
Overlord: Ghosthood

Imagine being sent to a fictional world where fiction is reality. Where you can take on the fantasy world in your hands and do what you want. However doing what you want requires strength. After being exposed to a nuclear bomb watch how a unfortunate boy with a colonial personality takes a adventure through the Overlord universe. ***************** This is taking place in a alternate universe so everything won’t be the same. I will maybe add a few things of my own. (A/N: This was inspired by two Overlord Fic’s I have been reading lately called 'Overlord: Reborn As An NPC’ and 'Overlord: The Orgin’, I highly recommend you guys read it if you are a fan of the Overlord Series.) Current schedule: Hiatus ***************** Check out my other and more serious work, A Cold-Blooded POV, it’s what I upload everyday.

Month · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Analyzing the Benefits

My breathing abnormally increases as I stare at the window showing the hidden race being unlocked. I finally finished this damn torturing quest. Soon another window opened, asking me to confirm.

[Would Player: Unknown like to change race to Ghost?


I immediately click yes with no hesitation and start the process. The huge pond of my blood that surrounds me start to move up in a circular formation and starts to rotate around me. The fog in the environment also began to come towards me and rotate around me mixing with my blood. Soon the blood mist covers me like a cocoon.

The area around me begins to get much more cold, dropping in temperature. The dirt and sand around me moves on its own drawing a pattern under me with myself in the center. Without to much time spent small ripples begin to form in the air and rocks started to float near me.

After a couple of minutes everything slowed down and returned to normal. The blood mist started to dissipate and the floating rocks dropped back onto the ground like nothing happened. My body is finally revealed showing what appears to be my form which looks to be a cloth like material. In between the openings of the cloth is a radiant glowing light. My eyes glow as well, this makes it to where my eyes are visible through the cloth. An unknown and mysterious mist moves around and through my body. {Image of how it looks here}

[Racial change has been completed.]

[Hidden Quest "Ghosthood" has been completed]


[Level: -10 →Level: -9]

[ HP has risen by 4 ]

[ MP has risen by 5 ]

[ Phy Atk has risen by 2 ]

[ Agility has risen by 4]

[ Mag Atk has risen by 5 ]

[ Mag Def has risen by 3 ]

[ Resist has risen by 4 ]

[ 1 Status Point Acquired ]

Hm? Oh shit! I just realized something. Although my level was pushed down to -10 this also has its benefits. When my levels were demoted my starting stats were also deducted, however it never went below zero which means each time I level up my stats will go up, resulting in me having higher base stats then a regular player at that specific level. For an example, say a normal player starts off with '5 attack' at 'level 0', I start from level -10 which means as I level up 10 times to reach level level 0 my base attack will also grow along with me resulting in me having a higher base stat then a regular player. This extra little boost can be the edge a player would need in a death match battle.

Not just that but the status points I get from these 10 free levels can go into my class build. I was planning on sticking with magic only however with this little boost I can dabble into a weapon master class and boost it close to max level. This race is seriously broken. Although you start off at such a low level this means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Earning exp in YGGDRASIL is probably the easiest thing to do in the game due to its freedom feature. You can basically earn exp doing anything. A grin starts to form on my face subconsciously as I imagine just how strong I will become.

I look at my status once more to confirm that everything is okay and realize that I haven't even created my in game name. I reach and tap my name bar window and a virtual keyboard pops up signaling for me to type my name. As I am about to type my name I stop myself. I should take this seriously, this name will be mine both in game and in the new world. I can't allow myself to choose a lame name.

I want a name that describes me yet also rolls off the tongue nicely. My brain starts to process all of the books I've read in my past life, different names with different meanings run throw my brain swiftly. My eyes are glued to one spot on the ground as i space out to analyze and sort out the names that I could possibly choose.

Hmm. I don't want a name that sounds like a gamer's tag in the games from my past life. I want something real that can carry weight. The name that sticks in my brain is 'Doyle' which means Dark Stranger. While it's not overtly evil in itself, the meaning can suggest dark undertones.

All this analyzing takes only a couple seconds and with no hesitation I choose my name.

[ IGN: Doyle ]

[ Congratulations! You have successfully set your official IGN on YGGDRASIL. ]

[ The start of the Journey ]

- Since you have everything already set up. You can now make a name for yourself. You need something for everyone to remember you.

Quest: Set an IGN for your character( Completed )

[ Level: -9 → Level: -8]

Ha..hahahaha! Just like that two levels are completed. I look around at my surroundings and smile mysteriously. Looks like it's time for the solo leveling.


It's been about three days now in the world of YGGDRASIL. I'm not sure how much time has passed in the real world right now but I'm sure that it's drastically more slow then the in game time. I've been grinding nonstop these three days. With my undead racial trait I don't need nor desire sleep or food. I can efficiently grind without problems. My leveling method has been simple so far. Since I was in the negative levels, I decided not to take any chances with fighting any monsters. Until I hit level 1, I was continuously doing work like collecting herbs and using those herbs to make simple potions. I would do simple things that required no fighting.

However as soon as I touched level 1, I immediately switched up the plan. Swapping my leveling method to fighting and killing monsters. Killing monsters has been the faster method for leveling as any RPG game would be. During this time I've already reached level 21. I haven't encountered any other players yet, but that's to be expected since there are only 1000 players with early access right now. There are different worlds in YGGDRASIL and each of these worlds are as big as a continent in the real world so this is reasonable.

During my grinding I've been focusing mostly on my racial abilities since during mid-game human race players will start to hunt down Heteromorphic race players. This will make leveling the racial abilities very difficult and annoying to grind. It's best to get it out of the way early while I have the chance.

For now though I will focus on power leveling. I can worry about allotting the status skill points later when I'm around level 30 or so.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Anyway Enjoy :)

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