
Chapter 4

And delicate hands came out of the portal, followed by the owner of the hands. Garbed in a dark robe that did nothing to hide her cleavage and showing off one of her slender legs. Her arms were adorned by golden bracelets and her head was covered with a black hood that had two horn like protrusions atop of it.

This was the third of Utgard's four NPCs, Tisiphone. The guardian of the third floor of Nazarick and a arch demoness that specialized in necromancy, summoning and illusions.

"It gladdens me to see you once more, my lord." Tisiphone said as she placed her right hand on her left shoulder and knelt on one knee.

"Seeing you gladdens me too, Tisiphone." Utgard said as he took his eyes off of the elven twins' battle with the elemental.

Tisiphone, out of his four NPCs, she along with the last one had been created for one purpose:


Since his plans meant that Momonga would not be in the new world, he needed a necromancer to manage the undead in the Tomb and to create more to make sure they had a strong army.

Sure he could leave that job to the Overlords in Ashurbanipal but he felt that such an act would be doing a disservice to their guild. So he had created Tisiphone and assigned her to the third floor of Nazarick, creating an even greater defense line for their guild base.

"They seem to be having fun, playing with that Elemental." The Demoness said as she looked towards the battle between twins elves and Primal Fire Elemental and she was right. Aura and Mare were having fun and what they were doing was nothing more than playing. Even with its impressive abilities, the monstrous fire was at best level 89, it never stood a chance against a level 100 character with a build optimal for battle let alone TWO such characters.

Which was proven as Aura defeated it with a final swing from her whip.

"It is nice to exercise once in a while. Not to mention Aura and Mare are the youngest of the Floor Guardians, they should be able to enjoy themselves once in a while."

"You truly are kind, my savior." Tisiphone smiled as she looked up at Utgard who rubbed the back of his head when she said 'savior'.

It did remind him that he wrote in the bio of his NPCs that none of them were created from zero but that they had been living souls that he Utgard had saved and turned into his servants.

Reason for that, all of his NPCs were hot and he had no intention of lewding them while technically being their 'father'. Incest wasn't his kink, it wasn't even Peroroncino's.

"My lord!" Aura yelled out as she run towards him with her brother, both of them sweaty, likely from heat rather than effort.

"Both of you did well." Utgard congratulated the twins which caused them to preen under his praise.

"They were truly impressive." Tisiphone said as she made her presence known to the elves who immediately started to apologize for ignoring her.

"Lady Tisiphone! We are so sorry, we didn't realize that you were there!" Aura bowed her head while also forcing Mare's head down along with her.

"There is no need to be so stiff dear, we are both Floor Guardians of Nazarick after all." Tisiphone smiled down at the tomboyish elf girl who immediately started shaking her head.

"No lady Tisiphone, you are one of the four beings CHOSEN by lord Utgard and raised into a higher existence of power! You are someone who deserve respect!" Aura claimed which confused Utgard, he was sure that he hadn't put anything like that into her bio or any other NPC's for that matter. Did that mean this was some sort of natural conclusion the NPCs reached or was it exclusive to Aura and Mare?

Before he could ponder more onto this issue another gate opened in the colosseum and a pale beauty with in a Victorian bell dress stepped out of it.

"Oh my, it seems I wasn't the first." Shalltear Bloodfallen, the guardian of the first and second floor and one of the strongest NPCs in all of Nazarick.

A true vampire with many job classes that focused on combat and magic, she was in a way very similar to Utgard himself.

She was also the one NPC that he worked on any other with the exception of his own NPCs. Not to make her friendlier or smarter, no. All of that time was simply spent deleting the most disgusting and deplorable fetishes she had on her bio and when he was done she still had enough fetishes to fill out three pages. Utgard wondered sometimes whether Peroroncino had just copy pasted a wiki site of fetishes on her bio. It would make a lot of sense.

Before he could think any further, the small vampire had already draped her arms on his shoulder and was trying to rub herself on him.

"Ahh, my lord, the one who is most beautiful. How have I longed for this." She said as her breaths started to get heavier with a blush on her cheeks.

"Why the hell is the fake tits here?" Aura said with narrowed eyes and her words destroyed any form of elegance or sexiness of Shalltear as she flunked herself over to the elven girl.

"What did you call me you wood cretin?!"

"You heard me. Fake. Tits." Aura said as she looked down at the true vampire with a cocky smirk.

This little interaction made Utgard happy that he hadn't changed Shalltear into a shortstack she pretended to be. It was something he had thought about a lot but in the end he had decided that Nazarick had enough women with large bosoms and he should leave Shalltear as the advocate of the 'Flat Justice' that she is.

…he did make her ass extra thicc and bubbly under her dress though.

"Such meaningless actions." A voice and a blast of cold air made everyone look towards the gate of the colosseum and saw that the insectoid guardian of the fifth floor was approaching with his halved in one of his four hands.

"You are in the presence of a Supreme Being, act like it!" Cocytus said as a blast of cold air emerged from front of his face.

"You don't know what this wood cretin said to me!"

"She started it!"

The elf and vampire duo complained but did quiet down as well, acknowledging that the guardian of the frozen floor had a point.

"It isn't good for children to fight among each other you know." A voice said as four more figures entered the arena.

One was Albedo, in her white dressed glory while other was a elven eared man with glasses wearing an orange stripped suit while a tail with spikes waved in his back slowly. Demiurge, the guardian of the seventh floor of Nazarick.

Third figure of the group was the most bizarre as it wasn't anything that resembled a humanoid but looked closer to a flying fetus with an halo on it's head. Victim, the guardian of the eighth floor of Nazarick.

Last member of the quartet was an albino woman with a white winter coat, that could barely contain her bosom, and a fluffy white hat on her head. The last of Utgard's NPCs and the pseudo guardian of the fourth floor of Nazarick that controlled underground lake and it's surroundings for Gargantua.


Now, everyone was here.