

One Piece Great Voyage: I Can Steal the Fruit Ability!

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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180 Chs

Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Shichibukai: Gekko Moria

"Yo hoo hoo ~~~ So you both know Laboon, it's really fate, yo hoo hoo hoo~~~yo hoo hoo hoo~~~'

The atmosphere on the ship suddenly became lively,

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Usopp, and Su Yi are all people who have seen Laboon with their own eyes,

And Luffy made an agreement with Laboon to stop Laboon from hitting the Red Line.

As soon as the two sides communicated, they immediately became real partners.

"In that case, that's great, Laboon has been waiting for us for so many years."

Brook couldn't help but took out his violin and started to play,

"Yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho ∼∼∼yo ho ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho ho ~" However,

Before he could sing for a while, the Sunshine horn suddenly made a violent vibration,

Meanwhile, Sanji looked outside, "There's something outside.""

Su Yi said: "We seem to have hit an island.


Everyone ran out in amazement,

Suddenly, in the fog, the Sunshine had come to a small island before you knew it.

There are forests and ancient castles on the island, which look ghostly.

Very scary.

"Come on, this is Gekko Moria's turf, the barque.

Said to be a sailboat, in fact, an island was made into a boat, because the sails are too large, and in the thick fog, it is easy to confuse the sails with the dark clouds in the sky,

"This is the man who took my shadow, one of Shichibukai, the territory of Moonlight Molly 067ya!

At this time, Brook also told the truth,

"Hey!!! Shichibukai, Gekko Moria!!! 35

Both Chopper Usopp and Nami stuck their tongues out and their eyes bulged out,

"Everyone, I'm going to take back my shadow, so don't take the risk. If I can't come back, you go and tell Laboon, and say don't wait for us, we… can't go back!"

Brook pulled out the sword in his palm, and his tone was decisive, as if he was going to die.

"Please bean sacks!"

Luffy suddenly held down Brook,

"We are already partners now, since we are partners, how could we leave you alone and run away!!

Brook: "Yo Xi, let's fight together."

Everyone: "This change is too fast!

Brook had to sit down and start telling everyone about the island.


Su Yi pulled out the blue bird and suddenly waved towards the sky,

Immediately afterwards, a zombie that looked like a bat fell down,

"This guy is here to eavesdrop."

He grabbed the bat zombie and threw it into the sea,

After a while, a black shadow flew out.

It flew into the distance, perhaps to find its owner.

Brook pointed to the black thing flying in the sky and said, "This (beej) is a shadow,

"Gekko Moria is the shadow man who ate the shadow fruit, he can grab the shadow of the person and cut it short with scissors, and the person whose shadow is taken away will be in a coma for about two days, 35

"The body that has lost its shadow will turn into ashes once it finds sunlight, and if the taken shadow is put into a dead corpse, then the corpse will be resurrected and become a terrifying zombie, which has a shadow master. character and strong strength, but no original memory.

"This island, no, or this ship is full of these zombies.

"However, zombies also have weaknesses, that is, they have some of the power of seawater – salt, or they can drink seawater directly. In short, as long as a little salt is put into the mouth of the zombie, the shadow in the zombie will be destroyed. freed."

After Brook finished speaking, Usopp had already loaded up the seawater and put it on the stove to cook it in a pot.

After a while, a bag of sea salt was freshly baked.

Then, he prepared a bag for everyone.

"Anyway, it's enough to help Brook take back the shadow? 35 Zoro looks full of fighting spirit,

"Hey, Zoro, you're not going to get lost all of a sudden, are you?"9

"No road race! How is that possible!" Zoro roared.

Su Yi also took three bags of salt, "I'm a little longing for the environment of this island. I'd like to go for a walk, and by the way, I can also eliminate some zombies. After all, the fewer zombies, the safer we are, right?"

After saying that, he jumped off the boat on his own, and stepped on the sea with his feet quickly, and finally came to the distant shore, then waved to the people on the boat, and disappeared into the forest. .

"Hey! The most reliable man is gone, what should we do?" Nami and Usopp hugged each other, with a Chopper in the middle, and the three people who were sympathetic to each other were in tears.

"Yo Xi, we are also leaving.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Robin and Brook got ready and got off the boat.

In the end, Nami Usopp and Chopper were left.

"Anyway, we should be fine with staying on board."5

The three were about to breathe a sigh of relief,

Suddenly, I realized that the Sunshine was flowing with the current, and was actually stuck on a huge spider web.

"Such a big spider web, Masaka, is there a huge spider monster here!!!

The three suddenly jumped off the boat with tears on their faces,

However, at this time the first two groups had already gone far,

The three stood blankly in the forest, feeling weak and helpless.

Su Yi walked alone in the dark forest, surrounded by shadowy shadows, very forest and strange,

It's like a vampire forest, or the black forest in a fairy tale.

"It's really exciting and exciting," Su Yi felt the sense of adventure,

He suddenly stopped and looked at a tree beside him,

"Just now, did you move a bit?" he asked.

"No, you read it wrong," said the big tree.

"Definitely moved!!!" Su Yi roared and slashed with his knife,

The tree was split in half in an instant,

When he got closer to observe, he saw that there was a human face stitched on the tree.

It looks very scary and weird,

Su Yi threw a grain of salt into the face's mouth,

Immediately, a black thing came out of it.


There was a sudden noise from the surrounding forest,

In Su Yi's perception, a large number of zombies are coming.

"Not bad, it smells like Resident Evil."

With a smile on his lips, cutting zombies has always been his dream, and now it has finally come true.

On the other side, in the team of Luffy and others.

"Hey, did you find Zoro missing?"

"I don't know, maybe I got lost again?"

"He's following behind us, so can we get lost?

"It can only be said that it was a miracle."

"Never mind, with his strength there should be no problem. 55

Nami Chopper and Usopp walked tremblingly in the forest,

Surrounded by either Fukurou Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu, startled them,

Either the mouse that suddenly sprang out frightened their tears,

In just five minutes, the souls of the three people were almost scared away,

"It's horrible here.

"I'm going home. 39

"Wait, the road behind is gone.

The three of them were about to go back when they suddenly found that the original road was gone.

"When did so many trees suddenly appear here? Luo

Nami put his hand on the trunk of a tree with a puzzled look on his face.

Suddenly, a human face appeared on the tree trunk, "Hey, little girl, good evening. 39


A scream resounded through the forest.

The face on the tree was stunned by the sharp scream.

"Nami is horrible," Chopper covered his ears, feeling the buzzing in his ears.

So is Usopp,

"Wait, I'm the wax man with Wax-Wax Fruit, why should I be afraid?"

Usopp suddenly thought that he was also a capable person,

The next moment, he activated his ability to create a pumpkin cart,

The three of them got into the car, and a horse made of white wax moved slowly,

Of course it does not have feet, but limbs made of wheels.