
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime et bandes dessinées
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68 Chs

Chapter 64: Alliance?

As the grand doors of the banquet hall swung open, revealing my entrance with the beautiful blanc behind me, a hush fell over the assembly. The nobles, their eyes accustomed to the regal figures that graced their gatherings, were taken aback by the sight before them.

Whispers of awe and curiosity rippled through the crowd as I stepped into the radiant light of the hall. At the age of twenty-one, I carried myself with the confidence befitting a monarch who had ruled kingdoms for centuries. My long, flowing red hair cascaded down my shoulders, framing a face that bore both strength and youthful charm.

A noble whispering to his companion "Did you see the king? I didn't expect him to be so young. And those dragon horns!"

His companion nodding in approvement. "A dragon monarch, it seems. This was his title, but its quite unexpected I never thought he would be a real dragon, but I must admit, it gives him an imposing presence."

The nobles exchanged glances, clearly surprised by the unexpected appearance of their new sovereign since only a few know how I look. Murmurs of admiration filled the air, about my race, they thought I was a human so they were suprised after learning that actualy im a dragon.

Sir Cedric whispered to a fellow knight with a big smile. "Dragons and kings huh? I never thought I'd see the day."

Sir Geoffrey smirking, replied to him. "Well, he's certainly made an entrance. Let's hope he keeps ruling with the same flair."

Some nobles leaned in to their neighbors, discussing the striking features that set me apart from the rulers they had known before. Whispers of intrigue and speculation swirled like a gentle breeze, as the novelty of my presence stirred the atmosphere.

The ladies of the court, in particular, couldn't conceal their fascination. Eyes widened in appreciation as they took in the regal figure before them, a young king with an air of authority and an aura that hinted at the mysteries of conquest and power.

Lady Isabella leaning toward her friend Lady Amelia with a blush. "I Did hear about him before, but this is too much. The new king is as handsome as a prince from a fairy tale. His red hair is absolutely captivating."

Lady Amelia smirked then replied. "Indeed, Lady Isabella. Quite a refreshing change from the usual rulers. I wonder if he's as charming as he looks."

Lady Matilda giggling to her friend. "Did you notice the way the ladies are looking at him? It's as if they've found their prince charming."

Lady Constance placing her palm on her mouth. "Fufufu. Can you blame them? A handsome king is a rare sight indeed."

Blanc didn't like this at all. "Ugh these bitches, im gonna kill you myself." She mumbeled under her breath.

"Hmm? What was that?" I asked.

"Uhh nothing your majesty, I apologize." She bowed.

Ignoring this, I made my way through the hall, the initial shock transformed into a silent acknowledgment of the formidable figure I represented. The nobles, though unaccustomed to my face, couldn't deny the undeniable magnetism that emanated from the newly crowned King.

The messenger from Carabiana, Princess Lara, who was at the center of attention, now found herself ignored by everyone, and her expression proved that she didn't like it either.

With a nod, I signaled for silence, and the room hushed in anticipation. "My nobles, honored guests, and loyal subjects." I began, my voice echoing through the hall. "Tonight marks a pivotal moment in the history of our great kingdom. Princess Lara, the envoy from Carabiana, brings tidings of friendship and the prospect of a powerful alliance."

I paused, allowing the gravity of the moment to settle upon the assembly. Pride swelled within me as I continued. "Our kingdoms, united, shall forge a bond that will withstand the tests of time. But let me be clear, this alliance is not just an agreement on paper. It is a pact of strength, prosperity, and mutual benefit."

Eyes of the nobles fixated on me as I spoke with unwavering conviction. "Carabiana brings resources and knowledge that, combined with our own, will elevate our realms to unparalleled heights. This alliance is not a mere formality, it is a declaration of our collective power, a synergy that will shape the destiny of our people."

I gestured toward Princess Lara acknowledging her presence. "In the days to come, let our merchants trade freely, our scholars exchange wisdom, and our soldiers stand side by side in times of need. Together, we shall not only weather any storm but conquer new horizons. Carabiana and my kingdom, united, will be an unstoppable force."

The hall erupted into applause. With that, I raised my goblet in a toast, sealing the pact that would shape the fate of the dragon kingdom and Carabiana.

'Or that is what everyone thinks now, I was planning on doing it that way, but that princess did a big mistake with me taking me for a fool, and she will regret it. The one who sent her here will regret it too... This is going to be fun.' I tried as hard as I could to not let that creepy smile come out.

The banquet has gone perfectly fine, evryone had a lifetime experience that they would never forget, and after when it ended it was already late at night. The nobles went back to their domains, while Lara slept in the castle with her servant to leave tomorrow.

Waking up then next day, Under the gentle morning sun, I strolled hand in hand with my son Cloud into the royal garden. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, and the soft rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop for our morning. "Where are we going daddy?" He excitedly asked, holding into my hand.

"We will have breakfast in the guarden, just as a form of change. Also the weather is very good, summer ended a few months ago so its a good opportunity to go out." I told him.

"Really? Does this mean I can play with Terania?" He did the puppy eyes technique again, fuck I can't resist it, too op...

"Yeah, if she's there you can play with her. But after that you will have to make more efforts in your studies, deal?" I smiled at him, they are about the same age, she is a little bit older than him, so when she has time, she usually plays with him.

"Yaay! Okay, thank you daddy." He jumped holding my hand.

Sitting in a round summer house, I grinned at Cloud. "Well, my young prince, what do you fancy for breakfast today?"

Cloud's eyes widened with delight as he surveyed the array of pastries and cakes. "Can I have one of those chocolate tarts, Daddy?"

"Of course, Cloud." I chuckled, Blanc serving him a generous slice. "And perhaps a little raspberry tart as well."

As we indulged in our sweet morning feast, I inquired. "How was your sleep, son?"

Cloud beamed, a sprinkle of pastry crumbs on his cheek. "I dreamt of flying on dragons! It was amazing!"

"Ah, the thrill of dragon dreams." I mused, savoring a bite of a honey infused cake. "They say dreams are the realm where our imaginations take flight."

Cloud nodded eagerly, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "I want to be a great king like you daddy, exploring and conquering new lands and having grand castles!"

I tousled his hair affectionately. "You have the heart of a true adventurer, Cloud. But for now, enjoy being a young prince. There's plenty of time for quests and adventures."

As the morning sun cast a golden glow upon us, we continued our breakfast in the open garden, sharing laughter and tales of fantastical dreams. While doing so, four figures came from behind towards us.

"King Nouflex, we have finished what we came here for. We will take our leave now." The princess said holding a rectangular box, with her maid and two guardian mages behind her.



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