
Overlord: My Reign as Ainz

Warning, this fanfic will not be dark and Nazarick will be more or less peaceful. I reincarnated in Overlord 278 days ago (currently after volume 11, after the Dwarven volume), and since then, I have been aligning myself with the canon, making some personal adjustments, and of course, enjoying being a supreme being.

Sr_Angel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

My Reign

It's been almost a year since my arrival in the new world. As an atheist, I didn't expect to reincarnate, and certainly not in an anime, but that's how things turned out. I couldn't remember the last time I went to church, but I ended up reincarnated in one of my favorite isekais.

That's right, I was in the world of Overlord. I was a huge fan of that anime, to the point where I memorized several of Ainz's dialogues, his spells, his items, the dragon lords, and their chronology in the new world. Today, I thank God for that, as it has allowed me to adapt and reach this point.

I had just saved the dwarves from arc 11.

"Ainz-sama, you looked fabulous killing that arrogant dragon, so sexy," sighed Shalltear with love-struck eyes.

"Ahem, thank you, Shalltear," I said. In this timeline, I decided to kill her just like in the canon to earn (even more) respect from the guardians.

But I chose to follow the anime route for two reasons: to help Shalltear grow and to see if I could defeat her with my knowledge of the anime.

The answer was satisfying; I was able to defeat her.

Just like in the canon, this caused Shalltear to lose all self-esteem and seek my approval, making her more cautious.

"You also did a good job," I said, patting the loli, to Aura's envy.

"Ah, Ainz-sama, I..." Shalltear looked at me with a perverted smile. "Ahem, let's continue." We continued, Hejinmal, Aura, Gondo, Shalltear, and I, towards our destination. The current home of the dwarves. "Ainz-sama, I have a question. Why did you spare so many Quagoa?" Aura asked me in a cute but childish tone. "Mmm, at first I thought of killing them until there were only 4000 males, 4000 females, and 2000 children left, but in the end, I decided to kill only half of them," I said, to the fear of the frost dragon and the dwarf. Aura didn't want to ask more, but Gondo, despite his fear, managed to ask me the question.

"If I may, your majesty, why did you spare them?"

After dodging the question, Gondo insisted. It made sense; as a dwarf, he was a staunch enemy of the Quagoa.

"I will move them far from these mountains. Their mining ability is useful for the development of my country, and the survivors will be annexed."

I continued, "I will place them in the Abelion Hills, next to the Slane Theocracy. Let's say I will make the mountains belong to the Quagoa, displacing the other races that inhabit the caves if they do not cooperate. Their mission will be to obtain minerals like lithium, copper, nickel, zinc, graphite, cobalt, etc., and then I will have my new runic blacksmiths experiment with those metals to create inventions," I looked at Gondo. "In summary, they will be extractors and discoverers of raw materials for us. Does that satisfy your curiosity?"

"Y-yes," the nervous dwarf replied.

"Rejoice, as a representative of the dwarves, you are part of the sorcerer kingdom. Inform me if you have any problems with how I manage the dwarves, as there might be things I forget as an undead," I said to ease the tension.

"Thank you, your highness, I will inform you in that case."

"Good," I simply replied. "Now that your doubts have been answered, we need to go to the dwarven capital to meet with the dwarf leaders. Shalltear, prepare a portal for the Quagoa." We went to the dwarven capital and received looks of gratitude from the leaders, except one who was missing. It was the chief craftsman who had fled with the iron ingot, just like in the light novel.

Everything else happened without incident. They apologized for the stolen ingot and thanked me for reclaiming the dwarven capital.

After completing the mission, I returned to Nazarick, received by several NPCs. I ordered them to continue their work while I went to my quarters to rest.

Smooth sailing, just like in the canon.

What's next?

It had been almost a year, and I had barely changed the story except for sparing a few characters I liked and improving the sorcerer kingdom. Everything happened as in the original story: rescuing Carne Village, Momon, rescuing Nferia, Jaldabaoth's attack on Re-Estize's capital, the conquest of E-Rantel, my visit to the Baharuth Empire, and now, my aid to the dwarves.

All these important events occurred just like in the anime.

I know this was uncreative of me, but knowing the supreme ruler who thinks 10000 years ahead of everyone, why would I change anything?

Although there was a point where my conscience, even as an undead, told me to stop.

And those are volumes 12 to 14.

The exterminations of the Holy Kingdom of Roble and then the genocide of Re-Estize were entertaining to read, but now that I am responsible, in my opinion, it's too much. Too much senseless death. As Zanack said, there must be other ways for someone with my power. However, it was concerning. I understood Ainz; he only cared about Nazarick. His undead senses dulled any other feelings. That's happening to me now.

I suspect that my undead state increases my intelligence but consumes my emotions. What should I do? Should I wish to be human? NO, a human would not fit in Nazarick, but a demon would.

Decided, I grabbed a pencil and a pen and drew the form I had in mind. I had practiced drawing for years, so I completed the task relatively easily, drawing all the angles of my character.

Then I took out 'Wish upon a Star' from my inventory and made my wish.

"I wish for a change of skin. I want this form as my new body."

And then I began to glow, hearing a background voice.

"Wish granted."

I touched my new face, testing the new sensations—eyebrows, nose, lips, etc.

I looked in the mirror and noticed I had the same wings as Albedo, two horns, demonic arms, and tattoos on my neck and shoulder, along with elf ears.

As specified in the drawing, I was quite handsome.

Everything was going well until I realized I had made a mistake. I had asked for a change of skin, not a change of race!

I still had the emotional suppressor! That's why I didn't feel happiness when changing my appearance and regaining my D.

Quickly, I took out 'Wish Upon a Star' again, leaving me with two wishes.

"I wish to change emotional suppression to another ability related to my demonic appearance."

Again, I heard a voice, "Wish granted."

Finally, I felt a sense of completeness. I was ecstatic. For the first time in a long time, I felt true happiness.

My emotions were no longer suppressed, and I felt it—tiredness from everything done so far, pride for having fulfilled my role as the supreme being just like in the anime, and affection for the guardians.

I kept admiring my form until I heard a noise of someone knocking on the door.

"My beloved Ainz-sama, it's me," said a sensual voice.