

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 109

Chapter 109: The Strongest Moria, The Straw Hat Of Dilemma

"Hee hee hee..."

Moria, whose body continued to expand, gradually stood up, and a loud laughter came from her mouth.

"Straw hat boy, you are finished, let you experience the power of Shichibukai."

"Really, where did that guy Ozzy go, now I have to do it myself.

Moria said that her body had absorbed almost all the shadows,

"Shadow Revolution: Put a shadow into a living person, the living person will gain the power of the shadow master, but it can only last for 10 minutes, and it will cause a great burden on the spirit. A normal person can only bear the shadows of 10 people. Well, but I'm different, I can withstand 800, Ale…"

When Moria said this, she finally realized that something was wrong,

"800? Isn't there more than 1,000 shadows on the island? How come there are only 800 left?"

What he didn't know was that after landing on the island, a demon hunter named Su Yi played a game of hunting zombies,

In the end, nearly a hundred zombies were killed.

And the survivor "Zero Seven Zero" headed by Lola is taking advantage of the chaos to hunt zombies frantically,

Coupled with the zombies Nami and others solved in the castle,

Now, there are only about 800 zombies left on the island.

Moreover, all the shadows of Straw Hat Crew have returned to the body,

In fact, the boost Moria got was much weaker.

"Well, forget it, this level is just right, if there are more shadows, I can't bear it myself, Moria doesn't care,

"Guo Mo Guo Moruo… Giant Pistol!"9

Just as Moria was there talking to herself,

Luffy had already blown up the bone balloon and punched Moria.

"Giant's Fist!"

A flash of fighting intent flashed in Moria's eyes, facing Luffy's fist.


A wave of air spread, and Luffy's giant pistol was ejected.

"How can it be repaired…"

Luffy was in mid-air, started second gear,

"Guo Mo Guo Mo Nuo…the giant whirling cannon!

"No matter how many times you come, it's useless!" Moria showed a grim smile and slammed Luffy's giant whirling cannon into the air.


Luffy attacked Moria again, but before he made his move, he suddenly activated Conqueror's,


An aura burst out, causing Moria to lose her mind for a moment,

"It's right now… Guo Mo Guo Mo Yu… Giant Battle Axe!!!"

A gigantic foot penetrated the fog, and a divine weapon descended from the sky, stepping on top of Moria's head,

Moria, who had been almost invincible since the start of the war, finally fell to her knees with a few shadows flying out of her mouth.

"Success! Great!"

Cheerleader Nami and escape squad leader Usopp happily clapped their palms in the distance.

Cheerleader Chopper is also happily waving his hooves.

"No, he's not dead yet.

Sanji, who has a sense of sight, frowned and found that something was not right,


Suddenly, a big hand stretched out from the ruins of the building.

"Shadow Bound!"

Standing in the same place, Luffy gasping for breath suddenly found that his feet could not move.

When he looked down, a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead,

I saw Moria's shadow somehow caught the shadow of both feet,

And because of this, he couldn't move.

"How can it be repaired…"

He desperately tried to break free, but his legs seemed to be locked to the ground, unable to move at all.

"Boy, you have become the master of Conqueror's, where are you going to be the king?"

Moria came out of the smoke and looked very embarrassed,

However, he was basically not injured, only the top of his head was slightly deformed.

"Ah, I'm going to be One Piece!" Luffy said.

"One Piece? Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee, I'm afraid you won't even be able to get to the New World," Moria intends to use her experience as a past person to teach this ignorant junior a lesson.

But he realized that he wouldn't last long in this state. Once 10 minutes passed, he would lose consciousness, and if he couldn't get rid of the Straw Hat Crew by then, things would be in trouble.

"Really, now is not the time to chat! Asshole.

A huge fist pierced through the smoke and hit Luffy hard,

"Giant Chain Fist!"

bang bang bang…

The ground cracked, the smoke danced,

Moria turned into a giant warrior and crushed Luffy on the ground with her fists,


"Luffy!" 35

Zoro and Sanji hurriedly killed them,

"Three thousand world!

"Devil's Feet!

"Go away!

Facing the two main generals of Straw Hat Crew,

With a wave of Moria's hand, a huge hand sent the two flying away.

"Is this your subordinate? It's really weak. A guy of this level can't even beat the big signboard under Kaido's hand. Even if you go together, you will be destroyed without even seeing the face of the Four Emperors. , Also trying to become One Piece? Laughing to death.

"How can it be so strong!

Nami looked at Moria in this form with despair, and Usopp's eyes widened in shock.

"Hey, go and help, don't stay in a daze here."

Franky called out to the three of them, and then killed Moria in the distance.

"General Franky – show up!

Franky ate some cannons and weapons out of nowhere. At this time, his body became extremely huge, and after some transformation of his personal style, he suddenly turned into a gigantic robot five meters high, like a mecha.

"Rain of guns!"

Dozens of cannons fired at the same time, and the shells rained down on Moria's face…

Boom boom boom!!!

Immediately, Moria's huge body fell backwards.


Franky laughed.

However, in the next moment, Moria stood up slowly as if nothing happened.

"Really, like flies one by one, it's annoying.

"Shadow Roar!!

He suddenly opened his mouth wide, and suddenly sprayed out a jet-black shadow beam, and the target was exactly where Franky, Nami and the others were.

"Oops, run away! 99

Franky yelled, "Emergency escape device!"


The top cover of the robot opened, and a huge spring bounced Franky out.

"Nani?! What should we do if you ran away!?"

Nami almost collapsed,

"Ultimate Refuge!

Usopp stood up and instantly made a lot of wax oil, wrapping him, Nami, and Chopper in it.

"Don't worry, this is a stunt I developed to fight Buster Call,

In a small white room, Usopp said in a reassuring tone.

Since seeing the horror of Buster Call, he has begun to develop moves that can defend against that attack,

And now, it finally comes in handy.


The jet-black beam of light suddenly bombarded the white shelter,

Immediately rushed out of the shelter.

"Nami, Usopp, Chopper!!!"

Zoro gritted his teeth and yelled.

"Don't worry, the defensive ability of that thing should be fine. 35

Suddenly, Franky's voice sounded from above the two of them.

Sanji looked up and saw Franky slowly descending with a parachute.

Immediately he shouted: "You're fine for Mao!!!

4.9 Franky looked at his own General Franky robot on the ground,

After the baptism of the jet-black beam of light, the robot at this time was corroded into a pile of scrap iron,

"What a terrible attack, how exactly did it happen?"

"Hee hee hee hee… This is an attack launched by extracting energy from the shadow, and it consumes very little of my physical strength, how about it? Hee hee hee hee‥…'

Moria's voice sounded, making people want to punch him,

"The attack just now took about 1% of the energy of all the shadows. Unfortunately, the shadows cannot be completely converted into energy, otherwise I would be invincible, tsk tsk. 35

"And the shadow masters who have been drained of energy will feel that their vitality is declining, I hope they can hold on well, otherwise my shadow will be gone if I die.

"You bastard, you actually attacked someone else's shadow." On the ground, a wounded Luffy stood up with difficulty. During that time, he had returned to a normal body shape from a reduced state.

But his physical strength was exhausted, and it was very difficult to even stand up.