
Overleveled: Rising to the top with my level up system!(Hiatus)

A 19-year-old young man was living his life alone after his parents passed away. While he was enjoying playing his favorite Vrmmorpg, an unfortunate incident that took his occurred. But instead of being met with infinite darkness upon opening his eyes, he saw the figure of a man looking at him from a throne. {Simple, I'll give you the potential to become the greatest to have ever lived as well as a 'tool' to get there. I believe that is a fair trade, what do you say?} The figure said with a disturbingly wide smile and unmoving eyes as his hand out for the young man. It was at that moment that the young man would make a decision that would completely change his life. I don't own the cover.

Kiony_Fey · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Overleveled system.

Traveling through the seemingly endless void is the transparent body of Nihil, it continued to move in this space until it finally came to a stop and disappeared from the void leaving no signs of having ever been there.

In a white space as infinite looking as the void, various souls are gathered, and some more are slowly appearing. Eventually, the soul of Nihil made its way to this same space.

{Welcome wandering souls, I am Metina, one of the deities responsible for the world known as Iruthra, a world that unlike yours is full of magic and monsters. All of you were summoned here because your lives in your own worlds had come to an end, but your souls held too much potential to simply be abandoned in the void withering away until nothing was left of you. So, we have decided to give you a second chance in our world Iruthra.} Metina calmly explained with a voice that carried a soothing and sweet vibe to it with a warm and welcoming tone that together, made her image look even more divine than it already was.

Metina had a long white dress that was half made of feathers covering from her waist to her torso, her hair was blond and long enough to go slightly below her knees and on it, there is a hairpin with feathers, her hands and arms covered by white long gloves that matched her dress. Her were purple and her breasts were not too big but not too small either, and the same would go for her back assets. On her foot, golden high heels matching her hair and the golden pearl laces on her waist.

Commotion immediately broke out as the various souls present began to look around and try to process the situation they are in.

"What do you died?! No! I didn't die, I just drank a little bit above my usual fill!"

"Yo! Second change? A man's about to d*ck down all em b*tches in this life!"

"Goddess please take me as your servant!"

"Step on me!"

"Nah, sit on my face!"

"Bullsh*t! I didn't die! I refuse to believe that!"

"Guys stop and think for a second, we're obviously being pranked by some crazy TV show or Youtuber!"

"Hell yeah! That isekai life about to start, where do I sign in to get my harem?"

"I mean, if you're going to send people to a new world, at least give us wishes or some kind of cheat ability."

"Did anyone else hear her say monster?! Is this sh*t for real?!"


"It's a dream! It's just a bad dream!"

"Where's my phone?!?!... WTF! How do I post this in my status now?!"

"I know right?! I was just about to take a selfie!"

"Lol, they think they would still have their phones after dying and or getting kidnapped, whatever happened to us."


All kinds of responses were being displayed all over the place, some didn't seem to mind, some were excited about the possibility, some were simping, some were scared to death and didn't want to accept it as reality, and some didn't even seem to understand what kind of situation they are in.

(So, this is the so-called Goddess, Metina, huh? I would say she's like a solid 8/10, I've seen better at the store near my house.) Nihil was calm and as soon as he got consciousness and heard the Goddess and her introduction, he had his priorities and checked her out, only to be disappointed that she wasn't as unimaginable beautiful as it was said, goddesses were in so many novels and so on.

{you know, she's pretty standard for a Goddess, there's much better out there.} A voice responded to Nihil's thoughts.

Nihil turned his face and he saw.

(What the hell are you doing here? Didn't we literally just kill you or something?) Nihil was surprised.

{Don't be like that Nihil baby boy, I tried to kill yesterday and I'm your friend today, you have to let go of the past. Also, you didn't kill me, you weakened me and absorbed most of me, the little bit that escaped is probably already started a plan to rise in the Omniverse already. While I'm stuck here with you.} Lucius said with his ever-smug expression and tone full of frivolousness.

(For the love of my sanity, you're worse than a cockroach.) Nihil said in his mind.

{Ouch, that hurts my feelings dear, you can't go on and be rude for no reason, honey.} Lucius despite his words didn't seem to be affected and rather looked amused by the situation.

Nihil rolled his eyes and then, (Hepha? Is there a way to get rid of this guy?)

{If I were you, I wouldn't count on that. Let's just say that my lovely wife Hepha will be out of commission for a while.} Lucius responded instead.

(What did you do to her?) Nihil inquired.

{Would it still be a surprise if I told you?} Lucius asked in response.

Nihil didn't try to insist and instead was silent in contemplation.

{I imagine you are all curious as to how things will proceed from here on, to put it simply, since Iruthra is a very dangerous world in comparison to your old one, you will all be given new bodies fitting your souls and be sent to the Dungeon of nurturing, Lalitkala. Where you will face monsters and a harsh environment to strengthen yourselves, but worry not, if you die you will simply be sent to Iruthra, though I would recommend you to stay alive and get as strong as possible before getting to Iruthra.

Those who manage to finish the dungeon will gain the status of True heroes as long as they complete the last trial and if they fail they will only be heroes, while those that make it at least halfway through will qualify to gain the status of heroes.

Now, I assume you must be confused as to how exactly doing something like this will make you stronger, well, in the world of Iruthra we are a part of the system that exists in almost all of the Omniverse, and all the sentient beings are classified by that system through the voice of the Omniverse. So, similarly to how it was depicted in your human video games, you will have levels, skills, and maybe even magic, in the end, it will depend on you and how much effort you are willing to put into getting stronger for your own good.} Metina explained with her voice reaching every soul present directly into their 'minds'.

This new piece of information caused all types of reactions from all the souls.

"It seems the time for me to be the protagonist has finally come."

"No! I refuse! Send us back!"

"It's just like N.T.R. Online, this is gonna be easy!"

"I was born for this moment, though it is a pity I didn't get to meet Truck-kun, I will still take this chance."

"Are you all insane?! We are all gonna die!"

"If nothing can be done about it, I would at least have access to more information for better chances of survival."

"I've read about this kind of sh*t happening way too much to not know what to do, now I just gotta look for the protagonist looking, Japanese guy."

"Ok everyone, our best chances lay in strength in numbers, so let's form teams and build a base of sorts for the good of everyone."

"I just hope I get cheat abilities, if I don't I'll definitely die."


Many of the people present were familiar with this kind of scenario to varying degrees and most just hoped to get some kind of cheat ability that saves them and even maybe makes it so that they can be the protagonists of this story.

{She's almost convincing, I would give her performance a 4/10, what do you think, sunny boy?}

(I think you should stop talking to me, and what's with the random way you're addressing me?)

{What? Would you rather I called you Nihil-san or something like that? Cause that would be pretty pitiful.}


You know what? Just keep doing what you're doing.)

{Thought so, sweetie.}

As Lucius and Nihil are having a conversation, Metina once again began speaking.

{You will all have 3 hours to prepare yourselves and familiarize with your new bodies and abilities. Once that is over, the dungeon will open, and your first trial in your new life will start. I hope to one meet you again as heroes, the best of luck to you all.}

This time, once she was done talking, everyone began disappearing from the White space until there was nobody but Metina herself left.

{This time there were a few actually interesting ones, don't you think, Mety.} A new voice made itself known as it began to communicate with Metina.

{I do agree that some actually seemed to have true hero potential, as it was expected when an influx of souls like this one happened, there were 1000 of them, after all, but there was an unusually weak soul among all the candidates, it was at the weakest stage of the mortal soul rank, I don't understand how such a soul could even get here, also, I warned you not to call me that! Why must you always be a bastard, Sicleus?} Metina's mannerism changed from how it was when the souls were present and she no had an odd air of benevolence.

{I saw that one too, but despite being the weakest soul it not only had a soul bond, it also seemed to have some kind of familiar or spiritual being with it. Its soul is definitely that weak duo to those, which makes me wonder how strong it was before to be able to handle that.}

{Don't exaggerate, even a mortal soul can handle it if it has enough willpower.}

{That only applies to normal circumstances, but that soul had a soul-bonded weapon that seemed to have at least the potential to be an Artifact rank item and a familiar that seemed to be a spiritual being of at least Ascendant rank.}

{Is that so? If your judgment isn't off, then we're going to get someone worthy of making into an Apostle. This might be the cause of the first bloodbath among the Deities of Iruthra in centuries.}

{Hahaha! That would definitely be entertaining to watch.}

{You speak as if this didn't involve you.}

{And it doesn't, They can try to fight me if they want. We already know the outcome.}

{You're too arrogant at times, I hope this doesn't come back to bite you.}

{Ohh, so gloomy, it's almost hard to believe you were chosen to take care of welcoming possible heroes to our world, it would be nicer if you actually smiled like you do when you welcome them.}

{Shut up! Work is work and my personality has nothing to do with it, if you want a woman to give you smiles and attention, Delaxia is always available to the public.}

{No thank you, that woman is too terrifying. As an ex-mortal man, I can't possibly get involved with someone like her.}

{What? Are you afraid she'll take your masculinity away? PFFF-Hahahaha!} Metina started laughing and Sicleus didn't say anything in response.


A rather large cave room with a smooth floor and rough ceiling and wall, those same walls are covered in shiny moss that lights up the place even if only dimly. At the end of the cave room, there is a huge door that could let about 60 people pass at the same time without any inconvenience.

The previously 1000 souls were now appearing with physical bodies that Metina had said would match their soul, all kinds of humanoids appeared one after the other, none of them exactly monsters, but many of them half-human, with characteristics of various animals now being a part of them. Some got an additional pair of ears and a tail, others got more drastic changes such as fur and a more animalistic look, something that those familiar with some of the typical fantasy stories would call Beastmen or even demi-humans, all kinds of cases could be found around some even getting parts of sea creatures.

"What the hell is this?!"

"Did she turn us into monsters?!"

"This is disgusting! Turn me back!"

"I'm finally a catgirl! How I longed for this moment!!"

"Please let me pat you just a bit."

"No, that's creepy, and my ears and tail feel weird if you touch them..."

"I don't know, I kinda like this, even my goods got upgraded, I could get used to this."

"Could you guys not be so loud? I can hear everything..."

"You're bothered with hearing! I can hear and smell everything! You guys are disgusting!"

"Hahaha! I'm finally a true Furry, kneel before Siverfox!"

Just as before, all kinds of reactions could be seen from people, some adapting better than others.

Among all of them, there is a young man with grey skin, his silver platinum hair, silver eyes, a black jacket with multiple zippers and a redshirt under it, blackish swag pants, his shoes being black runner shoes, a chain wrapped and attached to each of his arms, as well as fingerless gloves on each hand.

(These hands... So, I really become Nihil?... At this point, I guess nothing is too absurd to be thrown out of the realm of possibility.) Nihil finally came to acknowledge his situation in a faction and ease that most wouldn't.

(I guess I should start by checking my status and abilities if what Metina said about this world having a game-like system is to be trusted.) Nihil concluded.


As Nihil called the commanded in the same faction he would have done in N.T.R. Online, something he didn't expect popped up.

[Overleveled system activated. Commencing the soul synchronization process.....






Process complete! Welcome to Iruthra, Host.]

Just like that, a purple floating window appeared right before Nihil and began a process before he could even say anything.

(A system? Like in one of those crazy novels I read back on earth?... How do I even have a system?) Nihil was mostly just confused about the origin of this system right now rather than anything else.

[Resport. The system is a product of the chain of unusual events the host has experienced. First, the Host's soul fused with a virtual avatar, and the system connected to said avatar, which was the base for the system, that together with the host's desire to "Be the highest leveled individual" worked as the outline, then later, the host came in contact with an immense amount of energy that activated and fueled the system, from then on the system has been working with the energy to stabilize the host and fully merge with the host at the same time, but then the host's soul was pulled out of the Void and the system had to use energy to prevent the corrosion of the host's soul, which resulted in the system requiring to enter sleep mode to recover energy.

Not very long ago, the host received a new influx of energy which the system used to finally complete the merging process with the host when you activated the system just now.] The system responded to Nihil's question immediately.

(So, what you're saying is that when I 'died' in the game, not only did I fuse with the character Nihil, but I also with a part of the game's system which became your body?...

Even if something that absurd happened, how could my soul fuse with a virtual character in the first place?) Nihil was genuinely confused, surprised, and baffled at how illogical the whole situation was.

[That is only possible because, under the system that governs the Omniverse, the mind is seen as the gateway to the soul, this meaning that something directly connected to the mind, similarly to how the 'game' the host was playing was, it will be indirectly connected to the soul.]

(So, my mind is just a one-way corridor to my soul?)

[Report. Precisely, it is so as the soul can not naturally leave the body through the mind.]

(Ok, that still sounds like something a lunatic would come up with to explain creating a cult, but at this point, I'll take any explanation for this madness.)

Nihil took a deep breath and let it sink in.

{Did you go crazy already, Hun-bun? I must say I didn't expect you to start talking to yourself this early on, I'm a bit disappointed.} Lucius said with the same smug smile and playful tone.

(And here I hoped you died or something.) Nihil answered with a deadpan expression and a tone that carried actual disappointment.

{Oh please, I'm not that bad, sugar. You'll get used to me in no time.}

Nihil decided that ignoring Lucius would be the only way for him to keep what he thinks is what's left of his sanity after this whole 'reincarnation' process.

(System, what can you do?) Nihil posed the question he's been waiting on from the moment he heard he has a system.

[Report. The system has various functions, namely:




4-World link(Uses-0/1)

5-Update(0/10,000-Not available)]

(I see, show me my status.)



Name: Nihil Asfet

Sex: Male

Species: Nihility eater(Gluttonous humanoid Voidling)

Bloodline: Fasetis, Chaos Djinn

Physique: Infinity survivor

Soul type: Fate reader

Soul Rank: Mortal

Age: 19(Irrelevant)

Titles: None

Affinities: Chaos, Order, Void, Space, Time, Life, Death

Level: 0(1)

Condition: Good

Combat Attributes:

Hp: 5/5(60/60) Mp: 10/10(120/120)

Str: 0.1 (11.1)

Vit: 0.1 (11.1)

Int: 0.1 (11.1)

Wis: 0.1

Mnd: 0.1

Agi: 0.1 (11.1)

Au: 0

Extra attributes:

Political power: I

Demonic power: I

Divine power: I

Spiritual power: I


Dignity: I

Charm: C

Dex: I

Recovery speed: EX

Reaction speed: I

Magic: None

Arts: None


-Active: <Shapeshift(Common)>

-Passive: <Truesight>, <Eye of Fate(Unique)>, <Gluttony(Unique)>

Resistances: Magic resistance

Extras: Fasetis Sigil]

[Game(Earth) status:

Name: Nihil Asfet

Sex: Male

Race: Grey skin

Titles: Progenitor player

Level: 1

Class: Chain user

Sub-class: Improvised-Fighter

Affinities: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Darkness, Light, Wood, Ice, metal, Lighting

Hp: 55/55(60/60) Mp: 110/110(120/120)

Str: 11 (11.1)

Vit: 11 (11.1)

Int: 11 (11.1)

Agi: 11 (11.1)

Stat points:0

Drop attributes:

Plants: E

Animals: E

Minerals: E

Magic: E

Miscellaneous: E

Luck: E

Magic: None


Skill points:0

-Active: <Chain strike>

-Passive: <Chain mastery.Lv-1>

Resistances: None

Extras: Player's blessing(readjusted)

Inventory: Empty]

(Why do I have two status screens?) Nihil asked.

[Report. That is the main function of the Overleveled system, for each new world the host visits, it will be possible to acquire a new status screen instead of letting the new one somewhat overwrite the old one. Thanks to that, the level cap of each world will become almost meaningless before the host, thus making you, Overleveled.]


Author's note:

Yo Everynyan it's a me, the author, here to thank you for giving my novel a chance. I hope you liked it and added it to your library.

So, I'm hoping that those who appreciate this story will support me with power stones(if you feel it's worth it), or by leaving comments and reviews.

Thanks for the views and appreciate ya'll!

Lucius: Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, Never gonna run around and desert you, Never gonna make you cry, Never gonna say goodbye, Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you!

Nihil: I hate you.

Lucius: I love you too, sunshine! Cause, We're no strangers to love, You know the rules and so do I-.

Nihil: If you don't stop, I'll off myself to stop you!

Thanks for reading!

Kiony_Feycreators' thoughts