

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Doctor Hogbuck

somewhere in the forest.

Luffy and his party.

"Damn it, there seems to be a cemetery ahead!

Luffy was overjoyed when he discovered that there was a cemetery in front of him.

"Speaking of which, aren't you surprised? Captain.

Robin frowned and said.

"What's the matter?" Luffy asked curiously.

"Unconsciously, it was just the two of us left." Robin pointed behind him,

In the forest at this time, there was a five-person team composed of Zoro, Sanji, Franky, and the two of them.

Only the two of them were left.

"Yeah, it's a little weird, but they're supposed to- got lost?35

The neurotic Luffy didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time.

"No, we've been targeted.

Robin's eyes swept around, and there was a rustling sound in the surrounding forest.

Pairs of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness.

In the center of the island, outside the castle gate.

The pumpkin carriage stopped.

Usopp opened the skylight at the top of the pumpkin carriage, stuck out a head in an extremely wretched manner, and looked around nervously.

"No, there are no enemies!"

"Huh. 99

Everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, they all moved to the skylight and looked out at the castle outside.

"It's really spectacular, such a big castle," Chopper said in amazement. Although there was a castle in his hometown, it was in the wind and snow, and it was far less big than the current castle.

"It's a bit spooky, shouldn't there be vampires and werewolves in it?" Nami said with a runny nose.

"Now Luffy and the others should have attacked and competed with that guy Moria? Yossi, let's just play mobs or something, and by the way, let's explore the castle. 39 Usopp said.

Hearing the expedition, Chopper's entire body trembled with excitement, "An exploration of the ancient castle? Sounds really interesting, I wonder if there is any treasure in it?

Nami on the side was originally very opposed to the word exploration, but when he heard the word treasure, both eyes turned into the shape of Bailey.

After two minutes.

The three of them got off the carriage when they were ready,

Back to back entered the range of the castle.

crunch one

Pushing open the door, I immediately saw a dark interior of the castle.

"No one…"

Usopp was about to finish his sentence when suddenly a light came on,

It was a device similar to a searchlight, except that the light was not shining on the three of them, but on an ancient well in the corridor of the ancient castle.

crunch crunch-

The handle of the ancient well turned automatically, as if there was an invisible ghost drawing water.

The three of them had goosebumps all over their bodies and stared at the wellhead.

Suddenly, a pale-faced, blond-haired man dressed in a maid's uniform slowly rose from the well. Strangely, she was still holding a stack of plates in her hand.

"The plates are gone," the other man muttered, and suddenly threw the plate in his hand towards Usopp and Chopper.

There was a crackling sound, and all the plates in the hand of the maid shattered, which also scared the two to half to death.


Just then, the first door in the corridor opened, and a warm yellow light came through,

A chubby figure came out, "You guys, come in. Hey, Xin Duoli, these are the guests, don't attack them.

"Yes, Mr Hogbuck.

The maid zombie named Xin Duoli responded, then walked out of the well and walked into the room silently.

Nami and the others looked at each other and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Although a little scared, this man of unknown origin is indeed a living person and not a zombie,

"Hogbark? Are you Dr. Hobark?" Chopper asked suddenly.

Hogbuck looked at Chopper with an inexplicable expression, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Nami and Usopp also looked at Chopper in confusion,

"Doctor Hogbach is a world-renowned top doctor. He has saved countless lives from his hands. He is the doctor I admire the most, and my idol!" Chopper's big eyes shone like stars. The whole person is like an irrational groupie.

Nami whispered to Usopp, "Since he's a good guy, let's go in.

As a result, the three entered Hogbaque's room.


The door closed with a whimper, and the dark corridor returned to dead silence.

somewhere in the forest,

Su Yi walks along the forest path,

Along the way, he has dealt with too many zombies,

A rough calculation, about seventy or eighty.

"Well, it's not bad, but the strength of zombies is too weak.

・・・ Flowers・

Su Yi couldn't help but think of the giant Oz,

If you can fight Zombie Oz, it will be a worthwhile trip,

"Hopefully Luffy gets caught soon,"

If Su Yi's words were heard by the comrades on the boat, they would probably be regarded as crazy.

"Hey, you guys, you've been following me long enough. 35

Suddenly, Su Yi stopped his steps and looked into the woods beside him.

no movement,

There seems to be nothing there,

"Can't you come out? I'm going to attack there next. If you don't come out, you may be accidentally injured."

With that said, Su Yi pulled out the blue bird from his waist.

"Wait, let's get out.

Suddenly, several figures came out from among the hiding bushes.


This is different from zombies, but a few real human beings,

However, there is no shadow under their feet.

"Are you guys whose shadow was taken away by Moria?" Su Yi asked.

Several people looked at each other, then nodded,

"Well, I haven't asked your name yet."

"My name is Su Yi," Su Yi took back the blue bird,


Several people suddenly knelt on the ground,

"You are very strong, so can you help us?

"Yeah, our shadow was snatched by Moria, so I never dared to leave here. My West Blue hometown, my mother and wife, and now I've been out at sea for three years, I haven't even gone back to see them…"

Saying that, several people touched their foreheads to the ground,

"Well, I'm liberating the zombies on the island right now, maybe I'll be able to liberate all of your shadows at some point."

Su Yi waved his hand,

"Really, thank you!"

"Thank you so much! 99

"I wonder if we can offer you some help?!

Su Yi blinked,

"Say help," he took out the bag of salt in his pocket,

"I don't have enough salt on me."

Several people were suddenly excited,

"We have plenty of salt here, come back to camp with us.

"You are our savior, we have to treat you well!

"By the way, the leader should be very happy to know it? After all, the other party is a handsome guy."

Su Yi:

wait, handsome?

Could it be that the leader of the other party is that person? Fan.