
Guild Hall Reception

How is she? How come you got entangled with this bad Vampire?" Maribel asked, genuinely curious and unaware of the tension between them.


Elysia is silent, clear pain in her expression as she hears this red-haired woman talk about her deceased mother.

Her expression quickly crumbled, and she grew colder as she heard the mention of her deceased mother. She started giving off a murderous mana, but Vecna was quick to calm her down, stroking her silver hair gently.

"Now, now. Look what you've done, you've made her remember all that suffering. You're really foolish if you can't put together the pieces of information," Vecna said, trying to soothe Elysia.

"She's with me, an Elven inside the Saharan Empire. You can imagine the next parts, especially as a 'variant' to those humans," Vecna added, trying to shift the focus away from the painful topic.

Maribel realized her mistake and quickly apologized, "Uhh. My apologies, young girl, for prying too deep."

"Shut up! One more word, and I'll blast an arrow in your skull," snapped Elysia, her anger still simmering.

Vecna's presence and soothing voice helped Elysia calm down. "It's alright. You have me now. I promised that I'll help you get revenge on everyone that wronged you. She might look human, but deep down lives a Dwarf," he reassured her.

"The Dwarfs are no different from the Elves in their relation with the Empire," Vecna added, addressing Maribel's question.

Biting her own lip, Elysia calmed down, nodding at Maribel as if to acknowledge her. "I wish the circumstances were different. But I hope we'll get... along, miss Maribel."

"Ahh. Of course. It's not like I'll bother you two too much. This lady only needs a base to start working on her projects, and you'll hardly hear from me."

Things settled down in the sense that Elysia and Maribel reached peace, however, the slight disturbance to the rest of the players was a fact.

Thus without bothering himself to respond to any dumb question coming from the watching players, he tells the girls they have to get going.

"Elysia, we'll be on the move starting today. We've got a letter to deliver, and maybe from there we'll get some action, instead of playing around with those Training Dummies."

"It wouldn't be dangerous? What if those Guards spot me?"

"Then, I'll just have to kill them."

Vecna's reply was cold and matter-of-fact, revealing his ruthless nature without a hint of remorse. Elysia and Maribel exchanged glances, both understanding that they were in the company of a vampire.

Elysia's expression turned serious. She was the first one that wanted to stab her slender hands inside the hearts of those Corrupted Guards, but with her newfound calm, this feeling was suppressed.

Delivering the letter was one thing, a banal request from old Alistar, but the potential danger of encountering one of the Corrupted Guards who might recognize her face could not be ignored.

She knew Vecna was more than capable of dealing with any threats that came their way, but she didn't want to draw unnecessary attention.

"Vecna, killing the guards might not be the best course of action," Elysia suggested, her voice calm and measured. "Once you kill one, you'll alert the other Guards, and stir up the hive of poisonous wasps."

"You have a point." Vecna agrees, "Drawing attention won't do us any good. Let's avoid unnecessary trouble." His tone softens slightly, showing that he is willing to listen to Elysia's counsel.

"If we encounter them, keep quiet and let me speak. However, if they want to hear you just tell them you're outlanders. Immortals Cursed by the Gods."

As Vecna, Elysia, and Maribel left Alistar's Training Ground, the players partaking in their Basic Warrior Initiation Quest couldn't help but wonder who the enigmatic man was, walking alongside the two strikingly beautiful women. Their gazes followed the trio as they stepped out of the training ground and into the busy streets of Valoria City.

Whispers filled the air, and curious glances were directed at Vecna. Some players nudged their companions, pointing towards the trio, while others openly stared in awe and jealousy. The news spread like wildfire among the players, speculating about the identity and level of the man who had the company of such mesmerizing women.

"Who is he? I've never seen him before."

"He must be a high-level player. Look at his gear and those crimson eyes!"

"Maybe he's a powerful NPC or even a game developer in disguise."

"Did you see that? He just stroked the silver-haired babe that was about to kill us, and she didn't seem to mind!"

"He's definitely someone important. We should keep an eye on him and see what quests he's doing?"

"Only if you want to get killed."

"Meh, I got nothing better to do. Who wants to follow me?"

"Ahhh, we're losing them. Come guys follow me. For BEAUTY!"

The trio seemed to walk with an air of confidence, not paying much attention to the whispers around them. Maribel looked around curiously, taking in the bustling city with its lively NPCs and players going about their quests and adventures.

She couldn't help herself but make occasional remarks about the architecture of Valoria City and how it differed from how she knew Valoria to be in the past.

"It's been a long time. I last saw this city when it was being reconstructed by Kohm from him destroying half of it in a clash with The Immortal Duke."

It was a stark contrast to the world she had known, having been away from society for hundreds of years.

"It pains me to say. But, yes. Valoria City has changed a lot over the years. Now is the Seat of the Saharan Princess. Duchess Basara." mentioned Elysia coldly as if she had an enmity against this Princess.

Doing so, she gave an insight into the lore of Valoria City, which intrigued Vecna, who walked at a slow pace to adjust himself to the girl's pace.

The girls expected him to join their discussion, but they had already got used to his indifference. He listened with a detached air, his crimson eyes scanning the surroundings while his mind focused on the task at hand.

As they walked, Maribel's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't help but ask Elysia about her experiences as an Elven Princess.

"Tell me, Elysia, if it doesn't upset you. How long has it been since Silvermoon fell to Saharan? I imagine it must have pained you a lot and caused you unimaginable pain." Maribel inquired, still curious about the fate of her past acquaintances as Empress of Talima.

"Six Months. And I'll rather restrain myself from talking about it."

"I understand your wish. However, do you mind talking about this brute?"

Vecna's eyebrow raised when he heard Maribel label him as a "brute", but this time he listened intently to their conversation.

'Is she still butthurt about me destroying her Automatons? I already paid you with interest by making you my Blood Servant.'

"What do you want to know?"

"You haven't told me how you got entangled with this guy."

"He is the one who set me free, rescuing me from the clutches of those monstrous humans who only know Greed and Corruption. Since then… Let's say he changed my life in more ways than one."

"I can taste the breath of freedom, but also pursue my revenge."

Vecna glanced at Elysia, his crimson eyes softening for a moment. He had freed her from the constraints of her NPC role and brought her into a new life as a Blood Servant. Initially his intent was to assure himself a source of sustenance, so he wouldn't go mad into a Hunger Frenzy like in the past.

It was a decision he had not regretted.

Maribel listened intently, understanding the significance of Vecna's actions. She had lived through centuries of life as a Dwarf Empress, and she knew the value of freedom and choice.

"It's truly remarkable. Our circumstances are similar, but … I was forced into this deal." she remarked, giving Vecna a nod of acknowledgment, but her green eyes still stared coldly at him.

As they continued their journey, the trio found themselves approaching the Guild Halls of Valoria City.

The Guild Hall of Valoria City stood tall and majestic, a symbol of power and unity among the adventurers and players of the realm.

Its exterior was a grand sight to behold, crafted with a mix of ancient stone and intricate wooden carvings. Towering archways marked the entrance, adorned with ornate engravings depicting epic battles and heroic deeds of adventurers who had once passed through its gates.

Massive banners hung from the walls, proudly displaying the insignias of the various guilds that called this place their home. The flags fluttered in the wind, representing the unity and strength of the adventurers who banded together for a common purpose.

Gargoyles and stone guardians perched atop the roof, keeping a watchful eye over the entrance. These stone creatures, carved with intricate details, served both as decorations and as protectors, warding off any potential threats to the guild members within.

Slowly the trio approached the entrance.

They could see players milling about, some deep in discussion, others showing off their hard-earned equipment and achievements. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and camaraderie, making it evident that this was a place where adventurers from all walks of life came together to pursue their dreams.

As they neared the Guild Halls, Vecna's indifferent persona remained unchanged, even as Maribel continued to share her observations and thoughts about him and the world around them.

He listened with a detached air, his crimson eyes scanning the surroundings while his mind was racing with controlling the flow of information his Vampiric Senses were generating.

This was one of the main reasons he remained silent as the girls were engaging in a lively discussion about magic and alchemy. He had to concentrate and control his powers.

Still, he was relieved that the two women seemed to bond over a shared interest, settling aside any previous tensions.

Maribel couldn't help but notice Vecna's stoic demeanor and amused herself by trying to provoke a reaction from him. "You know, Vecna, I can't help but find it intriguing how you carry yourself. The way you act so indifferent, yet there's a sense of power and authority that surrounds you," she remarked, her eyes studying him closely.

He heard her, but he was listening to another interesting discussion of a group of players.

#(Voice 1): We've got some clues about the Rare Dungeon outside of Valoria City. That old NPC Toric is cheap at sharing information about what interests us players. But, the clues I got from clearing out the mobs surrounding Valoria is this.

#(Voice 1): The Valley of Death, it hosts an Elite Camp of Orcs that pushed down the Travian Mountains. We might get more information after we clear that Camp.

#(Voice 2): Might find the Dungeon inside this location.

#(Voice 3): Worth a try. I'm in.

'Interesting. There was a location like Valley of Death when I chatted with the Miners, but the level of those mobs is 120+. I wouldn't have adventured previously on such locations, and instead kept along with the NPCs in their convoys.'

"See, he's really a prick. From the first time I met him, he looked down on me. He even threatened me in such a barbarian way when facing my servants."

"Pardon? I wasn't focused on what you said. Can you repeat?"

"Hmph, I lost interest."

Elysia, familiar with Vecna's vampire nature, smiled, knowing that despite his indifference, Vecna took pride in his vampiric abilities. And even if he gave the impression he wasn't listening, in fact, he was listening.

She tried that on him when taking his lunch break, and her theory was right. He was multitasking at all times.

"It's true. Vecna's strength and skill as a vampire are unmatched. He's a force to be reckoned with." Elysia chimed in, defending her master's reputation, albeit playfully.

Vecna merely raised an eyebrow at their comments, not willing to give away too much. "You're both exaggerating." he replied nonchalantly. "I am what I am, and I do what I must to survive in this world."

Maribel chuckled, amused by his response. "Sure, sure. You don't have to be so modest. It's clear that you're not an ordinary person. The fact you defeated an Archdemon, speaks for it."

Elysia, who heard for the first time the exploits of Vecna inside the Suppression Chamber, apart from the measly destruction of Maribel's Automatons, had a look of surprise and shock.

'Have I heard it wrong? Did she say he defeated an Archdemon?'

Vecna's lips curled into a small smirk. "Perhaps." he said cryptically.

As they entered the bustling Guild Halls, the trio attracted even more attention from the players and NPCs inside.

Upon entering the Guild Hall, the grandeur and liveliness of the place only amplified. The interior was vast and spacious, with high ceilings and grand chandeliers casting a warm glow over the adventurers below. The walls were adorned with tapestries and murals, each depicting legendary quests and conquests that had been achieved by the guild's members.

In the center of the Guild Hall, a massive quest board stood tall, filled with an array of parchment quests that players could undertake. The board was surrounded by players eager to choose their next adventure, with their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

As the trio made their way through the Guild Hall, players glanced curiously at them, recognizing Vecna's crimson eyes and noting the company of the enchanting Elysia and the mysterious Maribel.

Whispers followed in their wake as players speculated about the newcomers and the adventures they might embark upon.

Maribel couldn't help but revel in the attention they received. "Looks like we've become the center of attention," she mused, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Vecna, unbothered by the scrutiny, continued walking with a calm and composed demeanor. "It's to be expected," he replied coolly. "People are naturally drawn to those who stand out."

Elysia nodded in agreement, but she couldn't help but sense the hidden pleasure Vecna took in being the center of attention. Despite his indifferent facade, she knew that he enjoyed the admiration and respect he received from others.

The Guild Hall was a hive of activity filled with players and NPCs collaborating, socializing, and exchanging information about quests and adventures. Each corner of the hall seemed to hold a different story, and the energy was palpable.

Players with badges of different colors according to their ranking, from bronze to gold, proudly displayed on their chests mingled with those who were yet to prove their worth. Eager quest seekers lined up near the bulletin boards, examining the available tasks, while others discussed strategies and formed parties for upcoming quests.

Vecna led Elysia and Maribel confidently through the crowd, his commanding presence making way for them without the need to say a word. The atmosphere around him emanated his Blood Mana, warning low-level players not to cross paths with him or his companions.

As they approached one of the receptionists, a young boy about 16 years old with a bored expression, the chatter among the players quieted. All eyes were on Vecna and the two striking women as they stood before the reception desk.

As they approached the reception area, the young NPC receptionist looked up in surprise at the sight of Vecna and his companions. The youngster's eyes widened at the imposing figure of Vecna and the striking beauty of Elysia and Maribel.

"I was sent to pass this letter to the Guild Master." Vecna said indifferently, handing over the letter to the young receptionist.

The receptionist's eyes widened in awe and nervousness. It was evident that he was intimidated by Vecna's presence and the prestigious company he kept.

"Yes? Ohh, a letter? From whom would the letter be?" the receptionist asked, trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite the obvious nervousness.

"The old man from the rundown training ground." Vecna replied, amused by the receptionist's reaction.

"Ahhh, that demon sent requests from us again? Can't the Goddess Smite him? Always making me run errands to the Garrison and inquire about defected tools," the receptionist complained, rubbing the back of his head.

"Whenever I complain, I get beaten by old Toric," he added with a sigh.

Vecna listened with mild amusement, not really interested in the receptionist's complaints.

"Not interested, brat. Just deliver the letter to your Leader. Actually. Come, show me around," Vecna said, his indifference clear in his tone.

The young receptionist, still intimidated, stammered, "Can't do, sir. I can deliver the letter, but it depends on the Leader if he would see you."

"Alright. Then get going," Vecna replied nonchalantly, dismissing the receptionist with a wave of his hand.

As the receptionist scurried away with the letter, Vecna, Elysia, and Maribel were left in the bustling Guild Hall, surrounded by the excitement of adventurers and the potential for grand quests and epic battles.

Vecna's crimson eyes scanned the crowd, and his mind was already brimming with ideas for new challenges to conquer and secrets to uncover.

After receiving Vecna's letter, the receptionist's curiosity got the better of him.

"Just a peek. It wouldn't hurt anyone for that crazy old man to send someone so dangerous looking."

He couldn't resist the temptation to peek at its contents, even though he knew it was against the rules. With furtive glances around the busy Guild Hall to make sure no one was watching, he quickly skimmed through the letter.

The words on the page intrigued him, and his eyes widened as he read about the requests and demands Alistar had made. It was unlike any other letter he had seen before, and the content made no sense to the youngster.

'Ahh shit. What if someone saw me?'

'Bah, I'm the next Star of the Guild Hall. Hehe, this is great. That guy will for sure get screwed by old Toric.'

Feeling a mix of excitement and fear, the receptionist hurriedly folded the letter and tucked it into his pocket. He knew that he couldn't keep the letter to himself, the Guild Leader needed to see it immediately.

With hesitant steps, he left his post at the reception window and made his way toward the staircase that led to the second floor.

The second floor of the Guild Hall was less crowded than the ground floor, with fewer players milling about. The receptionist's heart pounded in his chest as he ascended the staircase and approached the door to the Guild Leader's office. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, before knocking on the door.

"Grampa Toric. I got a letter from that crazy old … I mean, from Mister Alistar of the Training Grounds." the receptionist announced, trying to sound professional despite his racing thoughts.

The door creaked open, and the receptionist was met with the sight of an elder wearing aristocratic clothes. The man exuded an air of sophistication and refinement, his style of dress in line with the fashion of the Saharan Empire.

He had a distinguished appearance, with silver hair neatly combed and a pair of intelligent eyes peering over the rim of a book.

"Hmm? I told you to knock on the door before coming inside. What's with that look as if someone kicked you in the nuts," the Guild Leader remarked, setting aside his book and fixing his gaze on the receptionist.

"You got a letter, old man!" the receptionist blurted out.

"I heard you. Let me take a look at what that fool wants from us again," the Guild Leader replied with a hint of amusement, holding out his hand to receive the letter.

The receptionist eagerly handed over the letter, feeling a mix of pride and apprehension. He knew that this encounter could earn him some respect from the powerful Guild Leader or, conversely, land him in trouble for snooping.

Taking the letter with a flourish, the Guild Leader opened it with practiced ease. His eyes scanned the contents, and a wide grin spread across his face as he read Alistar's requests.

"Hahaha. Don't tell me, he finally found the one he was looking for so long?" the Guild Leader chuckled, his amusement evident.

"Yorn, go back and invite the man who delivered the letter. Also, before leaving. What's your first impression of the man?" the Guild Leader, Yorn, asked the receptionist.

"He's not human." Yorn replied without hesitation.

Toric raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Hmm. What do you mean?" he inquired.

"He has the eyes of a predatory beast, crimson eyes. Also, he has the features of a hero, and even got inside the Guild with the company of two smoking hot girls. One cloaked but her face was visible, and another with red hair like cherries." the receptionist elaborated.

"Alright, stop getting into details as if you're a beggar. I'll smack you next time you do this. Go and invite our guests." said the elder with a playful warning.

"Is it bad?" asked Yorn, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Not for you, but for that guy." replied Toric, his grin widening.


Extra chap, as promised.

Morpheus146creators' thoughts