

I had a living family and a awesome best friend, do you want to know what happened to them?

I killed them.

Kidding, so serious.

I was framed, falsely accused, and sent to prison for life.

By the time I was old technology had improved and I was proven innocent as they had found the killer.

Unfortunately it had been 50 years and I had grown old and wrinkly, I had given up on life, I eventually came across of anime and then fanfiction, I would be obsessed with them and watch it everyday.

Until I was put into a coma from the corona virus and died.

When I woke up I woke up to a strange line that had tones of people following over the people were transparent?

it is safe to say that I was not alive an began to wait until I got up and I saw a old bald man with a president Abraham style beard. he was wearing a white robe with golden stars all across of it. O figured this must be God.

I stared

"Ah I see, a rare case soul 19999999 it is not your time yet, you have not lived in this universe, You will have to be reborn do you accept."

"What would I do if I don't accept?" asked curiously.

"You will have to be sent to your universe, and be judged according to your deeds." he answered

I nodded "Very well, I accept."

He smiled and stamped a paper and my sights went black.

The next thing you know I woke up with a notification pop up saying.

[Welcome to the world of Dragonball, your name is son Goku, you will get the notification every time you go to another world, a bloodline will be added with each world you go to. The skill world travel you have is cuter fly locked, however. because you have this power you are able to survive unlocking all energies in existence am I understood?]



I stared at nothing for a moment before my eyes widened in realization, wait did it say son Goku?

that was when all of a sudden I blinked and I was finally able to take a look around.

Everything seemed so...animated. I not only that but I seemed to be covered in, bandages from head to toe. I felt weird I should say.

"Oh thank goodness your up."

My neck snapped towards the voice and my eyes widened again this time in recognition and awe.

Son Gohan.