
Chapter 8 - History: Ms Ana

Mr. Winston teaches history, but today we lucked out. He was having issues with his girlfriend so he had to take emergency leave. Apparently a virus in her AI or something I didn't really get it… But Ms. Oxton and Ms. Song were both busy so that left us with the coolest of all cool teachers.

Administrator Amari, or Ms. Ana when she substituted to prevent confusing with Fareeha her daughter, used to be the history teacher before her promotion to administrator, but occasionally when the need arose she would sub for some classes when the others weren't available.

Ms. Ana was a joker, and fun, every one of her lectures would get a laugh out of us at least once. And she would always go off script, for instance we were studying the Teutonic war… for some reason. So she said piss to that essentially and gave us a crash course of Cleopatra, Mark Anthony, and Caesar.

Ms. Ana was a tough old bird, she had lost her eye late in her military career but it really just made her look more badass. She was to some extent still an attractive woman, like an older version of her daughter. It was kind of creepy really…

"So Caesar." She said during her lecture, letting the picture of a weird man grace that blackboard, "This guy here got knifed in 44 BC, and Mark Anthony decided to establish himself in Egypt…" she replaced the picture with another of apparently 'Mark Anthony' "…by marrying the most beautiful woman in the world at the time Cleopatra."

She made an odd showing of looking for a picture, before saying with mock surprise "Oh dear… I seemed to have lost a picture of Cleopatra. Let me make an adequate substitution."

She slapped what was clearly a blown up Halloween photo that made us chuckle in our seats; three people… clearly Principal Morrison, a very young Fareeha, and Ms Ana stood smiling for the camera in their costumes. A roman soldier, another smaller roman soldier, and clearly 'Cleopatra' judging from the risqué belly showing costume she wore. And she wore it well.

There were a couple playful hoots and hollers from the class that Ms Ana took in stride as she quickly circled the photo in red ink around her younger two eyed self, "There we go!" she chuckled, "Most beautiful woman everybody!"

We cheered and laughed at the joke while she continued. Unabated…

I however was slowly, dreamily began dozing away as she continued the lecture, getting to the Battle of Actium. Turns out when you sleep with seven different women constantly, you tend to get tired. My eyes closed… and I don't remember when exactly I fell asleep but when I opened my eyes I was in a massive Egyptian palace. Sitting on a recently conquered throne as my general, who looked distinctly like Jeremy, stood at attention beside me with his massive barbarian slave woman.

"My lord!" he cried in his usual squeaky voice. "Queen Cleopatra demands you audience!" he said the chain around his hand rattling as he gestured, the chain was attached to his slave woman.

"Very well General. Send her forwards." I found myself saying…

Ms Ana, years younger with raven black hair and dressed in loose silks and golden necklaces approached. A tantalizing amount of her soft caramel colored skin showed through various empty patches of the silk. She had a firmly queen like pout on her face as she held her nose up at me.

"So the mighty and beautiful Cleopatra throws herself at my feet…" I said arrogantly, "What have you come here for?"

"I will not speak in front of these lesser men!"

"Hey!" General Jeremy replied.

"Send them away so we may speak privately" she added haughtily ignoring him.

"Very well…" I replied, gesturing to the guards, "Leave us! I will speak with her alone."

My chambers emptied and I adjusted myself on my lounge seat/throne, "…So Cleopatra. Why have you come?"

"…I wish to discuss an alliance." She replied, "Egypt and Rome will stand united."

"And what does Egypt offer in exchange for this alliance?" I asked, hungrily letting my gaze flow over her curvy form.

""It will be an alliance of marriage." She said firmly, with great pride. "You shall marry me…"

"Oh?" I began standing from my seat and descending towards her, "That is a prize to be sure." I walked around her as she stood their taking in my gaze. Suddenly my hand lashed out and slapped her pert rear as I walked around her.

She gasped indignantly and slapped me, "How dare you!" she hissed at me.

"I thought you were my prize Cleopatra." I said.

"You have agreed to nothing!" she replied, angrily. She tried to slap me again, but I caught her wrist in my hand as it came at my face.

"…I agree to everything…" he said, "…Let's get right to the consummation. Musicians!" I pulled up a stool in front of her as a group of men with instruments entered the room, "Mr Lucio the music instructor smiled broadly at me, "Yes my lord?"

"Play something for my future wife to dance to." I said, staring at her intently.

"What?" she demanded, her hands planting on her hips, "Dance for you?"

"Of course!" I replied, "Dance for me…" as the musicians began a local jig.

She glared at my but I twirled my fingers playfully at her, "Shake those hips…" I said lustfully.

Slowly her arms began to rise as her hips swayed slowly in front of me, she still had that angry look on her face but it slowly faded away as the music flowed through her. she turned in place until her rear was facing me, then as the drum began to beat steadily she quickly moved it left and right matching the noise as if banging the drums with her hips.

"That is a lovely dress…" I said softly, keeping my eyes glued to her snakelike movements, "…Take it off…"

Obediently she did, letting one strap down over her shoulder not facing me, then the other. her back was bare and elegant as she continued to dance to the upbeat music. The problem however was that she was distracting the musicians, they were skipping notes and making mistakes as they stared at her partial nudity.

Wrapping her arms across her breasts and still facing away, she sashayed her hips some more… until the dress slipped off and landed to the ground in a pile. She looked over her shoulder at me as I viewed her nakedness.

Benefit of ancient Egypt? No underwear apparently.

She was Cleopatra, Isis incarnate, and the most beautiful woman in the world…

My dick hardened and rose to her in a salute to her beauty, "Leave us." I commanded, not looking away as the disappointed musicians walked out once more. "Come. Let us consummate our marriage…"

She lowered herself before me, keeping my eyes on her, she slowly licked my length from balls to tip and took me into her mouth. I groaned in amazement, as her tongue swirled around my tip as she took me as deeply as she could go, which was apparently an awful lot. The gagging noises she made as she took me to the hilt were agonizingly arousing.

I let my hand slip around her head and pulling her closer, "Take it my new queen. Serve your emperor…"

She moaned delightedly around my length, it seemed like she could stay there forever. And I wanted her too, but I had more holes to enjoy today. I pulled her off, she gasped open mouthed as I looked into her throat. "Did you like that my queen?"

"Yes my emporer…" she breathed, lovingly, "You taste like ambrosia of the gods..." I threw her onto her back, and she spread herself before me, watching me, begging me to penetrate her. I don't quite remember being naked, but apparently I was. I slipped myself into her; she squirmed underneath my length as I began moving like a wave upon her.

She gasped over and over as I buried myself into her, determined to sire an heir into the most beautiful woman in the world. "Tell me how it feels." I whispered into her ear, "To sire the children of an emperor."

"It feels amazing my lord!" she cried, her head thrown back as her breasts bounced beneath me, "I am lucky you accepted my womb for this alliance!"

"You're well used womb…" I complained angrily, "Tell me Cleopatra how many of your family have you copulated with?"

I felt her twitch around me as she stared at me surprised, "My emperor I don't know what you mean…"

"I am not a fool Cleopatra…" I hissed into her ear as I kept up my thrust. "How many of your brother's have tried to spread their seed in you?"

"…I have taken both of my brothers. One after the other, again and again they used me. I begged them to spread their seed within me. They didn't let me rest, using me for the whole night as if I was a slave to their cocks..." She replied and I hardened inside her, the foreign tradition of pharaohs interbreeding hardening me, and making me thrust far more intently, "My emperor!" she screamed as I plowed her with firmer earnest.

"They weren't strong enough to spread their seed!" I hissed in her ear, "What you need is a stronger source!" I hissed and slammed against her. "You will bare strong roman children!"

"YES!" she screamed, "Balls deep inside me! Cum! Give me your children! FUCK YES!" she began twitching unashamedly.

…well that language ruined the role-play a little… I blinked at her as she squirmed from her orgasm.

"I have not finished yet Cleopatra…" I scolded, "It is the wife's duty to satisfy the husband."

She panted heavily as she came down from her pleasure, squirming and moaning underneath me. I was briefly reminded of her dancing only moments before. And slowly I began again as she whimpered underneath me, "My Emperor." she hissed huskily, whimpering with desire, "Please let us take this to you bed chambers… someone is bound to come find us. I could not bare them to see me in such a state."

"Let them see…" I moaned against her, penetrating her mouth with my tongue, "Let them see and know that no one may lay claim upon your body but me." I rolled back and pulled her on top of me, eliciting a gasp of surprise as it presented her body to the empty room and began thrusting upwards into her. "I will fill you full of my children. You will be my royal whore..."

"No escape my queen…" I said softly, thrusting up faster as I felt my release climbing, "Get ready! I'm claiming you!" I shot up into her, and she took everything. Gasping erotically for air as she came she twitched upon my length, her breasts dancing as my seed rushed into her royal womb. We laid there in each other, basking in the moment as I felt myself fertilize her eggs. "Get pregnant!" I howled as she screamed her own release.

"You were amazing…" I breathed looking up at her as she gazed longingly back, "I can't wait until we do it again…"

"Did you thoroughly enjoy yourself my emperor?" she asked, one elegant hand caressing her breast as her other went around behind her, brushing my balls as she slipped her fingers into her ass.

"…You were the best I've ever had." I breathed contentedly, "…I'll need more of you soon." I throbbed inside her, "Really soon."

"Well that's a shame then." she said pulling her hand from her ass as she smiled, "Because I have no more need of you."

What?" I began and screamed in horror as she brought down a long thin knife into my chest!

"Holy shit!" I suddenly shouted, jumping from my desk and waving my arms about. I quickly slapped against my chest, breathing heavily as I realized there was no room and the classroom was completely empty except for Ms Ana sitting at Mr Winston's desk with her feet upon it and reading a book.

She glanced at me slightly, "Welcome back Mr Snow." She said quietly, "Did you have a nice dream?"

She was apparently halfway through the Count of Monte Cristo, I shook off the vision of her younger self stabbing me through the chest and groaned disappointingly.

"…Am I in trouble Ms Ana?" I asked hesitantly.

She seemed to think on it. "…When was Caesar assassinated?"

"…44 BC?" I replied, quickly delving it my knowledge.

"When was the battle of Actium?" she turned a page

"…31 BC."

"Who was the victor?"

"Gaius Octavius"

"What was the nickname of Ptolemy XV?" she turned another page.

"Um, Caesarion?

"And who was considered the most beautiful woman in the world?"

…I couldn't resist, she had easily set it up…

"Ana Amari." I said with a joking shrug shrug.

She chuckled at that; rolling her eye she smirked at me, as she gazed over her book "Scott." She began slowly, expecting a proper answer.

"Cleopatra VII" I said, smiling softly. "So what was all that?"

"Well you seemed to know the material, so why punish you?" she replied, licking her thumb patiently and turning the page, "Go on, before it gets dark."

"Thank you Ms Ana." I replied, rubbing my exhausted eyes, I'll have to cancel with Olivia I was just too tired.

"Oh and Scott?" I paused at the door, she didn't look up from her book.

"…Fareeha speaks very fondly of you…" she said airily, turning another page of her book "…Don't screw it up." She added with a mysteriously knowing, but incredibly dangerous tone, surprisingly sounding exactly like my own mother. If my mother had once been a talented badass military soldier. She definitely wasn't she was a baker.

I went rigid from the implication, "Of course… ma'am…" I said nervously unable to think of anything else and turned to walk out the door, as I did I paused just outside the door as she had just begun absently humming a strangely familiar tune, and suddenly the image of her dancing erotically in my dream came to my mind as the mysteriously music continued on echoing in my head. A vision of her appeared nude in front of me as her arms wiggled and her body jiggled temptuously... she winked at me. I quickly turned and walked down the hall towards the exit.

It had become suddenly far too weird for my liking…


To show support to help me write these 4-5k words chapters for you and 10+ Advance chapters- 
