
Overlord: Rise of Conqueror

Anime et Bandes dessinées
Actuel · 93.8K Affichage
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This is a fanfic of Overlord, where you will see the basic thing, every fanfic does in the beginning, but I push it by involving different pantheons. No Self-Insert, but an OC. I will keep the lore fresh, so you will not see anything you have read before. Even the quests are original and will involve healthy amount of brain. No CHATGPT used. The fanfic will be more inclined towards an intelligent MC as much I can write it properly. And by intelligent I do not mean that I will be decreasing the base intelligence of people but making MC smarter. This fic won't devolve into an MC who f*cks all day. All of the NPC I will make won't be girls and will have healthy number of boys as well. He will kill the girls too and won't make some senseless harem. I repeat, girls will be killed as well. You will realize the truth of it when I begin the volume 2. No SYSTEM. This is all I can say without spoiling you. ************************************************************************************************ If you are the owner of image, tell me and I will remove it. Nothing here belongs to me other than my own OC and quests that I make. Leave power stones.

4 étiquettes
Chapter 1C001

"Hmmm…where am I?" I muttered opening my eyes, finding myself in a white room.


"Junction of the afterlife." Said a voice behind my back.


I snapped in the direction of the voice and found a figure dressed in a wine-red suit, sitting on a lavish sofa with his hand clasped over his knees.


"Tea?" He asked gesturing to me.


"…Yeah…sure." I said, visibly out of my comfort zone.


"Sugar?" He asked, pointing to a cup of tea placed on a saucer.


"No, thanks for asking." I replied, taking up the saucer in my hands.




I took a sip of tea and complimented him.


"It is wonderful."


"Thank you for the praise.

So, are you ready to hear about your situation?" He asked.


"Sure." I replied curtly.


"You are dead."




"When you were taking a nap in your office, you were killed by your most trusted and only friend, who was pressurized to do so by the entirety of nations to steal your technology for themselves.


But when you were killed, due to a contingency devised by you, nuclear blasts happened all around the globe, even the seas, and plummeted the population to zero."


"Oh." I said laid back.


"Your response to the complete annihilation of your species is only 'Oh'?" He asked with intrigue.


"What else should I say?

So many people joined to send me off to the afterlife with so many well wishes. I certainly cannot be angry seeing their devotion.


And why should I feel sad when they reaped what they sowed, hmm?"


I said in a calm tone.


"Pfft, hahahaha.

Good me, in all of my existence, I have never truly met someone like you." He said, bellowing.


"Pleased to know." I said back, finishing my tea.


"This is good, can I have some more?" I said gesturing to the cup.


"Sure." He quipped, and my glass was refilled.


"Thank you.


So, can I ask who are you?" I asked.


"Well, I go by many names. You can call me Blind Idiot.

Or Azathoth if you will." He replied with a grin.


"Pleased to know." I replied.


"Hmmm…you are not scared?" He spoke.


"No, I am not.

I did not venture into this realm by my will. I even doubt that I can just because I wish to.


This means I was brought here by your will.


Also, since my arrival here my conduct has been proper and in a polite manner, and I did not whine or shout regarding my death.


So if despite all of this, you wish to kill me, there is nothing more that I can do."


I said, looking in his eye.


In response to my words, his face broke into a smile.


*Clap Clap*


"Very good, as expected of the one I have chosen.


Now, leaving other matters aside, you may ask me for any number of wishes you want to, under the limit of a universe."


"Hmm…very well then.

My first wish is to be reincarnated in the world of Overlord, 5 years before the game Yggdrasil was made." I said.


"Not any universal level power?

Not a power of God?" Azathoth inquired.


"While I can wish for them, they would not be essentially mine through my own work, leading to a discrepancy in my understanding of them and in skills.


On the other hand, by using Yggdrasil, I will be able to choose any direction of growth I wish to pursue and can work on it by my own accord, hence getting all the things to know about my power through journey.


And you what they say?

A God is defined, not by his power, but by his journey." I spoke.


"Could not have said it better myself.


And as for your wish, it is granted.

Ask away." He added.


"It won't take much of your time.


I wish to be transported and take over my game avatar after the game officially closes.


I wish to have absolute immortality, in the earth where I will live in the beginning, and afterward, I take control over my avatar.


I wish to have an infinite amount of money coming from a source that is explainable.


I wish to be transmigrated as a boy.


I wish to be transmigrated at the age of 22 years.


I wish to have my mental faculties enhanced.


I wish to be transmigrated physically fine.


And that is it for my wishes."


I ended.


"Hmm…good ones.

Very well then, off you go."


And my sight disappeared.




I then opened my eyes, and found myself in a room, with a well-lit high ceiling.


Then I got up from the enormous bed, upon which a seemingly normal box was placed.


I then reached out to open it, inside which there was placed a letter on top of several documents inside the box.


Opening it, I read,


'This box contains all of the identification documents that you will need.


Your well-wisher,

The Blind Idiot.'


After reading it, I placed the letter beside the box and rummaged through it.



After a while, I read through everything, and my information in the present life is as follows.


My name is Raymond Sylvesterus Diluc Rothchilde.

I am 22 years old.

And I am the owner of Rothchilde Industries, which was made by me from ground up.


My company deals in many areas, namely medicine and healthcare, food, military, and sea and space exploration.




I then sit down on my chair and open my PC, to catch up on everything that has happened till now, to get my story straight and fit right in.



It took me about 10 hours to learn everything that has happened from 2024.


And what happened was WW3, chemical war, and nuclear war.


Well, I should not comment on this, seeing that I killed everyone on my planet.


Hmm…also, Yggdrasil is not made and is still in the initial phase of crowdfunding.


'Guess, I need to go to a meeting.'




My buzzer made a very faint sound when I pressed it, which served as a call for my butler.




Who knocked on the door immediately.


"Come in." I said calmly.


And the door opened, and from there came a man who looked to be in his 40s, wearing a classic butler dress.


"Master, you called?" He said, bowing a bit.


"Yes, tell Tristan to arrange a meeting with the developers of a game called Yggdrasil, and call those old relics for a board meeting." I replied, signifying to my secretary Tristan.


"As you wish." Albert bowed and left the room.


'Hmmm…since I have means, I am going to push Yggdrasil beyond Norse Cosmology and delve into other mythos as well.


Also, I need to make new dedicated hardware, specifically for the game itself.


I also have to make sure that the game lasts longer than its previous run, and I am able to hoard more powers as well.


And this process will begin with having developers feed from the palm of my hand.'


And with that thought in mind, I opened up my AI and started to design a new hardware for Yggdrasil.






A knock sounded outside my door, after 1 hour.


"Come in." I said nonchalantly.


"Master Diluc, if I may?" Albert said, opening the door.


"Hmmm…" I said, removing my eyes from the gaming dive hardware I designed, and looked at Albert, beside whom stood Tristan.


"You did what I asked you to?" I asked looking at them, taking an apple from the basket.


"Yes sir. I have contacted the whole DEV team of the game. They are ready for a meeting at your convenience." Tristan said cooly.


"Okay, give them time of 2 hours from now.

And what about the Board?"


I asked, wearing a suit over my shirt.


"They made some noise, but relented to meet after 4 hours." Tristan replied while I signaled Albert to call maids to clean my room.


"Hmm…tell them to wait for 8 hours."


"As you wish." Tristan said.


"Albert, tell the driver to prepare the car. The destination is the main branch of Yggdrasil developers." I said, walking out of the room, with both of them following me.


"It will be done." Saying that Albert, diverted from the main path to call the driver.


Then I turned to look back at Tristan and said, "Let's go."




Soon we were sitting in the car that was driving towards our destination. Midway, I had taken 2 cheeseburgers from one of my branch restaurants.




"Excuse me sir?"


"Ask what is in your mind Tristan." I said, seeing him fidgeting.


"Why the game industry?" He spoke.


"Hmmm…many reasons.


First of all, it is one of the major industries untouched by us.

It has a loyal and vast fan base.

It is a very stable source of income.

And most importantly…"


He brought his head closer.


"…I want to play a good game."


His head went back.


"But if you don't mind me asking, why don't you make one sir?

Surely it will be better than anything available or anyone could make." Tristan asked visibly confused.


"An artist can only admire his masterpiece, not enjoy it."




[Andrew(DEV) POV]


"Everything prepared Eric?"


"For the last time Andrew, I have checked PowerPoint again for the 100th time. Chill out."


"Well, I guess I am sorry if I am trying to make sure that we are completely prepared for the meeting happening with the literally the ruling company of the world with a net worth exceeding trillions of dollars."


I said back to Eric.



Fine, you have a good point, but just calm down.

Right now, you are sweating like a whore in a church."


Masamune pointed out, causing me to touch my forehead drowned in sweat, despite AC being turned on.




I said, wiping my forehead.




"Quick, take seat, they are here." Shouted Sasaki, interrupting Eric.


Then the room was drowned in commotion hearing which, everyone started to take their seat.


Then the door of the room opened and walked in a man with pitch black hair, and wearing a white tuxedo over black pants. Following behind was a person with brown hair, with a file in his hands. Probably his assistant.


Then walking over, he took the seat at the center of table, taking charge.


"Good evening Mr. Rothchilde." I greeted.


"Please, Diluc is fine. Also, he is Tristan." He said with a calm tone while gesturing to his assistant.


"Good evening, Mr. Diluc.

My name is Andrew Chavez, chief developer of the Yggdrasil.

He is Eric Armstrong, the story developer.

He is Masamune Nakiri, head of HR.

And he is Dalton Warden, the head analyst." I introduced the main head of our developing team.


"Nice to meet you. Now let's skip the pleasantries and go to the crux of the matter.

Your game.

I like it.

I love it.

I want to sponsor it."


Diluc said, changing the tone of the room to his musing.


"Of-of course." I said, gesturing to Eric to begin the presentation.


Seeing it, Eric got up from his seat and went to stand in front of the hologram screen that began before showing the logo of Rothchilde Industries, which caused a smirk to break onto Tristan's face.


"Yggdrasil is a game that all of the team has spent their blood and sweat to develop.


It is based on Norse mythology, where players are sent to one of the nine realms of Norse cosmology to begin their journey, with the goal of preventing the destruction of the Yggdrasil world tree.


The main theme that the game symbolizes is freedom.

Freedom to create any character, select any race, and pursue any profession and activity they wish to.


The game will include thousands of spells and weapons, and other masteries. We plan to also have a world boss for each realm, which will need hundreds if not thousands of people to work together to defeat.


Any questions?"


Eric ended.


"Yes, several in fact.


First, is the game going to be free or paid?"


Hearing this, Dalton stood up.


"Game is going to be paid, with 150 Dollars, with an in-built cash shop."


"Change the price to 200 Dollars, and place at limited time 70% off tag on it.


Then, how do you plan to execute the development of the game?

Are you going to release all realms at once, or in patches?

If you are going to release all at once, then how are you going to work on the game in coming years after its release?"


Mr. Diluc said with a calculating tone, while his secretary started to scribble something on his rPad.


"Of course, we plan to release it all the realms at once.

We are going to develop the realms such that they remain fully uncharted all through runtime.

We also plan to create faction wars and introduce class-specific quests and secret one-time missions." I replied.


"Hmm…then what about the hardware requirements of your game?

Is what you are developing, being developed keeping in mind the constraints of the present console limitations?"


"Yes, we are developing keeping in mind not to overload the hardware, and under specification determined by new gen hardware." I replied.


"And what is your market evaluation for the coming 5 years after the games' release and your investment requirement?" He asked, looking at Dalton.


"We expect a net total evaluation of 2 Billion Dollars, and require a total of 600 Million to make the game." Dalton replied.


"Very well then, I will begin now."

Mr. Diluc said getting up from his chair and throwing a cube on the table that split into 4 parts on the table symmetrically and shot up a hologram.


Then he moved his fingers and several pictures appeared.


"First, let's begin with hardware first.

I am going to introduce my own console in the gaming industry with specifications far surpassing anything the present console could give, so can you promise to develop a game, that far surpasses present specifications?"

He said, motioning his fingers, and the specs of his console in comparison appeared on the screen, which was unheard of.


"Impossible." Muttered Anna under her breath.


"Oh dear, you don't know what is possible.

You answer?" He said the last part looking at me.


"Ye-es, we can. We had to curb lots of designs due to technological constraints, but now we can surpass them, though we don't know that we will be able to touch your console's upper ceiling, or even appear anywhere near it."


I answered truthfully, not making any far-fetched promises, knowing the repercussions that we would be met with, if otherwise found untrue.


"I hope so.

Now, let's go to the game itself.


You said that the game will be based on Norse mythology, but why don't you try to expand beyond it and venture into other mythologies?


This can give you more future prospects, and a good lore for future development."


He said looking at Eric.


"Well, we never thought that far…" Eric said sheepishly under his calculating gaze.


"Then I hope that you give it a proper thought.


If I am being honest, I can confidently see your game reigning on the top of the charts for a decade, with 6 years as a darkhorse, and the rest 4 years in constant decline, without my intervention.


But if you were to delve into other mythologies as well, you can introduce players to cultures beyond Norse or Greek, to others that are less talked about.


Aztec, Indian, Egyptian, Abrahamic, and others.


This could make it a game that can last more than 3 decades easily, with proper care, just because of its lore.


Are you willing to work on it?" He asked looking at both me and Eric, while Dalton visibly looked drowned in money.


"Yes, I-we can. We will make sure to." Eric said.


"Good. Congratulations people, you have won yourself an investor that is willing to fund your entire project and more."


Mr. Diluc said which caused our hearts to flutter in joy.


"Now, my conditions.

First of all, I won't give you a measly pocket change. I am going to give you a penny. A penny worth 20 Billion Dollars is to be spent over the span of a decade from now.


And all you have to promise me is that you will earnestly work to make this game.


No, you will transcend it to a level that merely calling it a game won't be enough. You will make a legacy.


Our legacy.


You in it?"


He said, which caused every jaw in the room to drop.


"Hmm…?" He hummed inquisitively.


"YES! I mean yes." Everyone in the room shouted.


"Very well then.


Now, how are you going to handle classes?" He asked.


This time I answered him with much enthusiasm.


"We are going to introduce every class that has ever been talked about in the mythologies in the world."


"Hmm…remove classes from other mythologies for now, and keep only Norse mythology-based classes.


Introduce more subclasses of a single class to work for the gap caused by the removal.


We need something new for every major mythology introduction." He said.




I answered without thinking, happy with what backing we were about to get.


"Also, I will send a person to you to whom you will relay whatever you want in the new console that I am about to make.


Keep in mind to tell the details which will make it more to in direction of your game. Also, the gimmicks you need to." He said looking at Dalton.


"Yes sir." Dalton replied.


"How many personnel do you have? Especially developers." He asked Masamune.


"I will send you the report for all the personnel. And at present, we have total of 50 developers working under us." Masamune replied.


"And this happens to be your only building, right?" He asked Eric.


"Yes, at present this is the only one available to us." Eric replied to his question.


"Hmm…Tristan, hire new personnel for them, assign them a new building in the green zone, and procure the latest equipment for them.


Help them along with their family to shift there too."


"Yes sir."


Green zone?!?


This was a big deal.


In the present world that is riddled with a copious amount of pollution, which only began reducing due to Rothchilde Industries, there exist different zones.


Red zones, where no one could live.


Orange zone, which are soon about to be turned into red zones, are in the process of abandonment.


Yellow zone, where low economic class lives, with conditions to survive.


And Green zones.


Which is only available to the top 1% in the world, which are nearly pollution-free. Hell, they even have real trees there.


Hearing this thing, Anna burst into tears, along with others.


"THANK YOU!!!" Every bellowed.


"No need to thank me.

What I am doing right now is not charity, but merely an investment.

An investment that you have to work to pay off.


This not me being a kind person, but a person who is thinking critically business wise.


I expect your game to be THE GAME.


I have resources, that you are going to spend, to give them back to me with profit.


Now, before ending this meeting, let's decide new name for this game."


Hearing the last part, I added,

"Isn't Yggdrasil decided?"


"Yggdrasil was the name previously when you were focused only on Norse mythology, but seeing the new development, a new name needs to be decided that will dictate the whole series of mythological-based games interconnected.

No need to tell me now. Discuss amongst yourself and tell me later."


"Okay." I nodded at his reasoning.


"So…anybody has any questions?"




"None? Good then.

Tristan, distribute the contracts."


He told his secretary that started to distribute the contract to us. It took us a while to read this…but there was one problem.


"It is too good to be true?" Mr. Diluc quipped, giving us an amused look.


'Is he-'


"Capable of reading mind?

Sadly no. I don't need to as well.


Your expression says it all." He said back.


"Don't you need to add more terms?" I asked, feeling as if something was off.


"It would make sense for you to feel that way, but no, I neither see the need to add something nor to remove something.


The contract essentially offers you full immunity to act as you want to without any bullheaded comment from any board.


You are given free holidays to Rothchilde resorts and islands.


You are given a heavy discount on Rothchilde products.


I will take care of everything regarding the game, from advertising to the distribution of game to every single person.


Events will be held at my expense.


And in return for all of these juicy benefits, you need to make the game as perfectly as possible.


Hiccups are acceptable. Failure is part of the process.


But slacking is not allowed.


Got it?"


He said the last part with so much intensity, that it caused all of us to audibly gulp.




We all nodded reflexively.






"YOU DID WHAT!?!!!!!!"


"Calm down."




"Calm down Pooping."




"That's what I said."








"Both of you calm down."


Interjected Gilmore between Pooping and I.


I mean who names their child that? Was he shat out or something?


Right now I was in a board meeting with less than pleasant people who owned a 1% share of my company and refused to let it go, like some leech.


"But he just splurged all that money on some measly game, instead of the water park project I proposed." Pooping proposed.


"You mean the idea that your son proposed.

The brilliant idea of opening a water park is when people have a hard time finding clean drinking water.

An idea that would bring flak from activists all over the world.

An idea that would bring a nightmare called PR.

That idea?" I said.


"Better than spending in some game. We could have used our money for something more productive instead of throwing it at a game you just happened to like." Pooing threw himself back at me.


I dodged successfully.


"Let me make something very perfectly clear.

The money is mine, not yours." I bit back.


"I own shares in your company." Pooping didn't stopped pooping.


"You own a part of 'a' share.

You own a part of 1%, while own the rest 99%.


And if you wish to threaten me, please by all means sell that share to me at twice the market cost. I will gladly pay the price to get rid of you."




"Po-Pu Ping, calm down." Gilmore interjected.


"And Diluc-"


"It is Mr. Rothchilde for you."



Mr. Rothchilde, he is right. We are part of the company, whether you like it or not.

So, stop splurging money on company projects." Gilmore ended.


"Gilmore, tell me how long has the company been established for?" I asked.


"Huh, 7 years." He replied tiredly.


"And in those 7 years, the company has reached from a no-name group to THE COMPANY, didn't it?"




"And it was because of whom?"


"You." He ended while massaging his head.


"Exactly. So when I say I want to do something, you all have no place to interject, capise?"




And I turned off the hologram, canceling the meeting.


'Ahh…I have to do something about them, it seems.'


"Tristan, call driver to go back to mansion." I said, looking at him.


"Yes sir." Tristan gave a curt reply and took out his phone.




"Master Diluc, what would you like to eat?" Albert asked me when I came back to the mansion.


"Hmm…just send me pasta and sandwiches. Also, I will be in my workshop, so don't disturb or open the door, if I don't answer.

 Leave the food in the dispenser." I said.


"As you wish, Master Diluc." Albert said and skirted away.


I then entered the workshop, that after inputting the biometrics, opened with a ding sound.


Entering it, I placed my suit on a chair and put on my vest.


'Hmm…those board members are too annoying. If I ask them to sell shares, they deny knowing that the value of shares is only going to increase over time.


So, the only way to deal with them is…to deal with them.'


Thinking this, I entered a secret room, surrounded by manual high-tech equipment, with no internet available inside the room.


This room was meant to act as a preventive measure that if by any chance, someone was able to hack inside my server, they wouldn't be able to access any of my research since this room is strictly isolated from the outside.


And the thing I am about to make is a…mind controller.




"Hmm…dear what happened?" asked a busty woman dressed in white to a man wearing a toupee.


"Nothing, that damned Diluc just keeps walking all over us. When I ask for money to invest in a project, he doesn't give any, but he throws money on useless projects like it is nothing." Pu Ping replied.


"I am telling you dad, you should kick him out. Hell…give me money and I will hire a contract killer to take care of him." His son said.


"Oh, will you now?" Whispered a voice from behind them.


They quickly turned back to look at the source of the voice, which they found to be a man with a blue suit and pitch-black hair.


"Diluc, how did you get in?" Said Pu Ping while gritting his teeth.


"It's Mr. Rothchilde for you."


"Huff…it is good that you came…" Pu Ping said, while placing his hand in the vest to take out a gun and pointed it at Diluc.


"…Now be a good boy and sign the contract and handover the company to me, before I end you."


He ended while cocking the gun.


"Has your wife's admirers fucked your brain along with her?" Diluc said giving a condescending look.






In anger, Pu Ping shot three bullets at Diluc, which hit perfectly splattering blood all over the room.


"Now hurry up otherwise I will aim for your head this time instead of your leg." Pu Ping said with a crazed expression on his face.


An expression that died seeing the sizeable hole on Diluc's leg healing and mending itself right before his very eyes, leaving only a hole in his suit and blood marks as a testament to the scuffle that happened.



HOW IS IT POSSIBLE!!!!!" Pu Ping screamed in disbelief, while his wife and son got scared as if seen a ghost.


"I would tell you if I were a villain, but why would I do that since I am the most purest, honest, peace-loving person there exists."


"St-" Pu Ping was about to say something, but a small mechanical thing that resembled a spider was thrown at him, which entered through his nose inside his brain.





"OH MY GOD!!!!!!"


All of the family members had their reaction seeing it, with Pu Ping the one who screamed in pain.


"You!!!!" His son shouted while lunging at Diluc who quickly kicked him with his teeth blown away.




Diluc said coldly, while Pu Ping stopped struggling and mechanically stood up.


All the while, seeing her husband and son in this condition, the wife threw herself at Diluc.


"Please, don't kill me. I will make sure to not tell anyone. I will even help you."


She said quickly ripping all clothes on her body and rubbing herself on Diluc, trying to seduce him.


Seeing it, Diluc put his arms around her naked back and hugged her closer to his body, and played with her butt.


"Will you do something for me?" Diluc asked, whispering into her ear.


"Anything." She said quickly while caressing the crotch of Diluc, all the while smiling inside, thinking that she had escaped the clutches of death.


"Will you die for me?"


And cold water was thrown over her, she immediately heard three large noises.




And there was a hole in her chest along with Diluc's.


Seeing it, she lost her footing and fell on the ground while looking at Diluc with tear-filled eyes, whose wound was healing in front of her in real-time.


"Sab be." She managed to mutter with all of the blood flowing through her mouth.


"Sure." Diluc said taking the gun from Pu Ping's hand and shooting her head.


"There, I helped you in the process of transcending life itself." Diluc said with a warm smile.


"MOM!! I will kill you!!"


"But she is already dead. Can't you see?

Did I kick you too hard?"


Diluc said in a childish tone which infuriated the boy further, who took out his own gun, and emptied it all over Diluc's head, which was disfigured beyond redemption.


Then in front of his eye, Diluc's head mended and was fine as if nothing had happened.


"Yo-You monster." The boy managed to mutter but was then grabbed by his neck by his own father who snapped it.


"Well, it seems there is more use for you than Pooping itself." Diluc said, laughing at his own bad joke.


"Another bites the dust."




In the same pattern over the period of a decade, I killed off every other person from the Board.


Some by a car accident, some by a heart attack, some by a 'natural' disaster, and the rest by some reason or another.


There was a rumor going of black magic, but I buried it by introducing technology that had started to make Red zones into yellow zones, along with my space mission that had started to terraform Mars for human life.


By the end of the year, I was the owner of 100% shares of Rothchilde Industries and had monopolized everything.



Word Count: 5020

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