
Overlord - The Fallen One

A 17 years old who got reincarnated into the world of Overlord. -- This novel is the continuation of my other one entitled "Overlord - The Conqueror". DISCLAIMERS: I do not own the anime, manga, light novel,or web novel of overlord. It's owned by Kugane Maruyama.

Phan2m_Ghost · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 13

Biller-san's initial confusion was swiftly swept away as the children's screams pierced the tranquil evening, with their voices rising in a unified squeak of terror, "AHHHHHHHHH!!!"

They bolted towards their homes while their eyes fixed in Biller-san's direction. But he instinctively knew that their fear was not of him. With a quick turn of his head, he sought the source of their alarm.

Instead of the monstrous figure from the children's petrified gaze, Biller-san's eyes landed on a black-haired man standing nonchalantly on the other side of the fence. The man appeared to be a merchant of modest means, evidenced by the empty wagon that sat behind him, its purpose served for the day. He was neither notably tall nor short, but his slim, tanned frame, hinting at a lack of proper nourishment which gave him a somewhat lanky appearance.

The stranger rubbed the back of his head, a gesture that conveyed a sheepish awkwardness, and spoke with a hint of embarrassment coloring his voice. "Uhm, hello. Good evening, sir." His presence was an unexpected contrast to the terror that had just unfolded, leaving Biller-san to grapple with the disconnect between the children's fright and the seemingly harmless figure before him.

Biller-san's surprise registered clearly on his face, the approach of the wagon had escaped his notice entirely. However, he mentally shrugged off the oversight, attributing the lapse to fatigue from the day's labor, which might have dulled his awareness of his surroundings. "O-oh, hello there. What can I help you with?" he asked, recovering his composure.

"Uhm, I've been traveling for a day straight and my stock was already empty. So I was wondering if I could have a cup of water," his gaze lingered on the well as he made his request with voice carrying the strain of his travels.

Observing the man more closely, Biller-san could see the clear signs of dehydration. The traveler's lips were parched, and he seemed to swallow frequently, an attempt to soothe his dry throat.

Biller-san, ever the hospitable villager despite the recent scare, nodded understandingly. "Of course, you can have some water. Just a moment," he responded, turning towards the well to draw a fresh cup for the weary merchant.

As he operated the well, Biller-san was mindful of the village rules. Strangers were not to be granted free entry, but that didn't preclude offering assistance to those in need. It was not uncommon for travelers to pass through, and the well was a source of refreshment for more than just the villagers, but there was something about this man's distinctive black hair that stirred Biller-san's curiosity. It's rare to see someone with that hair color, to the point that he only heard about them from the rumors about the people of the south. So, he stole a glance at the stranger, who waited patiently.

In that brief moment before Biller-san could fully turn his head, the man's lips parted subtly as he uttered a whisper, "[Widen Magic - Life Essence], [Widen Magic - Mana Essence]." The words, barely audible, were laced with an arcane tone, hinting at a knowledge and practice that went beyond the ordinary.

Biller-san might have caught the strange incantation, or perhaps it was lost in the simple sounds of the village evening. Regardless, the encounter had taken on an air of mystery that the mundane request for water had not initially suggested.

The unassuming figure who had asked for a simple cup of water was, in fact, Pandora's Actor. Disguised as a merchant, he had approached this settlement with his mission in mind, and in order to do that he needed to assess the villagers' capabilities. However, his initial attempt to gauge their strength through conventional means had proven fruitless, it turned out that he could not even see their levels.

So, he casted two spells which are designed to reveal the fundamental and easily discerned attributes of any living being, the HP and MP. And with the use of 'Metamagic', [Widen Magic], he increased the area of effect over what the spell normally possesses, allowing him to see all of the villagers'.

There's a high chance the villagers might be protected by spells like [False Data - Life] and [False Data - Mana], which would ordinarily obscure their true nature from prying magical eyes. But it didn't matter to Pandora's Actor since he has the additional effects of the World Item his creator lent him, which allows him to nullify any magic or item-based effects that fabricated false stats.

Upon analyzing the villagers' stats, a wave of surprise washed over Pandora's Actor. '[HP - 0.8] to [HP - 1.3], and no Mana at all? They might as well die from a simple stab in the gut...' he thought, taken aback by the stark vulnerability of these villagers. They were exceedingly delicate in comparison to the inhabitants of Yggdrasil, and this newfound understanding of their fragility underscored the vast gulf between their worlds.

Equipped with the World Item, Pandora's Actor had complete confidence in the accuracy of his assessment. The item ensured that there could be no magical subterfuge or falsification of the villagers' stats.

'... Anyway, it looks like it will be an easier task than I thought. [Charm Person] should suffice to extract all the information they have,' Pandora's Actor concluded in his mind, his thoughts as meticulous and calculated as ever. With this strategy in place, he was ready to proceed, certain that a simple charm spell would enable him to glean whatever knowledge the villagers possessed.

As these thoughts settled in his mind, Pandora's Actor watched as Biller-san approached with a bowl brimming with water, freshly drawn from the village well.

"Here you go," Biller-san said, offering the water with a kind-hearted smile, blissfully unaware of the thoughts swirling in the head of the man before him—a man who was far more than a simple merchant passing by.

The moment Pandora's Actor's fingertips brushed the surface of the earthenware bowl, he murmured another incantation under his breath, "[Charm Person]." The spell, barely louder than a whisper, spread through the air like an unseen force reaching for the unsuspecting Biller-san. Unfortunately, he cannot use 'Metamagic', [Silent Magic], with this type of spell as it needs to be heard to take effect. His skill's limitation also means that he can't stack 2 or more 'Metamagic' with one another.

Biller-san's outstretched hand with the offering of water, faltered mid-air, as if snared by invisible threads. His once warm brown eyes with the simple joy of aiding another, dulled in an instant. A heartbeat later, they ignited with an eerie red glow.

All of the spells Pandora's Actor had previously casted was a feat far beyond the reach of his job classes. Yet, it was made possible through the extraordinary faculties of his racial class, [Greater Doppelganger]. With the skill [Transformation] at his command, Pandora's Actor could channel 80% of the powers of the Supreme Beings, the revered creators of Nazarick, each a master of their own specialty.

Moreover, the skill [Morph], granted by his [Doppelganger] racial class, afforded him the ability to don the guise of any individual he chose. It was more than mere imitation as he could embody the very essence of his chosen form, all while wielding the might of the Supreme Beings' power he had chosen.

As Pandora's Actor feigned sips from the bowl, the water barely disturbing the surface, his spell worked its magic on the hapless Biller-san. Each question was posed with calculated precision without drawing undue attention.

For the span of nearly 20 minutes, he deftly extracted the knowledge he sought, each question unlocking answers like a key turning in a lock. All the while, he maintained the charade of a friendly traveler, engaged in the conversation with a local. This performance was executed with great care, designed to ensure he remained inconspicuous among the villagers who bustled about, each engrossed in their daily tasks, all oblivious to the clandestine operation taking place in their presence.

As dusk began to fall and the shadows stretched across the land, painting the sky in shades of deepening twilight, Pandora's Actor wrapped up his little interrogation. He had successfully extracted the necessary information from the enchanted Biller-san. Maintaining his act as a merchant, he expressed his gratitude to Biller-san and departed from the village.

'Now then,' Pandora's Actor thought, glancing at the forest with a flicker of interest. He directed his wagon toward the trees, ready to uncover new information.