
Overlord: The Multiverse

When MC was reliving on a picture of a Goddess, he died. Only meet the Goddess but instead of torturing him to eternity, She give him wishes. And make him reincarnated in Overlord world. As the name suggested, this a multiverse Fan fiction, that mean MC will travel through different world like Marvel, DC, Highschool DXD, My vampire Diaries(may be) , Demon Slayer etc. first world: Overlord second World: Highschool DXD There will a harem, No NTR Or stuff. (some of you might dislike the Yggdrisil arc as it is bit of AU and MC talk a lot. But it is only in this arc on world travel arc I will tone down his unnecessary internal monologue.) I am not a professional writing and I have no deep experience in writing, so please ignore my grammar mistake and such. I also took some inspiration from other fan fiction. It would be a great help if you could donate your power stone to me. I posted 50 and more advance chapters on Patreon, If you are interested check it out. Only 3$ is needed to join my Patreon. it will be helpful if you can join my Patreon. You can support me on: patreon.com/BlackBolt517 1, 2 or 3 chapter per week. I will post bonus chapters on 150 power stone. Regular chapter update are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Black_Bolt_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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68 Chs

Chapter 30: Warrior Takemikazuchi 1

As the round kicked off, it was like a scene straight out of a cheesy action movie – two warriors, swords raised high, ready to clash in an epic showdown. I couldn't help but wonder if there was popcorn being sold in the stands.

With all the bravado of a hero charging into battle, I swung my sword down with all the force I could muster, aiming for glory and victory. But instead of a dramatic clash of steel, all I got was a resounding 'clunk' as my blade met Takemikazuchi's, like two pots banging together in a kitchen mishap.

Takemikazuchi's expression was the epitome of seriousness, as if he was starring in his own personal samurai epic. Meanwhile, I felt like I was playing the role of the clumsy sidekick who always manages to trip over their own feet.

As we struggled against each other, I couldn't help but wonder if this was what it felt like to be in a medieval-themed sitcom. I half-expected a laugh track to start playing every time one of us stumbled or missed a swing.

But despite the absurdity of it all, there was no denying the adrenaline rush of battle, the thrill of facing off against a worthy opponent. And hey, if nothing else, at least I was getting my daily cardio in.

As we broke apart, I quickly conjured a spell, sending it hurtling towards Takemikazuchi with all the force I could muster. But like a seasoned swordsman, he effortlessly slashed through the incoming magic, his blade slicing through the air with precision.

Undeterred, I prepared to launch another attack, only to find Takemikazuchi had vanished from sight, leaving me momentarily disoriented. Before I could react, a heavy kick came hurtling towards me from the right, but with a deft sidestep, I managed to evade it just in time.

The dance of combat continued, each move met with a swift counter, like a well-rehearsed routine. Takemikazuchi's skill with a blade was unmatched, his movements fluid and precise, while I relied on a combination of magic and martial prowess to keep up.

It was a battle of contrasting styles – the disciplined technique of a seasoned warrior versus the unpredictable nature of a spellcaster. And yet, despite our differences, we were evenly matched or more like I made it match by puting some restriction on myself.

Because I want to fight Takemikazuchi as a warrior of equal standing and not crush him under the power of my abilities, which I gained by killing two World enemies.

It wasn't the first time I had done so; whenever I encountered a player who relied solely on their own skills and abilities (not game skills and ability), rather than those obtained through the cash shop, I made a conscious decision to limit my own power in order to ensure a fair fight.

For me, the thrill of battle lay not in overpowering my opponents with my superior abilities, but in testing my skills against theirs on equal footing. It was a matter of honor and respect, a recognition of the dedication and effort they had put into honing their craft.

And as we clashed swords and exchanged spells, it became clear that my decision had paid off. Takemikazuchi fought with all the ferocity and skill of a true warrior, pushing me to my limits with every strike and parry.

And though I could have easily overwhelmed him with my superior abilities, I chose instead to meet him blade for blade, spell for spell, in a battle that would be remembered for its intensity and camaraderie.

In the end, it wasn't about emerging victorious or proving my superiority; it was about the thrill of the fight, the rush of adrenaline as two warriors clashed in a battle of wits and strength.

And as the final blow landed and Takemikazuchi fell to the ground, defeated but not broken, I knew that I had achieved my goal: to honor the spirit of competition and forge a bond of mutual respect with a worthy adversary.

As Takemikazuchi vanished away, I received a system notification.

{Congratulations! You have won the World Championship of Helheim.}

"Ladies and Gentlemen, We have our winner, the illustrious Alexander Bloodmoon Von Dracul!" The anchor's voice reverberated through the arena, electrifying the crowd with excitement. "In a battle that will be remembered for ages to come, our champion has emerged victorious, proving once again why he reigns supreme in the Helheim!"

The audience erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers echoing off the walls of the arena. Fireworks lit up the sky, painting the night with bursts of dazzling colors as the celebration began in earnest.

"But let us not forget the valiant efforts of our runner-up, Warrior Takemikazuchi," the anchor continued, his voice carrying a note of respect. "He fought with courage and honor, showcasing the true spirit of a warrior. Let's give him a round of applause for his outstanding performance!"


In the virtual world of YGGDRASIL, there's a special place called the Administrator Platform. It's off-limits to regular players and can only be accessed with permission from the game's administrators.

This platform doesn't have a clear purpose most of the time. But during the World Championship event, it's used. After the tournament ends, the winners – nine players – are taken there. They're given the title of "World Champion" and a special item as rewards for their victory.

Because the tournament prizes are unique, the administrators need to meet each winner personally to give them their rewards. So, the champions are taken to the Administrator Platform right after they win the final round of the tournament.

And I was in Administrator Platform waiting for my turn.

While listening to the song 'Pussy, come and Go'.


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100 ps = 1 bonus chapter.

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