

Julian lived a life which can only be dreaming of by the other, he as the only child of the successful businessman, which make everything that he wants for is always been fulfilled by his family, Julian attends public school, where he meets his friend, in the beginning, he has many conflicts with the other kids, but because of Julian good nature and pure personality, he often helps his other friend so he became close to them, and slowly he is pampered by the other, and befriend them from elementary to high school.

because of that Julian didn't understand how wicked the world is, he always is spoiled and protected by his family and friend never truly experience the world.

but the world starts to change, the rift suddenly appear from the sky, and the beast pouring out from it and attacking the people in the city, many people died in this disaster, fortunately for Julian, the government and his father already know about this disaster would happen and build a shelter in the biggest city in each province, and Julian father becomes one of the people who have power in the shelter.

Julian awaken his immortality ability 5 days after the disaster, even though this ability can prevent him from death but his ability didn't give him any fighting ability, he fighting ability is only as weak as normal people, so he didn't help much in the fight again the beast, Julian friend who has the fighting ability like fire controller and body strengthening ability be the one who protects him, but the beast raid comes after 3 months and destroyed his shelter.

all of Julian friend is dead, his parent is dead and many people in the shelter is death, Julian alone survives the disaster because of his ability, after he loneliness, he finds the other survivor, and join them.

but after they've been unlucky to find a large amount of beast, and trapped in the building without food, eventually the survivor attacking him and make him as the source of their food, they cut Julian flesh and ate him.

after a few days when they find the beast start to gather around the building because of blood, they throw Julian body as bait and run away leaving Julian behind, Julian only wish is he can dead right now, his power is like a curse who tormenting him, he wishes for the power to fight in this apocalypse so he can protect himself and hate the weakness he has.


in earth 2020, Bryan is a normal high school student, when he didn't have anything to do in his house, he concentrates his focus in his head and feels why does he like there's an empty feeling in the upper center in his head? so he focuses there and feels like something prevent him and he feels hurt in his head like a needles stab him there, Bryan keep the focus on there and after a few minutes he hears something break in his head and he feels weird, he tries to punch with his right hand but his hand didn't move but he feels like he moves it, he then realizes his hand move in very low speed.

then he tries to speed up his hand move but it feels so heavy, it's like he pushes a heavy object but didn't touch anything and his hand feels empty.

he hears the heartbeat, it's beating very slow but each beating sound very loud, and a current can be feels run through his hand, Bryan forces his hand to move faster, his muscle is bulging and feel a little hurt like he heavy lifting 20 times, and after a while when his hand fully punch the force comes from his hand and pull his body, Bryan trying to pull his hand to prevent to stabilize his body, it's as if he caught a flying iron ball, after a while, he stabilizes his body.

Bryan's head is hurt, like when he focus to answer hard exam for 2 hours, his head is hot, and when his sight starts to blurry the 'bullet time' like state his experience is over.

Bryan then fall asleep, after he wakes up he feels his right-hand muscle is hurt like what he feels when he weight lifting for a long time in the gyms, Bryan then test power in different think like running, fight, study, etc. and he finally understands how this state works.

first, in a normal state when you move, you didn't have enough time to channel more energy in your hand and your legs, with a little energy your hand is already moving, and the more strong muscle you have the more energy you can channel but still there a limit of energy you can gather before you can move, and when your muscle move you will not have time to channel more energy, except if you didn't punch in full strength, but in the 'bullet time' like the state you can channel more energy even when your hand is already moving because your perception is several time faster than normal and of course if you channel more energy your punch is like a raging bull and hard to control, you need more energy to stop the punch or you will lose your balance, moreover your muscle will have to work several time harder than normal which let have muscle soreness.

second, it's hard to use in a fight if your not truly adapted to the state, because your sense of speed will be in chaos, so if you want to shoot people with a gun you will have a hard time to shoot, because your hand will not steady, and you instinctively move like in normal speed hope your punch or shoot arrive in moving target in flash like a normal time but your body moves slowly like that target and by the time you finished your punch or shoot you the target already move to pass it.

it's hard to dodge the punch too because you can't control the strength you want to use like in normal state, so most of the time you will lose your balance and it's harder to dodge when you lose your balance.

third, you maybe can see the bullet trajectory but you can't dodge it, because the bullet speed looks like a bike while your speed looks like a snail so it's so hard to dodge the bullet.

fourth, your memory and thinking speed is several times more than normal, you can remember everything you read once but you can only read a few pages and your head will feel full like you read several books.

fifth, there's 1 out of 10 chance you success, 9 out of 10 you will pass out.

Bryan try to enter that state over and over again, until he addicted to it, after 2-3 month he starts to feel the side effect of the state, he often loses focus, his vision will suddenly turn black, he often didn't understand what the other said even though he hear it clearly, his hand often move suddenly without bryan command, and bryan will find himself fall into hallucination.

which caused his accident and make him lose his life, in his death bed bryan wish for an unbreakable body, so he can use that state at will.

julian and bryan wish is connected and bryan find himself in julian body, part of julian soul fuse with bryan soul which gave bryan all julian experience in his life.