
Stalking the Key


The Beelzebub family, one of the notorious families of the New World, is known for their fast-food chain all over the city, when it came to the food they were the family to talk to, also blessed with one of the curse eyes the

(暴食の目 Bōshoku no me) Eye of Gluttony, the head family had a tomoe shape of a fly in the middle of their eyes, with the head of the family, Lord Beel Beelzebub sat angrily cursing his son for his insolent "You lost the girl and hid it, if it wasn't for Nick I wouldn't know of such thing"

"I am sorry Father, I didn't want you to be disappointed," His son told him, but the angered man spoke with sheer anger "You don't know what you've done, the old branch was attacked because of your stupid behaviour"

"A-Atack, which fools would attack the family !?" Asked Beel Jr.

"It was only one man" The leader would state, shocking the whole room Naamah would jump up she was the youngest daughter of the family "One man! that's impossible Father"

"The old branch has some of the best fighters in the family, how could a mere man attack and succeed," Beel Jr asked his father, the man remained calm as he told his children to calm down "There a lot of lore that history doesn't teach," He told his children as they both listen with widen eyes "You see the Major family wasn't always the top family, we were once just slave of the demon kind, offspring of demon kings and mortal women until one day we were liberated by a warrior"

"The Demon Slayer" Beel Jr mumbled under his breath, Father would continue "He defeated the kings and in return freed us, he asked for nothing but a haven for him and his beloved, he taught us the fundamentals of our gifts we got from the kings, he thought us how to be true leaders and to build a civilization but in the end, we were still humans and fear the Demon slayer, so our forefathers turn against him, and made a deal with the gods chichi caused the war we all know as the Grand War, in the end, we almost lost but the Demon Slayer wife died, with her last words she told the Slayer to spare them as they know what have they done"

Beel children both sat in shock not knowing of the history of the Ur city, even so, that their ancestors were once slaves and would turn their back on someone who saved them,

"It's a sad story Father, but how does that fit with our current situation" Beel's son asked when his sister smacked him on the back of the head "Isn't it obvious, The Demon Slayer is still alive"

Beel would nod when screaming was heard alongside the loud explosion, grabbing the three attention "What was that?" Beel Jr asked looking at the door, which was kicked open by the two guards that stood guarding it.

"Who the fuck are you?" Beel Jr asked as Anu walked out from the smoke, his face nonchalant his hands in his pant pockets "I need a word with you Beel"

But Beel's impulsive son would move off his eyes symbol would glow bright red, launching an attack at Anu, who easily dodged him, and knocked him out with a simple chop to the neck putting him to sleep.

"Don't your kids have any courtesy?" Anu asked, Beel would order his daughter to leave and take her brother with her, leaving the two men alone.

"What do you want Anu, I thought we had a deal"

Anu sat down before Beel as he started to rise off the couch panicking "PLEASE! don't harm me!" He began to beg "Stop it Beel begging doesn't suit you, I'm here to ask a question that's all" Anu gave a serious face, something that was out of his normal character "Dinah Hanzo, what the deal with her" hearing that name Beel said "I know no such name" he would begin to scream in pain has his right hand would snap "Argh" Anu sighed "Don't lie to me" Beel would give in "She's the key!!" He yelled out, this made Anu look changed for a short second "Key?"

"Y-Yes, when she was born, her mother sealed the map inside her"

"Map to where?" Anu interrogates, hesitant to answer, Anu makes Beel's other hand snap as he growls out in pain finally revealing where the map leads "Himavanta, The map shows the way to Himavanta" Beel cried, Anu sat thinking before he got up, about to leave "Stay away from from the girl, you and your low life colleagues, shes under the protection of the Demon Slayer" Anu spoke before snapping his finger, he was gone and Beel was back in his seat free from all injuries.

"Are you ok father?" Beel Jr asked, as his kids were in front of him like nothing had happened "Yeah Dad you just froze up in the middle of the story" Naamah told her father, who was still scared for his life he quickly calmed down and played it off "Thats enough chattering for the day, I have to go meet with the Pride family" he quickly excuses himself.


On her way back, Dinah kept vigilant still in fear of her capture again, while still confused about the whole situation, she wondered what was the whole conversation about with Anu, Themis and Aqua, as she walked she didn't know she was being tailed by a stalker watching her every move, finally stopping watching the girl enter the old looking hotel, the stalker would smirk showing sharp vampire-like fangs.


The Wrath family is the second most powerful family in the world. Famous for their production of great warriors, blessed with the 怒りの目 Ikarino-me (Eye of Wrath).

The leader of the Wrath family, Takeshi Satan, sat on his throne, alongside his beautiful wife Hiyu a very attractive woman with hair of tall crimson hair in contrast to her husband who had a lighter tint of red hair her eyes were of pink with a symbol shaped like a lion roaring, her husband eyes was purple with the same design.

Before them kneeled a servant "My lord I've received a request from the Gluttony family"

"Beel, what does that slob want now?" Takeshi asked with a dark and serious demeanour, the man continued "He said he requested an important meeting of all families, also he said the Slayer is back"

Hearing those words shocked Takeshi, his eyes widened in sheer surprise "When will that meeting happen?" Takeshi asked the servant who answered "The message states tonight at the royal office"

"Very well, get my car ready and alert Jeeli he will be accompanying us there" the man rose from his knee "Yes my lord" Before leaving, Takeshi's eyes were slightly fearful, being a ruler of a family he was thought of as the history of the Demon slayer as it has been the tale that was passed down every generation.

"Who is this Slayer?" Hiyu asked, "An old Aly of the families" he lied, Hiyu didn't believe her husband as she noticed the fear in his eyes something she had never seen before "OK with that said I shall travel with you" but her husband refused "No you stay home, this meeting is only for the head of the families"

"Very well my love" Hiyu easily agreed with her husband "My sister is visiting today from the Draco branch, I will go prepare for her arrival" She rose from her throne walking off before looking back at her now fear-stricken husband "And Hun, please come back in one piece" hearing those words shocked the king but he knew she could see his fear through his eyes one of the quirks of the Curse Eyes, he watched his beloved leave the throne room.

Clinching his fist in rage "What have you done now Beel"


The spy that was watching Dinah stood on top of a building still waiting for orders from her superior "I have an eye on the target, I am ready whenever you give the go-ahead"

But the earpiece would instantly short out, bursting apart, shocking the female "Stalking is what the special forces doing nowadays" frightening the girl as she turned, she saw Mars "Who are you?" She asked going for an attack she sent a barrage of kicks and punches which the old man would easily evade, her blows "You are a feisty one" he would easily hit her back with a palm strike to the forehead, this would almost make her trip of the building but Mars grabbed her by the shirt "Now we have some serious business to attend" He smiled, but the stubborn girl would make a flip and try to kick Mars, but he was too fast for her dodging the kick by an inch he smiled "Do you want to continue" but the girl would only power up with an aura surrounding her she would toss a knife at Mars and moved off behind it Mars was able to catch the knife inches from his face but in the process slicing his hand, the girl would leap up in the air and return down with a leg kick, her attack was going to be disastrous but Mars manage to use his other hand and stop the strike but was hit through the roof falling downstairs on a table destroying it.

The girl was about to flee the scene before Mar's return to fight, but she was unable to move as she tried she coughed up blood falling to her knee, "What the fuck?" Mars came from the rubble with a few scratches leaping back on the roof and standing before the paralysed girl "You thought you could escape that easily" the girl groaned in pain "W-what have you done to me"

"It's a technique I picked up from an old friend called the Chakra block palm strike"

"W-what do you want" she coughed up more blood "I want to know what business you have with Miss Hanzo" Enrage still the girl said "F-Fuck yo..." passing out before she could finish.

Mars sigh looking back at the damage "Master Anu going to be upset"