

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 132

Chapter 132 All The Members Escaped Successfully!

"His father, if I remember correctly, was named Monkey D. Dragon,

Su Yi said nonchalantly,

"Ah, Monkey·D·Dragon, he is also the leader of our GM-kun,"

Ivankov didn't react yet, he just said subconsciously.

"Wait, what did you say? The straw hat's father is a dragon!

After three seconds,

Ivankov finally realized something,

widened his eyes,

Su Yi was afraid that the other party would give him a death wink at such a close distance.

Quickly dodged a step,

Ivankov looked at Luffy,

This face, indeed, is indeed the blood of a dragon.

"So, your grandpa is Monkey D Garp?"

Ivankov asked subconsciously.

"Ah." Luffy said.

Ivankov was shocked,

Totally shocked.

"So, why did you get into Impel down? 35

"Rescue Ace!"


Ivankov rubbed his chin,

"If that's the case, then I'll help you, straw hat boy.

"Moreover, all the criminals in this big prison have already escaped, and now is the best time to escape. 39

As a cadre of the GM army, Ivankov,

The big picture is still there,

When even realized that this happened to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

097 Taking advantage of the present, they can escape, and after they go out, they can go to find the dragon.

With this fighting power in the Shemale Paradise, and the animal hormones he just developed,

He believes that it will definitely bring a surprise to the people of the GM army!

As a result, Su Yi, Luffy and everyone from the Shemale Paradise came to the sixth floor of the underwater prison, which is also the last floor!

at the same time,

The sixth floor of the underwater prison.

Boa Hancock had met Ace, and informed him that Luffy was here.

Before waiting for Ace to ask something,

Boa Hancock is gone.

Then, Magellan, who had just finished using the toilet, arrived.

"Right now there is a riot in the prison. I think it's coming for you. I'll take you away first, and then slowly eliminate these ignorant guys." Magellan waved, and someone immediately escorted Ace to the elevator.

Then, the group slowly left the sixth floor.

Almost at the same time.

At a hidden wall, the stone bricks on the wall were removed, and Su Yi and others walked out.


Luffy ran and shouted,

It is strange that not a single criminal on the sixth floor responded to their cries.

If you look closely, you will see that the criminals in the cell are sleeping,

This surprised Ivankov inexplicably.

But he didn't think much of it.

(beej) In fact, Boa Hancock, Magellan noticed this anomaly when he got here, but Hancock is not the kind of person who likes to explore everything, and Magellan also ignores it because of the lack of time.

Therefore, the fact that the criminals on the sixth floor collectively lost their shadows was not gradually discovered until the end of the Summit War.

At this time, Luffy and others ran all the way.

Finally found the cage where Ace was imprisoned,

It's just that there is no Ace in it at this time.

There is only Jinbei alone.

"You are the straw hat boy, it's amazing, you can come here,"

Jinbei saw Luffy's straw hat and immediately realized that this person was the one who came to save Ace as Boa Hancock said, straw hat boy!

"Where's Ace?" 39

Luffy saw that someone was awake and asked immediately.

Jinbei said: "Mr. Ace, he has just been escorted away, if you hurry up to chase him, maybe you can catch up!"

Luffy immediately went to pursue Magellan and the others who had left.

Su Yi took out a bunch of keys and opened the door of the cell.

"Jinbei, the original Seven Warlords of the Sea," Su Yi said, looking at Jinbei.

Jinbei looked at Su Yi calmly, "Who are you?"

"Luffy is my captain," Su Yi opened Jinbei's handcuffs with the key,

"Come on, let's go out and make a scene together.

Jinbei flicked his wrists, he was originally locked up by Marine because he objected to fighting Whitebeard with Marine.

It's okay to go out now,

"I'm going to save Mr. Ace."

Jinbei walked out of the cell, looked at Su Yi and said, "It's a pity I can't escape with you. 99

Su Yi smiled and said, "I didn't come to escape from prison, and Ace has Magellan by his side. Even if we play together, we are not his opponent."

Jinbei stopped at this moment and looked at Su Yi,

He found that the man in front of him was very calm, and he did everything with ease.

It seems that everything is in the Master.

"Then what should we do?"

Su Yi said, "When Ace is escorted to Marine's ship, you should have an advantage in a naval battle, right?

Jinbei's eyes moved, "Yes, you are right.

He took a deep look at Su Yi and felt that Su Yi was a terrible man from the bottom of his heart.

In the largest prison in the world, it is possible to be unable to get out at all times, to be trapped here for a lifetime,

And he was so calm and rational, and analyzed the best plan.

"Then why don't you stop Straw Hat?" Jinbei said.

Su Yi spread his hands and smiled, "He's my captain,""

Jinbei also laughed,

The two ran together in the direction Luffy and others left,

After a while, a piece of Hypnosis gas appeared in front of me,

And a man with his hands turned into scissors is cutting the ground to block the gas outlet.

"What should we do now?

Ivankov looked at Su Yi, who was catching up, and almost regarded the man in front of him as the backbone.

"Go this way! 35

Su Yi pointed to the stairs to the side and said.

He is familiar with the road here, he has walked all over the past few days, and he can recognize it with his eyes closed.

As a result, a group of people rushed into the fifth floor.

Here, the clown Buggy and his gang of criminal brethren are heating the fire,

When I saw a group of shemales who suddenly appeared, as well as Luffy and Su Yi, I was shocked.

"Where have you been, Straw Hat!" Buggy yelled.

However, Luffy ignored Buggy at all and ran straight towards the stairs on the fourth floor.

Seeing that he was ignored, Buggy was furious, but when he saw Luffy and the others, he was about to leave.

He immediately called his little brother and followed behind.

The group was almost like a broken bamboo, and there was no jailer who dared to stop them on the road.

After reaching the first floor, Su Yi suddenly stopped everyone.

"Stop! It's Magellan outside, we're going out above.

As he spoke, he transformed into a human-beast form, and with a sweep of his tail knife, he cut a hole in the ceiling, and with a loud bang, sunlight suddenly came in.

When the criminals who had not seen the sun for many years saw the sun, their eyes burst into tears with excitement.

Su Yi continued to wield his tail knife, cutting the wall next to it into steps,

The criminals rushed up.

Su Yi suddenly rushed to the door of the first floor.

"Aren't you going?" Jinbei shouted while looking at Su Yi.

"You go grab a warship first, otherwise none of us will be able to leave.

Jinbei understood and ran out immediately.

Then, Su Yi kicked the gate of the first floor and flew out.

Outside, Magellan stood alone on the shore, watching the Marine warship gone.

"What the hell did you do!"

He turned around and faced Su Yi, his eyes red.

"You let all the criminals go, do you know how much damage they will do to the world!!"

Su Yi touched his nose, his eyes became a little scary, and sneered: "World? You mean this Birdcage ruled by Celestial Dragons? Do you think Pirates should be damned, Celestial Dragons shouldn't be?

Magellan was silent. In fact, some things don't need to be said clearly, the two sides can tacitly understand each other.

But now that Su Yi has pointed it out, he is speechless.

The unscrupulous Celestial Dragons live at ease, and the pirates who are a hundred times lighter than their crimes suffer hell-like torture in the underwater prison. What is this world?

But no one with a conscience can refute Su Yi.

"It's just a game of justice, do you really think you're saving the world?".