
3 Adventurers

Ainz's room was filled with exquisite furniture, while the floor was laid with a bright red carpet. This vast room was usually draped in a thin veil of silence, and today it was even quieter than normal. The maid who normally attended him here was nowhere to be seen. The only people here were Ainz, Tenz, Albedo and his sword-bearing Death Knight in the corner.

Albedo spoke in a soft, syrupy sweet voice, as though trying to preserve the silence of the room:

"I have a report to deliver. The commander of the Slaine Theocracy's Sunlight Scripture who we captured has been incarcerated in the Frozen Prison. We will extract information from him with the help of the Special Intelligence-Gathering Officer."

"If it's Neuronist, there shouldn't be any problems. However, I want to conduct experiments on the bodies… do you know anything about this?"

"Understood. In addition, we are currently looking through the arms and armor recovered from the men dressed as knights. They do not bear any major enchantments and will be sent to the Treasury after the investigations are concluded."

"...Well, that's the proper way to dispose of them."Said Ainz.

"Finally, I plan to have two Shadow Demons keep an eye on the village. Then, what should we do about Gazef Stronoff?".Enquired Albedo.

"Leave the Warrior-Captain be for now. It is more important that we build a good relationship with that village. We might need their help in the future, so avoid antagonizing them." said Tenz

"Understood. I will take care of it. Thus ends the report."

Ainz turned to look at Albedo as he said, "Well done." The look on her face was slightly different from her usual gentle smile. She seemed particularly happy today.

The reason was the sparkling Ring (of Ainz Ooal Gown) upon her left ring finger, which she caressed lovingly.

Although she could wear the ring anywhere she wanted, it was not hard to tell why she was wearing the ring on that finger.

However Ainz was happy, that she did it, even though they were not your everyday couple, he had accepted her feelings and was quite happy that a beautiful woman such as Albedo felt that way towards him.

Tenz on the other hand simply looked at both of them and smiled on the inside.

several days had passed since the incident between him and Albedo, Ainz accepted her feelings and it was already known throughout the entire tomb that Ainz accepted Albedo as his wife, Tenz had the pleaides and the maids spread the gossip around the entire tomb.

The case of Albedo's rebellion was of course a secret. Everyone was happy, even Shalltear upon hearing the news, especially Cocyutas who was already dreaming of being called 'Uncle' by Ainz and Albedo's child.

"I wonder if Ainz can have kids?. Does his bones contain DNA, In which case what would the kid look like?..hmmm maybe Demiurge can help".

As Tenz was thinking Albedo spoke up again.

"I have sent Aura to the Forest of Tob, she said that nothing that resembles players or their activities have been found as of yet, although i have tasked her to map the forest area closest to the tomb in its entirety."

hm...I understand. Tell Aura and her people to continue carrying out my orders."


A quiet knocking came from the door. Albedo glanced at Ainz's expression, then bowed deeply and headed to the door. After verifying the identity of the visitor, Albedo replied:

"Shalltear seeks an audience."

"Shalltear? That's fine, let her in."

After receiving Tenz's permission to enter, a girl of around fourteen years of age elegantly entered the office.

She wore a black ballroom gown with a bell-like skirt. Her skin was as pale as wax, and her perfectly proportioned face was that of a world class beauty. Her long silver hair swayed as she walked, and her ample bosom, which did not match her age, wobbled mightily with every step that she took.

She was the Guardian of the First to Third Floors, the "True Ancestor," Shalltear Bloodfallen.

"Greetings, Lord Tenz Lord Ainz.

"The same to you, Shalltear. Why have you come to our room today?"

Asked Tenz.

"Naturally, it was to admire your handsome features, lord Tenz."

While there was obviously no expression on Tenz's face, the crimson points of light in his six eyes flared.

At first, he wanted to tell her to dispense with the pleasantries, but Tenz swallowed those words. However, he could see the smile on Albedo's face twisting as she looked upon Shalltear's crimson eyes, whose pupils were slowly filling with arousal.

It was still a smile, and her beauty was not diminished in the slightest, but it was no longer a pleasant expression.

Rather, it resembled the grinning of a demon.

"Then, seeing as you have looked your fill, you may leave, Shalltear. lord Tenz and Lord Ainz and I are currently deciding the future of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Would you mind not interfering with our important work?"

"…It is basic courtesy to greet someone politely before launching into the main issue… aged old hags are so annoying. Could it be they're desperate because they're past their expiry date?"

"…Don't you think that food without an expiry date because it's stuffed full of preservatives is the same as poison? Expired food would be safer compared to that, don't you think?"

"…I'd advise you not to look down on food poisoning. You might get an infection."

"…The important thing is whether it can be eaten, right? Compared to what looks like a large display of food, but the truth is… well, you know what I mean, right?"

"…A food display? You'll die for that, bitch."

"…Now who's the expired goods, hmph."

The looks on the feuding belles before Ainz and Tenz could chill a hundred million year old love.

Ainz decided to speak up before the two of them could no longer hold their impulses back and started ripping into each other.

"That's enough playing around, you two."

Their faces blossomed into beaming smiles as they heard his command. Their previous expressions were gone, and now they were but two innocent, adorable girls.

'Women are really scary… no, it's just these two who are especially scary'…thought both Ainz and Tenz.

"I ask you once more, Shalltear. Do you have anything else for me?" asked Tenz

"Yes. I will be meeting Sebas afterwards in order to fulfill the task set to me. Since I may not be able to return to Nazarick for some time, I came to bid farewell to you before I left."

Ainz and Tenz remembered that he had given her such a task, and nodded.The reason for this task was because both of them agreed that having the guardians sit around and do nothing might be problematic and their maybe strong users of talent that could pose a threat hence sending Shalltear the best PVP NPC was the right choice along with Sebas and Solution.

"I see. Then, Shalltear, take care when accomplishing your task and return home safely.".Said Tenz

"Yes!" she replied in a bright and clear voice.

"Then, you may leave, Shalltear. Also, as you go, tell Narberal or Entoma to send Demiurge over. Tell him I need to discuss contingency plans with him.".Commanded Ainz

"Understood, lord Ainz.".

As Shalltear left Albedo scowled and said"That bitch!, she dared eye my Lord Ainz and even tried to lust after Lord Tenz ..i will kill her".

Ainz simply sighed while Tenz took out an item from his inventory catching the curiosity of both Albedo and Ainz.

"Is that the avatar change kit... don't tell me you are getting rid of your arms?..Does it even work?".

Upon hearing this Albedo looked at Tenz a bit concerned, she didn't want the supreme being much less the man who made her wishes come to fruition to hurt himself but she stood her ground and didn't say anything as she knew this was one of the things the supreme beings did and it was beyond her understanding.

"Ah this already has a custom avatar set in it, i don't know how it will affect me however the item does work, My current form is not at all suitable for outside interaction and the only other way is to use my Trump item which i want to avoid hence i have to try this..".

As he spoke, Demiurge entered the room along with Naberal and Entoma.

"We have arrived as per your summons my lord".

"Demiurge,Entoma and Naberal..i am about to go through a change so watch me carefully".

All of them bowed in agreement and Tenz activated the item, suddenly he was enveloped in a white light and where stood Tenz now stood a new figure.

It was a white mannequin that was wearing the white and gold robe that Tenz was wearing it looked like a human with no face at all and had wings similar to archangel flames behind it, the word best fit for it was plain or clean.

All the NPC except Albedo tensed up but relaxed instantly after hearing the familiar voice of Tenz.

"Hm i can just like before and it seems i can talk as well... moments of legs,wings,hands are all...normal.".

He then looked down and felt his crotch but it was flat no hole no bulge just flat..he wanted to cry but had no expression his voice was even more monotonous than before.

"Lord Tenz Your new form is Glorious, I should say you brim with the elegance of a Supreme being more than ever, this humble servent didn't know that you could do such feats so easily, i am in awe".Said Demiurge with a lot of flattering while the other NPC nodded.

Thank you Demiurge, now shall we proceed with the plans we have.

Next Day.

The Fortress City of E-Rantel stood at the intersection of three borders, those of the Slaine Theocracy, the Baharuth Empire, and the Re-Estize Kingdom. It was so named because it was defended by three layers of walls. The districts enclosed by each concentric circle of the walls were distinctly different from each other.

The outermost district was sometimes used to billet the troops from the Royal Army, and so it was fully furnished with barracks and other military facilities.

The innermost district was the administrative area of the city. In addition, the district also contained storehouses for combat rations. Thus, it was heavily guarded.

Between these two areas was the residential district, where the people of E-Rantel made their homes. This place best fit the image that came to mind when one thought of a city.

There were several plazas here, and the largest of them was called the Central Plaza. It was filled with stalls selling vegetables, spices, and other such commercial products.

Amidst the crowds, the stall owners energetically shouted their sales pitches to the people walking by, while the older women haggled with the merchants as they looked for fresh food. Drawn by fragrant scents, young men purchased skewers of roasted meat which oozed with warm juices.

The rowdy, energetic atmosphere of this place should have lasted until the sun went down. However, it suddenly went silent as a group of figures emerged from a five story building nearby.

Everyone in the plaza froze where they stood, their eyes were drawn to the three of them.

One of these three people was a girl, who looked to be in her late teens. Her tapered eyes gleamed like onyxes, while her thick and lustrous black hair was tied into a ponytail. Her snow white skin shone like pearls in the sun.What drew their attention most was the air of elegance which surrounded her, followed closely by her exotic beauty that would make anyone do a double take. Although the dark brown robe she wore was plain in make, it looked like an opulent dress on her.

The gender of the two besides her where unknown however there Was a clear difference between both of them

One person was sheathed in an intricately engraved suit of full plate armor that was edged in gold. There was no way to see that person's face through the narrow slits of the closed helm which that person wore. A pair of greatswords were visible below that person's flowing red cape, and they looked as impressive as that person's armor.

The other hand the man next to them had a full plate Armor that looked like black dragon scales however the most imposing part of him was the gaint sword behind him.It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.

The onlookers watched the three vanish into the distance, and then immediately began whispering about what they had seen. They did not seem afraid of their arms and armor.

That was because the building the pair had just left was called the "Adventurer's Guild," It was a place that only monster-hunting professionals would visit, so it was hardly strange to see armed people coming out of there. In fact, several other similarly equipped people had left the building in the meantime. Those with keen eyes might have noticed a pair of copper plates hanging around the necks of that pair.

That said, the three of them had drawn all that attention because of the woman's beauty and her partner's magnificent set of full plate.

These where Ainz Naberal and Tenz heading on to go on an adventure.