
Start of a problem

Mark heard a knocking sound from his door.

He just woke up and was curious as to why someone would bother him considering he literally knew nobody else other than the boss and his beggar colleagues. He stood up and went to the bathroom to pee and wash his face. He then checked who's on the door. But what he saw scared him.

Those guys who beat him up! Ever since the day of him awakening part of his memories, he never saw them again, but now they showed up!

'How did they find out where I live? Wait, they must have forgotten about me now, right? It was so long ago!'

"Hehehe, look at who was crying for food back then, you look healthy now, huh. Never thought of meeting you again." Said one of the guys. There are now 7 guys standing by his door and they look buff as hell.

"Wha What do you want?" Asked warily of Mark while he slowly and silently back off from the door, reaching out for the doorknob, readying himself to close the door just in case something happens.

"Well, you see, we are one of the 'protectors' of this area, 'ya know? And in exchange for some 'protecting' we have to do, we simply ask for 2 silvers each month, pretty cheap, isn't? Now give us the money!" The guy who beat him up before spoke really loudly.

This revelation shook Mark so much.

"I-I only get 145 coppers per day, I earn 4 silvers and 235 coppers per month, That's barely enough for food and shelter, I have no way of paying!"

Mark was indeed saying the truth. He only ever eats one steamed bun per day, the prices range from 35 coppers to 80 coppers, but it leaves you full for more than 12 hours. He can hardly save money for clothes!

"I don't care how you pay us, but we want our money now!" said another guy.

Mark was scared by them, but after a few moments he said,"I don't need your protection, I barely know anyone, I never offended anyone, no one would probably beat me up."

But before he could close the door, a thick hand stopped the door's path. Mark could hear someone shouting,"Hey, teach him some morals."

A burly man barged into his apartment and held his shirt and pulled him outside, shoving him on the floor. The fall made such a loud thud that it caused his neighbors to step out of their apartment.

A man then kicked his stomach which made Mark moan in pain, his head and feet lifted up from the recoil of the impact. But the guys are not done beating him up yet. Two men then picked him up and held him by his hands and restrained him. Another man then punched his chest, another then kicked his back, while another kicked his groins.

Mark was in so much pain that his moans turned to loud howls and grunts and he shouted help to his neighbors. But when he looked at some of his neighbors, he saw eyes of mockery and disdain, eyes of disgust.

"Such a poor guy can't even dish out 2 silvers, he should be thankful for these scumbags not killig him already." Mark heard his neighbor say. He was immediately saddened. Enduring all the punches and kicks he recieved, he looked at his neighbor's eyes with plead, yet all his neighbor did was go inside of his apartment.

"Nobody cares for you little wimpy kid. You should go back to your mother and drink your milk and wipe your face for spilling it!" Shouted om of the guys beating him up.

Mark recieved another blow to his stomach which made him puke blood out of his mouth. This made him angry, angry of these guys for beating him up and angry of himself not having the power to fight back.

He believed that he should have the power to fight, not resigned by fate to be killed by this disgusting people. He believe that he has the power to defeat his enemies in front of him, and he mustered up his courage from his beaten up body and yelled,"Stop!"

The guys were shocked at his voice as they were stunned for a little because the voice were just so piercing.

Mark then said slowly,

"Who gave you the right to beat me up? Who gave you the right to force an innocent man to pay for something he did not buy? You have power yet you use it to please yourself! I believe that power must be granted to whoever does good! I believe that the strong should protect the weak, not use their power to do evil! I believe that the power to defeat evil will be given to those who want to destroy it. I believe that I have the power to do it, and I shall use it to destroy the likes of you!"

Mark then suddenly flicked his numb arms and pushed the people holding him, and they were forced to the ground. Mark then took a stride the nearest gangster and immediately punched him, causing him pain which made him growl and lay on the floor. He then did this to the remaining four gangsters and pushed them to the floor. Mark then said to them,"Scram! And don't ever let me see you again!"

The gangsters hurriedly left the scene and only Mark was left.

He was glowing. Something has happend to him to acquire this power. Yet that glow slowly dimmed until it was gone. And Mark's whole body became numb and he lay on the floor. He was feeling extreme tiredness, and slowly went to sleep.

He won't be going to work today.

Its a glimpse of his power!

Heyyy, Bubbles here... I have set up a ******* acc... So you know, if anybody wants to support me, you can go to my *******. Just search AngryBubbles and you'll see me.

Not like anybody would support me... hahaha... who cares?



AngryBubblecreators' thoughts