
Overlord of Matter Deity: Limitless Mana

A regular young man from Earth was struck by a truck on his way home from work. Suddenly, he found himself transmigrated into the body of the heir of a prestigious family in another world. However, he soon discovered that the body he now occupied had no talent whatsoever. Nonetheless, he quickly realized that a person's talent stemmed from their soul. It turned out that he possessed exceptional talent and a unique ability known as Matter Manipulation. Furthermore, he had Limitless Mana, enabling him to perform any action without worrying about depleting his energy. (Warning: This novel contains Gore, Yuri, and Incest. Please read responsibly.) [Please note: English is not my native language. If there are any grammatical or other errors, your understanding is appreciated.]

VTS_Brahmana · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

First Match

"Wind Bullets!" Boreas chanted his spell, launching several dense and concentrated wind bullets toward Azriel.

Using his right index finger like a pistol, Boreas unleashed the wind projectiles.

Quickly, Azriel drew his Hyperion Weaver pistol and aimed at the incoming projectiles. This time, he didn't use any bullets; he merely utilized the pistol as a medium to execute his magic technique.

Employing his Disintegration ability, Azriel broke down the molecular structure of the wind bullets to their smallest particles. In the next instant, he erased all remaining electrons and protons using his atomic structure manipulation skills.

Instantly, all the wind bullets vanished without a trace.

"What!?" shouted Boreas in disbelief, stunned that his wind bullets were neutralized so effortlessly by a mere boy.

"Weak attacks like that won't even scratch me," Azriel said with a hint of arrogance, dusting off his clothes.

"Heh, I won't be provoked by such cheap taunts. But to be honest, I'm quite annoyed now," replied Boreas with a small, dismissive laugh, preparing a new technique.

"Speed Boost!"

Immediately after chanting his spell, Boreas moved with incredible speed towards Azriel. It seemed he was utilizing the wind flow and basic air control to accelerate the air around his feet.

In no time, Boreas was right in front of Azriel, delivering a hard punch enveloped in a tornado-like wind.

"So fast!" Azriel muttered, slightly taken aback by Boreas's swift momentum.

Without much thought, Azriel activated his Energy Manipulation ability to absorb the kinetic energy generated from Boreas's punch using his right palm.

"Damn, what are you!?" Boreas yelled in frustration, quickly retreating.

Growing tired of receiving such weak attacks, Azriel decided to take the initiative. He used his Psychokinesis ability to float in the air and then accelerated forward at high speed.

"What the... ahhh!" Before Boreas could react, he was hit square in the face by a powerful punch, sending him flying several meters backward.

However, Azriel sensed something peculiar when his fist made contact with Boreas's face. "So, you've coated your face with a shield. Nice reflex," Azriel praised, looking down.

"Shit... that was a hell of a punch. Even with Wind Shield, you still managed to cause damage like this. What exactly are you using?" Boreas asked angrily, spitting out blood.

Using the wind to quickly regain his footing, Boreas prepared his next attack, settling into a solid stance.

A bright green light emanated from his right palm. Quickly, Boreas extended his arm forward and began chanting, "Wind Vortex!"

Suddenly, a large vortex of rapidly rotating wind surged toward Azriel.

"So, this is one of the best offensive techniques of wind manipulation magic. Interesting, I wonder how it will fare against plasma!" Azriel said with a broad smile.

Using Psychokinesis, Azriel leaped backward into the air to avoid the impact of the wind vortex.

Azriel halted his movement, floating in mid-air. He swiftly drew his pistol and aimed directly at the vortex.

Azriel absorbed the surrounding gas, channeling it into the chamber of his Hyperion Weaver pistol. Using his Matter Phase Manipulation ability, he transformed the gas into plasma. This technique worked by heating the absorbed gas to the ionization point, where the gas turned into plasma—a state of matter where electrons are separated from atoms, creating a highly energetic mixture of ions and free electrons.

Azriel stabilized the plasma using Energy Manipulation, adjusting the electromagnetic field to contain and control the plasma until it reached its target. He further amplified the energy within the plasma and compressed it to its densest form.

"Plasma Blast," Azriel chanted, firing the compressed plasma bullet with an electromagnetic energy boost.

The plasma bullet shone brightly, enveloped in white light, and streaked forward at near-light speed, leaving a trail of light in its wake. A searing heat radiated from it, distorting the air around it as it traveled.

In an instant, the plasma bullet struck the wind vortex, causing it to explode and dissipate. Simultaneously, a blinding flash of lightning and light occurred, accompanied by thermal energy at an extremely high temperature, approximately 50,000 °C.

In the next moment, a massive shockwave, combined with enormous kinetic energy, created a widespread electromagnetic disturbance.

"Kyaaaaa!!!" the female judges screamed in fear, terrified by the visually horrifying impact in front of them.

"Watch out!!!" some of the men warned those around them, dropping to the floor.

"Everyone, take cover behind the shield I created!!" an elderly man with long white hair shouted to everyone.

The shield created by the elderly man was actually very large and thick. However, he wanted to ensure everyone took proper cover.

"What kind of technique is that? Its impact is so terrifying!!" the elderly man muttered, filled with curiosity.

The thermal energy generated melted all the structures around the arena, and the massive shockwave destroyed everything in a wider area. All electronic equipment nearby, including the arena lights, instantly shattered due to the electromagnetic disturbance.

"Ahh... why did everything turn out like this!? I thought the output was within calculated parameters!" Azriel ruffled his hair in frustration at his miscalculation.

Azriel didn't seem worried at all about his opponent's survival. He noticed someone had used teleportation magic to move Boreas at the right moment.

Azriel activated his Integrated Multispectral Vision to scan the situation after the Plasma Blast execution. He descended to the center of the arena, which was covered in high-temperature molten lava.

Then Azriel activated his Disintegration ability, breaking down all the material and molecular structures of the lava to their smallest particles, dispersing them into the air as harmless energy.

Azriel holstered his pistol and began thinking seriously, "Next, I need to use Molecular Reconstruction to restore the entire arena to its original state," he muttered quietly, focusing a large amount of mana into both palms.

"Commencing restoration process!" Azriel shouted, activating his Molecular Reconstruction ability.

Immediately, creaking sounds filled the arena. The destroyed walls, shattered glass, ruined floors, and all damaged structures were regenerated to their original form.

Because the repair scale was quite extensive, Azriel needed over a minute to restore the entire arena to its original state.

Azriel took a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth. "Finally finished! After that fight, I can clearly understand how to apply my abilities in real combat."

Azriel's newfound understanding of his abilities filled him with confidence. He knew that the next time he faced an opponent, he would be even more prepared.