
Overpowered Healing Magic (Remake)

The MC is a overpowered magic swordsman that can heal at an overpowered level he can regenerate his arm at a fast level if it ever get cut. For more info read the Novel

SEF_7034 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

Duel (2)

*"today is the duel. This is so boring"*

Jin than went to the duel area

*haha you finally showed up I thought you ran away* said lucas

*let's get this over with. Father can you say? *

Jin said while yawning


Defeat Lucas to get a reward

*"hmm a reward"*

*ok the duel starts now*

As soon as the duel starts lucas rush toward Jin with his sword trying to attack him and Jin dodged it

*"he don't even know how to even fight "*

He than kept dodging and he started getting bored so much that he started doing the daily quest work out

*"Is he doing push up and dodging?"* everyone said

*ok let's end this now-* said James

*NO!! I can defeat him!* said Lucas

Edward started attacking Jin furiously and something in his sword started glowing

*is is that what I think it is? *

Edward had gotten a little bit of sword aura

*"that sword aura for a child that pretty impressive although it isn't perfect"* said James while smirking

*now that what I like to see lucas* said Jin while smirking

Jin started fighting seriously and their clash send shockwave

*"wow seriously this is a child fight? I can't believe this"* said James

But something with lucas wasn't right although he can use aura a little his mind was somewhere else

*i-i-i will defeat you!!*

*"wait this feeling"* said James

James than used telepathy to Jin

*"Jin can you hear me? "*

*" Yes father I can"*

*"something about lucas isn't right see if you can noticed something"*

*"yes father I am trying to do that"*

Jin than noticed an unusual ring that lucas was wearing

*"father, lucas seems to be wearing an unusual ring"*

*"wait I will see?"*

James than look and noticed that the ring is a mind ring

*"it's a mind ring"* said James

*"mind ring?"*

Mind ring is a ring that make the user mind goes insane while they are angry. It enhances the user strength and speed

*"try to get the ring off his finger"* said James

*"should I cut his finger off?"* said Jin

*"no that too risky"* said James

As Jin and James were talking Edward manage to slash Jin


*that hurts*

Jin than decided to use his telekinesis power to pull the ring off his hand

*"although it's too risky"*


Telekinesis activated

Jin than pull the magic ring off

*I will defeat you- huh what happened?*

Lucas was laying down and Jin pointed his sword to his neck

*you finally in your right mind now*

*I lost....* said Lucas with a saddened face

*yes and no*


*you manage to get a little bit of sword aura*

*sword aura? Wait sword aura really I manage to get that*

*well now not the time to talk about that*

*now that the duel is over let's talk about the reward* said James

James than jumped down towards Jin and Lucas

*with this I now conclude the duel with Jin victory* said James

*ok father*

*.... So that means I get nothing? *

*no you manage to unlock a partial part of aura so you will be given an rewards and plus we have to find out about that ring* said James

*... Huh?... What ring? *

*so you don't remember huh*

*remember what? *

*you went crazy during the duel and not in your right mind*

*... Did I hurt anyone? *

*nah your weak how do you think you would hurt anyone* said Jin

*hah you still haven't acknowledge that I am strong*

*your strong but you don't have technique*

*ok ok let's stop distracting our mind on pointless stuff*said James


You have defeated Lucas

*partriach I will be going back to my room now*

*ok and Lucas follow me*

*ok partriach*

Jin than went back to his room

*"hah.. That was tiring. Now than"*

Jin than summoned Vaeloria

*papa did you mwiss mwe? *

*wait.... How are you already this tall?*

*oh I am twaller than papa now*

*"Do dragon grow this fast?"*

*but it dwoesn't matter I will stwill love papa the same*

*ok ok let's talk something else. So how did that sword treat you*

*thwat sword?* said Vaeloria confused

*hah that girl that has an annoying face*

*oh you mean miss Lilith*

*Eva? That her name?*


Jin than pulled out the demon sword and asked

*....I was sleeping you know*

*why didn't you tell me that sword name was


*uhhhh because you never asked duh*

*.... Ok i will just send you back. There nothing good in getting in a argument*

*ok i will go back to sleep than*

Jin than send Lilith back to the inventory

*you can also go back Vaeloria of you want*

*ok papa. You need to get some rest*

*"why do i feel like I am the kid?"*

Jin than send Vaeloria back to the inventory

*now than shall I open the reward*


Would you like to open the reward?




Opening your reward

A huge gacha wheel system appear infront of


*wow what this big thing*


Spinning the wheel

*hmm what do I get?*

After spinning the wheel landed on skill know as...


You have gotten a copy skill

It allows you to copy other people skill and technique there is no requirements

Cooldown : 10 minute

*what?!! Only 10 minute for cooldown that op*

*hmm let's try something*

Jin than pulled Lilith out the inventory

*.... What do you want? I was sleeping peacefully*

*ahem! *


Would you like to copy one of Lilith skills?



Copying the skill known as mist formation

It allows you to form cloud of mist that blinds the enemy and make them hallucinate

*ok your job is over now you can go back*

*... What!?* said Lilith with a confused face

Jin than send Lilith back to the inventory

*oh yeah I haven't finish the daily quest yet*

Jin than went ahead and finished the daily quest and was so tired that he fall asleep

The next day

*did I fall asleep here? *

Jin than looked around and saw that everything was a mess

*what happen to my room?! Wait a second this movement looks familiar*

Jin than looked around the confirm his suspicion

*I knew it. HANA!*

*yes Young Master Jin what do you need*

*what we're you doing in my room*

*I was bored and wanted to know how you got strong soo fast*

*and weren't you following me during that 2 incident*

*so you noticed. Expected of my master*

*hah whatever I don't got time for this. You can go now*

*Yes master*

Hana than went away and Jin than went out to go find his father

*father isn't today the day where I go choose something from the family storage*

*yes yes now follow me*

They than went to the family storage

sorry that it took to long I got bored in the middle of writing this and took a break

SEF_7034creators' thoughts