
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
10 Chs

Chapter 8: The Empire

*Clip!* *Clop!* *Clap!* *Clop!* *Clap!* *Clip!*

Such was the uneven sound that could be heard as a horse swerved on its feet like a drunkard.

Right around him are the laughter and giggling of people watching him traverse the sandy path.

It wasn't long in the middle of his swaying horse did it finally just stopped and lowered itself to the sand.

Artix jumped off of the poor creature and gently rubbed its hair. He casted a healing spell to the horse and gave it some water while casting some cooling spells for the heat.

"I told you Artix, they aren't strong enough to carry us for long periods of time." Momonga said with joy still spilling from him.

"Yeah, yeah... I know you did but, come on. Weren't you at least curious how it feels to ride a horse. A real horse."

Momonga paused a little bit and looked around. There was nothing but sand all around and the hot sun right above them.

As new as the view is, he can't help but think the place nothing compared to what he would see in the Empire.

Sighing in curiousity.... He jumped off of his horse. Taking a few steps to make sure he doesn't sink into the sand. Feeling steady and confident he then removed his gauntlets as he knelt.

At the corner of his eyes he saw Albedo take a step forward and suddenly stop half step. Momonga looked at her for sometime, watching her quivering lips as she bite into them. He could tell she wanted to speak out. To say that his actions were unbecoming. After a few seconds of her just staring at his kneeling self and to the sand and back to him...

Momonga's eyes light up as he saw her step back with a bow and an apologetic smile in her face sent towards him. He broke into a smile of relief seeing it. One which was received with surprise gazing back at him. Her eyes soon watered, having lost what thought was going through his Overseer's head, he returned his attention to the ground instead.

Turning back to the sand, he grasp a handful of it. He crushed it, watching it spill in between his fingers, for a time he simple enjoyed the feeling of it, just running his fingers across them. It was a surreal feeling. Both foreign and welcome.

"....its amazing...."

"I forget sometimes, that this is our reality now..." remarked Hero-Hero as he stepped out of the carriage along with Celestia.

"Well.... If you stopped banging your wife as often as you do, you just might!" said Artix bringing a bit of laughter out of Momonga.

"....dude, not cool. No sex life talk on public!"

Celestia soon joined her son and just ran her fingers across the sand as well.

To everyone else watching, it was a sight of madness. Who after all would enjoy the burning hot sands? This was something so mundane that even their creations could not understand why their creators could take joy in it.

'The woes of being a Supreme Being I guess.'


Arwintar, The Capital of the Empire.

"...it's Rome..."

"Not yet... or you could say not entirely."

"There are still some Western Europe aesthetics in some manors and buildings. You could say that their Roman origin shows more on the infrastructure."

"Those under the Emperor's command, makes sense."

"A beautiful empire indeed." Celestia praised.

Artix then turned to the leader of their escort. "Young man! Tell me! What is life like in the Empire?"

"My Emperor would be pleased to hear your praise, Sir. But alas I am not allowed to answer such questions until such a time as you have been officially granted entry. Nor do you look older than me."

"Oh come now Anoch-san. Its not as if I am asking for state secrets or anything. Simply what its like for you!"

"...It is part of his duty Artix..." interjected Hero-Hero.

"Fine! Fine! I'll let it slide." He smiled ear to ear to Nimble and added. "Besides I already got his word that he would give me answers as soon as we have been given permission to stay in the empire."

Nimble's eyes widened at the realization. His comical look and a bit of sputtering caused Celestia and the others to laugh lightly.

Despite their armed escort, the caravan is at least exhibiting as little tension as it used to.


Nimble couldn't make up his mind regarding this foreigners from an obviously distant land.

'Who the hell dons a full plate of armor made of gold?'

As a knight, he knew that Gold is too soft and too thick to even be considered a proper ingredient in any form of armor. He had initially considered the armor to be coated instead but the way that the light shines and reflected on it made that line of thought doubtful.

That is not even including the rest of the caravan. The twenty four knights they have in their company is well dressed, properly armed and extremely disciplined. There are three maids and an aid of extreme beauty surrounding an ethereal woman they called Lady Celestia.

'an angelic name for an angelic person.... fitting.'

And right next to the giant she addressed as her son are two of the most well armed and dangerous men he had ever met.

The Ranger despite being quiet and aloof is deadlier than any of the Emperor's shadows. A Paladin dressed in black armor and a sword just as menacing. The care free attitude is a mask that much Nimble could tell.

He knew that behind the eyes of these two lies a monster. Beings capable of atrocities he wouldn't dare imagine.

And then their leader. Like a beacon of light amongs the shadows surrounding him. The confidence, the charisma, the Intelligence and the power he exuded drew everyone close.

Such a retinue was way above anyone's capability to truly address and determine and so he was sent to meet them only for him to determine the fact that only the Emperor could address them.

'a potential ally.'

This was what went through Nimble's mind first and foremost. He is privy to knowledge kept from the public after all. If his emperor could secure them as an ally. Then his rule would be stable for the next thousand years.

The people were gathering, gossiping and pointing. He can't blame them. The three stood out, their leader above all else and that wasn't helped with the extravagant carriage surrounded by Knights of Gold and Silver. And then the winged knights of Silver and Black.

'They make the Knights of the Empire look like guards instead of Military men when placed next to them.' Nimble thought with a bit of disappointment and irritation.

The Castle walls soon came into view and he could already make out the forms of his fellow Imperial Knights.

Baziwood Peshmel standing crossarmed and confident as always.

Nazami Enec, towering over even Baziwood himself with his Two shields sat down and his arms fixed on their handle.

And Leinas Rockbruise with her spear held aloft and at the ready at their approach.

Seeing all three of them gave him a slight boost in confidence. 'perhaps this won't be such a hectic day after all.'


Reaching the gates, Artix dismounted like a kid on high smiling at everything he sees. Hero-Hero dismounted nimbly while Momonga dismounted gracefully followed by the rest of their personal forces.

The guards then gasp in surprise as all Horses they had just dismounted from shrunk down into a wooden toy. One they just picked up and pocketed.

From the carriage Momonga helped down his mother and all four woman down. Three of which moved next to the three men though slightly behind.

"*ahem!* Apologies Momonga-dono but your Knights will have to stay here along with your sword. As is the Castle's regulations."

"I understand, Anoch-san. We shall leave them inside the carriage."

"My thanks Momonga-dono."

"Just be warned, these weapons are sentient. Do not touch them. They can be very.... Picky." Artix added as he placed his Necrotic Blade inside. With the guards shivering at the ghostly howls echoing from it. A howl that only vanished once he closed the doors.

Within the castle walked the four of them side by side. Gazing at any that took their attentions.

Though it pales in comparison with Nazarick during their brief visits within the guild. There was no denying that there is a certain charm to the palace they had set their foots in.

"Not bad not bad... No where near as great as our old home but I admit, there is a charm to the place."

The knights didn't know whether to be grateful for the praise or insulted for the comparison.

".... true but then again, nothing compares to the wealth there.... "

..... Insulted then.....

Baziwood bites back. "Hoh? To think such a place exist compared to our mighty Empire. So where is this place located."

"....somewhere beyond your feeble mind could comprehend...."

Artix chuckled at Hero-Hero's snarky response.

"I can understand why you would prefer not to tell. I mean the Empire is known through out every Kingdoms and Nations. It would be embarrassing to compare really."

"...indeed, it makes me wonder if it's all that glorious. Though, seeing as we had only recently heard about it..."

"Hahaha!" laugh Artix.

"Tsk, whatever. I highly doubt your home was as wealthy as you claimed itself to be anyway."

"Does the Empire also have black marble floors with shining jewels embedded into them that makes it look like you were walking above the stars?" asked Momonga.

Seeing the wide eyes and the stunned look from everyone else made him nod in acceptance.

"Then it is settled."

Artix chuckled and lightly elbowed Hero-Hero. "You got reprimanded by daddy." *bonk!* Artix turned while pouting as he rubbed his head only to see an exasperated Yuri Alpha.

He smirked at the woman running his eyes up and down the maid and said. "You'll be punished for that later." Making the poor woman blush.

Reaching the throne room. They were ushered in almost immediately. They were greeted with white marble ceiling, pillars and floors smooth enough to reflect a persons image somewhat, a soft and thick velvet carpet and a simple golden throne sat upon by a blonde young man with deep purples eyes like amethyst.

Beside him stood a old man with a long beard, cloaked in white robes and holding a staff. His eyes were shining, literally, as he looked upon them.

A small announcement was made along with a long string of titles. And when they were expected to kneel, they didn't, they gave instead a simple bow. And nothing else.

"It is customary for foreigners to kneel before the ruling Monarch of the Land."

"We bow to no man, young Emperor." Momonga answered.

"Ah yes of course. I understand. Different cultures means different practices. Still curious as to what sort of Kingdom practices the creation of armors made of Gold."

"A magically enchanted item. A mere replica of my father's finest armor amongs his panoply."

"One of legacy then."

"One of stories, yes."

"Passed from one son to another. Umu, not so different from us after all." Jircniv acquiesced. "I must confess you are rather wise, as expected of a leader. I am sure you already know why you are bought to me."

"Emperor?" asked the old mage.

"Oh relax old man. He already knew. There is nothing to tell that he doesn't suspect already."

"You wanted allies." Momonga confirmed.

"See old man." He then returned to Momonga. "You have the wealth and air of Nobility. The build and aura of a warrior. And the bearings and reputation of a good man. As to knowing why you left Re-Estize so suddenly, it wasn't difficult to tell that you dislike something so greatly that being all cunning and manipulative would have worked badly in my favor."

"You seemed so certain." Momonga humored.

Jircniv smiled at the man's casual remark and answered. "Of course I am, because just like you.... I hate traitors too." Seeing a shared smile between the four people before him soared Jircniv's confidence. "I only ask one thing of you. See my Empire for yourself! See its people and its lands! And should my rule be acceptable to you, so long as you do not desire the destruction of all that I have built. All the we have created and the future we had hoped to strive towards then .....I can be a very great friend to you."

Momonga then walked forward up the steps towards the emperor. The imperial Knights tried to get in between but to their surprise the Emperor was the one to step forward.

Within arms reach of each other, the knights looked on in tense silence as they gripped their weapons ready to react should it be needed. Only to stop when Momonga simply offered his hand which the Emperor readily shook.

"I look forward to what our future would be if there is any in your Empire, your majesty."

Jircniv smiled softly doing his best not to show his gleefulness. After they had seated to a less formal setting was only when he allowed himself to feel triumphant at achieving the first step his goal.

'God-kins, in my Empire!'


"I do not mean to be blunt my lady but if you would idulge my curiosity." stated Jircniv which received a nod from Celestia. "Which is the God? You or your Husband?"

Smiling at the young man, Celestia answered. "Yes your majesty, you are correct."

"I see. Then he is indeed your flesh and blood."

"Yes. Yes he is." she answered with such softness that the bystanders themselves were able to put two and two together. "Beautiful isn't he?" Celestia asked.

'The towering figure of a Demi-God brimming with the full potential of it's predecessors. Natural born Heroes.' "Yes he is my lady."

*Boom!* *Bang!* *Shatter!*

Jircniv watched in silence just like everyone else as waves upon waves of men rushed towards Momonga only to be brutally beaten either down or out of the way.

An entire regiment of 200 men is being culled with such ease it was frightening to see. Trained and fully armed men. Knights of the Empire, reduced to broken splinters of enchanted steel and iron.

Jircniv smiled already imagining the expressions of his Generals currently watching just right behind him.

....and the horrors of the Nobility once they have received wind of what is currently happening.

Jircniv returned his attention to the small arena, he could certainly see the appeal the man has on people. He stands tall like an indomitable wall of power. Capable of straining against the tide, whatever it may be.

'if he can reduce men to that with his bare hands, I can only imagine what a massacre it would be had he drawn a single weapon.'

Hearing someone next time gulp made Jircniv smiled and said. "Now you can see why I was against the four of you joining in on the frey."

"Indeed your majesty." answered Nimble who was sweating profusely. "Hard is it to admit, we would not have added anything at all to any of this aside from another team of broken bones."

"Try not to mix myself up with you huh Nimble." said Baziwood.

"Your sweat pouring off of you says otherwise, you oversized piece of meat."


"Well... That and I have no intention of letting your reputations be questioned nor destroyed in a single demonstration. After this, I want all of you to try and make some form connection with all of them." interrupted Jircniv.

"Should be easy enough, I like that Artix fella." said Baziwood.

"You mean he is as easy going as you?"

"He ain't easy going Nimble. He's just chill."

"That is the same thing!"

"With an uptight attitude like that you'd get along with their leader!"

"Better him than you!"

"What is that smell?" whispered Celestia.

Everyone went rigid trying their best not to look at Leinas who was frantically wiping the left side of her face.

"Excuse me please." she whispered before rushing off as quickly as she could.

"Forgive her my lady. She did not mean anything by it." immediately apologized Jircniv.

"Please your Majesty. I am far from foolish to feel offended over something I myself has yet to understand. But is it something you can explain to me? There was a rather dark tinged to the scent I believe it may be dangerous for her."

"If you would, I would prefer she speaks for herself instead. It is a rather delicate subject. But rest assured, should she refuse to answer, then I shall address your question personally."

"Thank you, your Majesty." *Bam!*

The sound cut through every conversation and one more look at the arena showed that the last night has fallen.

Two hundred armed knights against one shirtless man with his bare hands. The bitter truth was hard to swallow but alas, it was placed right before their eyes.

Cutting through the awed and frightened silence of the crowed was Celestia's joyous claps accompanied by the Emperor and his Imperial Knights.

The generals looked forth and saw their Emperor gazing intently at them. One person clapped, then another and another until all in audience was clapping at his performance. Momonga simply smiled at his mother and walked away headed for the nearest exit.

Seeing her son's departure, Celestia was escorted by the Emperor to meet with her child. On the way she turned to the emperor and handed him a blue scroll tied in green ribbon.

Seeing the questioning look from Jircniv, Celestia explained.

"A one time use Healing Scroll. Fifth Tier: Healing Ward. Once used everyone, and I mean everyone within a ten meter radius from its activation will rapidly regenerate from their injuries. I'd say it would take less than a minute for them to fully recover and would last for five whole minutes. How many you can fit into that circle is entirely up to you."

"It is powerful your majesty. Healing and closing wounds will only take but a few seconds. Regrowing limbs would take about ten."

Jircniv's mind worked it's way into the intricacies, the possibilities and even the implications the single scroll could bring. Coming to a small understanding he couldn't help but ask.

"Tell me my Lady, what would you suggest?"

"If you would allow this old woman her opinion on the matter-" she jested eliciting a small smile from Jircniv. "I would advice giving a chance to your retired veterans or adventurers. Their experience on both the Military and the unknown would be welcome if they could find the strength and reason to live once more."

"True. But there would be too many. It would cause distress to those who did not receive healing simply because they were not chosen."

"Then give them a reason to. I had heard of you, 'merit where it is due not by blood but by one's actions.' This is the foundation of your rule. Use it. Prioritize those who had served your Empire longer than the rest. Reward loyalty and incentivise dedication. This should quell the rage of those who found themselves outside of its circle."

Jircniv smiled at her words. "This are fine words my lady. If I didn't know any better I would think you a woman after my own heart." he said teasingly.

"Hahaha! I'm afraid my son doesn't 'bat for the other team' as the Gods would say." Jircniv looked surprised. "That is right your majesty. This has been a practice he had adopted and performed to the best of his capabilities. A practice that was provided to him by his own two friends."

"It appears there is more common ground between me and your son than I had originally thought my Lady."

"True. He would have crushed you otherwise."

She said those words with such childish innocence and confidence that Jircniv couldn't help but laugh.

To his Imperial Knights. It was such a genuine laughter that they couldn't help but wonder if he is under some form of mind control or something.


Gazef looked towards the door and sighed in relief as he gazed at the adventurer team that had just arrived.

"Blue Rose. Thank you for coming."

"Stronoff-sama." Greeted Lakyus, a young woman with long blonde hair, green eyes, and pink lips that show a healthy gleam contrasting beautifully from her snow like complexion.

"Let's get this noble shenanigans out of the way." Interrupted a short red robes little girl with an ivory mask covering her facial features.

"Evileye..." sighed Laktus.

"She has a point Leader. If that thing we saw flying was anything to go by then it is indeed fucking dangerous." defended one tall woman as wide as Stronoff himself. She has short blonde hair framing her square chiseled jaw. Her looks and form would have been difficult to truly discern her gender had it not been her voice and her breast plate. .



Remarked two female ninjas at the side keeping themselves out of eye view.

"Let's get to the point. You saw a 'monster evolution.'" asked Evileye.

"Yes we did. To be honest, I believe it was already at the brink of 'Evolution' when it encountered us." replied Gazef.

"Fascinating. A handful of people had seen what you did but lacked the credibility you did. To think it could be confirmed with our own eyes."

"We saw the creature fly off east by chance to." Gagaran added. "It should be at the Azerlisia Mountains by now. There would be no point in chasing it all the way over there."

"This creature is dangerous Gagaran you can't expect us to turn it down." said Lakyus with indignation.

"Yes we do." said Evileye. "There is a clan of Frost Dragons, tribes of Frost Giants and Quagoas in those mountains. Not to mention the perils we will have to face just to cross the Forest of Tob." she then looked to Lakyus. "This is not the arena we should be fighting in. Because we will only die."

Lakyus' face burned a bit in embarrassment at being admonished by the her comrade.


"Haha! You just got out voted Lakyus!" declared Gagaran. "Sorry Stronoff, but it seems we will be walking away from this venture after all."

"With how you put it, I don't blame you. But before you leave I must ask you people a question. What do know of Gods that called themselves 'Players'?"

"As a priestess of the Water Temples, I do not find your words amusing Stronoff." scowled Lakyus.

"...who told you this words?" asked Evileye.

"Nigun Grid Luin. I heard you've had an encounter with the man before."

"You lie." remarked the twins.

Seeing the serious stares he received, he decided to spill all that he knew.