
Outdated Love

(A sensible and strong heroine*intellectually vacant hero, the cremation ground of the chase for his wife) Meng Xiao had never imagined that the people she was once close to could deceive her so profoundly. She helped him pay off his debts, funded his education, and took on three jobs at the same time, only to accidentally discover that he came from a wealthy family, one of the richest second-generation rich kids in the city. They all laughed at her, a countrified orphan, now nothing more than plaything at the hands of the young master, left with nothing left of her own self. In this vulgar story, Yang Yi was powerful and influential, and Meng Xiao was powerless against him, she couldn't afford to provoke him and had no choice but to give up and accept her fate. But when she let go, Yang Yi did the opposite. He wouldn't let go and exploited Meng Xiao's vulnerabilities, forcing her into marriage. She thought he might have changed, that he could become her rock, only to find out that his deceit ran deeper. Meng Xiao took off her wedding ring and divorced him. ... The divorce agreement, hidden under the wedding ring in the safe, stayed there until Yang Yi saw Meng Xiao, now a rising star in the art world, in someone else's arms. That was when he realized that she had never forgiven him. There is no applying your measure to everyone else in the world. There is only returning the favor in kind. In the early part of the story, the female protagonist is at the mercy of others, and the male protagonist, thinking himself clever, abuses his love to bully her. In the latter part of the story, the female protagonist counterattacks, and the male protagonist is just a fool, with the status of a "cool-headed and unyielding" character, but not the domineering spirit of an overbearing CEO. It's not a typical male-dominated environment, so those who don't appreciate this, be cautious about entering.

Li Shenshen · Urbain
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257 Chs

Chapter 2, Birthday_1

Translator: 549690339

The sky gradually darkened, and Meng Xiao stared at the ceiling lampshade without turning on the light. After the old-fashioned wall clock rang nine times, a second later, it rang again.

Half-past nine in the evening.

The sound of unlocking the door from outside followed by Yang Yi switched the light on.

The sudden brightness from the overhead lamp stung Meng Xiao's eyes, causing her to instinctively close them to ease the discomfort.

He pulled the black suitcase in, changed into slippers and only then noticed Meng Xiao lying on the sofa.

His straight eyebrows furrowed slightly, seeming taken aback, he asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust to the light; then, gathering her thoughts, Meng Xiao smiled and said, "I was deep in thought, so I didn't notice your return."

She got up to fetch Yang Yi's suitcase from the doorway and carried it back to the bedroom.

"Why are you so late? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

He had said he would arrive in the afternoon, but now it was almost ten o'clock.

Yang Yi paused while untying his tie and casually explained, "The plane was delayed."

The weather in Hai City was unpredictable, so his flights getting delayed was not uncommon.

Meng Xiao suddenly felt that maybe he hadn't been delayed in the past, but instead had been off with someone else.

Suppressing these thoughts, she did not probe further.

She handed him a clean towel, asked him to freshen up, get comfortable and then join her for dinner.

"I... because of the delay, I ate on the plane," Yang Yi said apologetically and added hastily, not wanting to upset her, "But I would love to have your soup. I could smell it as soon as I walked in, it must be delicious."

In the past, Meng Xiao would have immediately rushed to fetch the soup, making it perfect for him.

Eagerly waiting for him to taste and comment on it.

But this time, Meng Xiao remained unmoved.

She unpacked his suitcase and sorted his dirty clothes without batting an eyelid.

"The soup is in the kitchen. Help yourself and add some salt if you like," she said.

Yang Yi watched Meng Xiao unpacking his suitcase and for once, didn't feel irritated. He got up and went to get the soup.

He wasn't particularly hungry since he'd eaten outside and was now feeling a bit thirsty. He thought he would have a little soup to please her.

Upon entering the kitchen, Yang Yi knew today wasn't going to be easy.

When he usually drank soup, he liked to have lots of coriander and spring onions. Generally, Meng Xiao would carefully chop and keep them in a small bowl. But today all the vegetables were still in their bag, soil clinging to the coriander roots.

The chicken soup in the pot was boiled just right, the broth was thick yet not greasy. It was a pity it was cold, with thin oil slicks floating on top, reflecting a glossy sheen.

Yang Yi immediately lost his appetite. He had dined excessively today, and this just made him queasy.

He poured himself a glass of water and went to find Meng Xiao, but in the living room he saw a shopping bag.

A black paper bag with a white brand logo. This was a top-tier jewelry brand where the cheapest item cost thousands.

His heart sank as he picked up the bag and opened it. A delicate bracelet lay silently inside a blue velvet jewelry box, its scattered diamonds reflecting a blinding sparkle.

Meng Xiao walked out of the bedroom, his dirty clothes still in hand.

Seeing Yang Yi with Ye Siyu's jewelry box, she instinctively wanted to explain, but images of the girl's charming laughter and expensive lipstick flashed in her mind, choking her words.

Meng Xiao asked, "Do you like it? I think this bracelet is very beautiful."

Yang Yi's eyebrows furrowed, and the look he gave Meng Xiao grew colder.

So he misunderstood, Meng Xiao thought mockingly.

This bracelet was a best-selling model of the brand, with designs varying each month. Just as Ye Siyu and she were born the same month, so the bracelet followed this month's design.

Compared to the ten thousand lipstick, a forty thousand bracelet didn't seem that costly, but Yang Yi's disdainful gaze felt like sand scratching at her throat, he didn't even ask who gave her the bracelet. His accusing stare seemed to say, she didn't deserve such an expensive bracelet.

Meng Xiao dropped her dirty clothes on the sofa, suddenly feeling that everything was tasteless. She wasn't the type who loved making a fuss or raising a noise, and she didn't care who the girl was or that he had spent one hundred thousand on her.

What mattered was the look in his eyes when he looked at her now.

"How could you take someone else's things? People will look down on you if you do this. This item is valuable, you should return it as soon as possible!"

The way he looked at her was as if she was a courtesan, only interested in money.

"It's a birthday gift someone gave me, they're not courting me, why would I return it?" Meng Xiao sneered, a case of the offender taking the initiative to accuse others.

If others would look down on her for taking their things, then isn't he afraid that the girl will be looked down upon for his excessive gifts?

"If you want to drink the soup, warm it up, I've saved some vegetables for you. It's getting late, I need to go back to school."

After settling his affairs, she took the bracelet from his hand and put it back in the box. Meng Xiao changed her shoes and went out.

Just as she reached the door, Meng Xiao stopped to explain, "Also, this bracelet belongs to my roommate, I'm taking it back for her."

Perhaps she was really not the type to lie, for these two minutes her heart was in a state of chaos.

Yang Yi realised he had misunderstood her and ran after her.

"Xiaoxiao, I didn't mean to doubt you."

He grabbed Meng Xiao's arm, trying to bring her back, his tone softened, "I just returned from abroad and was very tired; I didn't mean to be dissatisfied with you. You shouldn't deliberately mislead me. I'm sorry, we haven't seen each other for so long, let's not be upset with each other, alright?"

Meng Xiao didn't retort, but her attitude appeared to be compromising.

She let him lead her back inside, seemingly unperturbed by his earlier presumptions.

Returning home wasn't tiring; what was tiring was accompanying the little princess for a day's shopping spree.

"I brought you a gift from Paris. You will definitely like it." Seeing she was not angry, Yang Yi finally felt relieved, and he led her into the bedroom.

Meng Xiao followed obediently.

Earlier on, while she was tidying up, she had spotted a famous brand's green box inside his suitcase. Inside the box was a delicate necklace, with a classic four-leaf clover pendant that was exceptionally brilliant.

She opened it and took a look but didn't touch the necklace, then restored it to its original place, unsure if it was meant for her. What if it was something the little princess had forgotten to take with her?

But now, Meng Xiao was certain that this necklace was meant for her.

The stuff bought in France was indeed valuable. It seems her role had been upgraded, for which she should thank the little princess.

Following him into the bedroom, Yang Yi rummaged through his suitcase for a while, then found a nondescript black box from a pile of clothes. He handed the box to Meng Xiao with a smile.

"Happy Birthday, girlfriend."

The box was small and exquisite.

Looking at the small box, Meng Xiao saw her own heart being sliced open by Yang Yi's smile today, messy and bloody.


The box containing the necklace was still steadily placed in the suitcase, completely visible and unashamedly displaying its high value to Meng Xiao.

Meng Xiao gave a strained smile and said with a bitter heart, "Thank you."

She guessed that there must be a bottle of perfume or something similar inside, probably from the same brand she saw at the counter when she met Yang Yi this afternoon.

Should she be grateful that even while accompanying someone else, Yang Yi remembered her? Or should she lament that she did not even receive a necklace?

Indeed, he has never given her any jewelry and never allowed her to use cosmetics.

Seeing that Meng Xiao didn't seem very happy, Yang Yi said, "I handpicked this bottle of perfume; French perfume is famous. You try it first, and if you like it, next time I will bring you another scent."

She doesn't wear perfume, she can't stand the smell. Her body always carries the scent of oil paint and turpentine, which would mix strangely with other fragrances.

Yang Yi knew this, yet he insisted on giving her a bottle now.

"Thank you, but I need to get back to school now, it's getting late." Meng Xiao said her thanks, all she wanted was to escape from this house, she found it suffocating here, almost to the point of asphyxiation.

Her birthday, was over.