
Overlord Swordsman

TECH_PLAYER · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Trial starts!

"The strong rules over the weak, you said right Kim. I am weak, that's the reason I can't do anything", A man lying on blood filled ground mumbled as his limbs were torn apart.

"This is first time you agreed to something that I have said, hahah. Aryan", Kim replied as he lied beside him with an open intestine.

'My name is Aryan and I'm a F class player who is about to die to an attack of a C class monster. i was so happy when i awakened with my friends but didn't expect to die just 5 years later', Aryan thought about his life as he took his last breaths on his death bed.

"Aryan, I have a plan, do you want to join?", Kim asked while breathing heavily.

"We are death's door and you still have something like a plan? Tell me, I will coporate with you for the first time", Aryan replied.

"I will open Space-Time rift with my skill, then you use your most useless skill, 'Detach' to enter the rift, if our luck is great the you may end up regressing", Kim said.

"You know that the success rate is less than getting a god rank talent? And if I don't regress then I will suffer in that space for eternity", Aryan questioned.

"There is nothing else we can do. Do you have any other suggestion?", Kim asked.

".... Ok, let's try it", Aryan said with a pause.

"Skill 'Distenon Crack' ", Kim mumbled and a Space-Time rift opened above them.

"Now it just my work, Skill 'Detach' ", Aryan said and his sould left his body. Aryan then entered the rift while he saw Kim's face.

Aryan didn't use this skill in his entire life as using this skill would me death. Once the skill is used, your sould detaches itself from your body and then the body becomes absolutely vulnerable to outside attacks as even a pinch could kill it's body and the user would end up as a ghost until someone perishes him.

"Ahhhh", Aryan shouted in pain as he was in the rift. After some time the rift finally closed and Aryan was thrown out of the rift.

Aryan could feel that he was in a body, Aryan opened his eyes and slowly got up and came to realise that he was in a bed, after taking a look around he was delighted as he had successfull regressed.

Aryan quickly went to his desk and saw the date and was glad as the date was 29th December 2022. The day prior to his awakening.

On 1 Jan 1950, the tower appeared. Everyone at the age of sixteen and above are awaked on the last day ok the year.

After the awakening all the awakened players go through a trail in which they recive there talent and class.

After the day tower appeared, the world changed significantly, kingdoms emerged, nations United, fought.

At the end there were 5 empires, 27 kingdoms and 15 countries. Aryan was born in one of the kingdoms, the indus kingdom.

"This time I will not lose to others!", Aryan shouted.

"What are you doing now Aryan!", Aryan's mom shouted from the kitchen.

'I will need to control my emotions for now', Aryan thought and said, "Nothing mom".

Every year the trial changes and the only time when players meet in tower are at the trial and the villages at the floors of multiple of 10. For example, 10,20,30,etc.

---20 seconds before awakening ---

Tick.. tock... Tick... Tock..

The clock sound could be heard very clearly as Aryan sat on his bed and waited for the clock to hit 12.




[Congratulations!! You have awakened as a player], sound was heard in Aryan's head.

[Teleporting to the trial, please choose the difficulty]

"Extreme", Aryan said with a smirk.

[Teleporting you to extreme difficulty trial lobby]

[Teleported to 34523582nd lobby of extreme difficulty]

Aryan looked around as soon as he was teleported to find someone he knew but there was no one in sight that he knew.

Aryan was glad as if someone was there then he would have to join his or her party for no reason. Aryan analysed the environment which was a green open forest as he sat down on a boulder.

[The required players have been met]

[Players: 120]

[Generating the theme for trail]

[Survival has been choosen as the theme for the trial]

[Survive in the 50x50 meters area at the spawn]

[Trail objective: survive for 10 days]

[Waring! Safe zone limit has been exceeded!]

[Removing 60 players!]

Aryan was also removed from the safe zone but instead of being sacred or shocked, he was happy.

"It nice, I will not leave a single chance to level up and gain achivement points", Aryan said and ran off into the deeper jungle.

"Is he crazy?! Running into the jungle is just suicide!", People commented.

Aryan looked around the jungle until he found a group of goblins. "Finally you all are here", Aryan mumbled with a wicked smile.

Aryan started following the group of goblins until he finally reached the goblin village. Aryan didn't do anything for a 2 days and just inspected the village.

After 2 days aryan came up with a plan and set fire in the jungle near the village, in just an hour, people and goblins arrived, while they fought, Aryan snuck into the village and entered the village hall.

"The goblin chief should be around here", Aryan said as he skimmed through the hall.

There are chances when the village chief is a mage, and after inspecting the village for 2 days he came to know that the village chief is indeed a mage.

Aryan saw the chief resting on a chair with two goblin soldiers beside him. He then came out of the hall and went at the back where the chief was sitting.

Aryan cut open the cloth which the hall tent was made up of with the 'roughed sword' he recived at the start.

Aryan ran to the chief and slashed his neck with the sword.

[Killed Goblin chief]

[Gained xp!!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Congratulations! You have reached level 5]

[8 attribute points have been awarded]

[Unbelievable achivement!]

[You have killed a boss monster in one strike at level one!]

[5 attribute points have been awarded]

[Title 'one hit is enough'(B) has been awarded]

[Title 'one hit is enough'(B) has been upgraded to 'one hit is enough'(A) for being level one]

[Title: one hit is enough]

[Rank: A]

[Description: 1) Increases all attributes permanently by 10. 2) Increases the first hit damage by 10%]

"Nice this is what I needed", Aryan said as he laughed and dropped his sword.

The guards were alerted and rushed upon Aryan by Aryan grabbed both of their heads by hands and smashed them open on to the ground.

[Gained xp!!]