
Outcast's Odyssey

In a sudden twist of fate, a man awakens to find himself in the body of a stranger, perched on the edge of an icy abyss in a mysterious realm. Little does he know, he has transmigrated into the life of a soul who met a tragic end. Determined to uncover the secrets behind his inexplicable journey, he sets out on a quest across unfamiliar landscapes, encountering allies and adversaries alike. As he delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding his past and the circumstances of his exile, he discovers dark forces at play, threatening not only his own existence but the fate of an entire kingdom. With danger lurking at every turn, he must navigate through the shadows of his past and embrace his destiny to save himself and those around him. --------------------------‐-------‐---------------------- CHAPTER SCHEDULE: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 2 Chapters (more on special occasions) Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 1 Chapter (more on special occasions) Special Note: I might take breaks on some days but I assure you that I will consistently update chapters.

Miya_5749 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 7 - Exploring Arinor

Serena stretched and looked out the window. "First, we should get our money changed into the local currency. It will make things easier. After that, we can explore the town a bit and maybe get some new clothes. And then, we should find that guide the innkeeper mentioned."

He nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about the day ahead. "Sounds like a well-planned plan."

They left the inn and headed towards the town square, where they found a money exchange booth. The man behind the counter was middle-aged, with graying hair and a friendly smile. He greeted them warmly.

"Hello there," he said. "What can I do for you today?"

Serena pulled out a pouch filled with the currency of Lothmaris known as lusters. "We need to exchange this for aurels."

The man examined the coins and nodded. "Of course. Let's see... That will be 23500 aurels."

The protagonist watched in amazement as Serena accepted the stack of coins. He realized that she had a substantial amount of money, which eased his worries about their livelihood.

As they walked away from the exchange booth, Serena noticed his surprised expression. "Actually I saved up a lot from my travels and took a bit from my late friends. Don't worry, we should be fine for a while."

He nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Oh that's good to know."

With their new currency in hand, they proceeded to buy some new clothes. They wandered through the marketplace, admiring the variety of stalls and shops. The marketplace was bustling with life. Vendors shouted their wares, colorful fabrics fluttered in the breeze, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air.

"Let's find something practical," Serena suggested, grabbing the protagonist's hand and leading the way to a tailor's shop.

Inside, they were greeted by a cheerful tailor who showed them a wide selection of garments. Serena picked out a practical yet stylish outfit for herself, consisting of a brown tunic and sturdy trousers. She also selected a set of clothes for the protagonist: a light gray leather vest, a pair of durable pants, and a warm cloak.

As they changed into their new attire, the protagonist felt a sense of renewal. The fresh clothes were a welcome change from the worn and tattered garments he had been wearing since his arrival.

"How do I look?" Serena asked, twirling in her new outfit.

"Great," he replied, smiling. "You look ready for anything."

She grinned. "So do you."

Feeling more comfortable and prepared, they made their way to the guide post near the town square. There, they found Kaelith Sorin, a rugged man with a broad smile and an air of confidence. He had a muscular build, short-cropped black hair, and piercing black eyes that seemed to take in everything around him.

"Greetings," Kaelith said, extending a hand. "You must be the new explorers Elara mentioned. I'm Kaelith Sorin, at your service."

Serena shook his hand. "I'm Serena Braveheart, and this is Thalor Frostveil. We could use your expertise to navigate through Arinor."

Kaelith nodded. "You've come to the right place. Arinor is a land of wonders, but it can also be treacherous if you don't know your way. For 177 aurels, I'll be your guide and ensure you see the best this land has to offer."

Serena handed over the payment, and Kaelith pocketed the coins with a nod of satisfaction. "Let's get started then. Follow me, and I'll show you around."

With their guide leading the way, the protagonist and Serena felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. They were ready to explore the wonders of Arinor and uncover the secrets that lay hidden in this beautiful, mysterious land.

As they walked through the town, Kaelith pointed out various landmarks and shared tidbits of local history. They learned about the founding of Arinor, its vibrant culture, and the diverse people who called it home. The town was a melting pot of different races and backgrounds, each contributing to the rich tapestry of life in Arinor.

"Here in Arinor, we value knowledge and exploration," Kaelith explained. "Many come here seeking adventure, but also to learn and grow. It's a place where anything is possible."

The protagonist listened intently, absorbing every word. He felt a growing sense of excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden light over the town, they returned to the Golden Hearth Inn. They were tired but satisfied with the day's accomplishments.

Serena stretched and yawned. "I think we deserve a good night's rest."

He nodded in agreement. "Definitely. Tomorrow, we start our new adventure."

They made their way to their room, feeling a sense of contentment and anticipation for the future. As they settled into the comfortable bed, the protagonist couldn't help but feel grateful for Serena's companionship and the opportunities that lay ahead in this new world.

——————To Be Continued——————

I will start referring the protagonist to his new name.

I am having a hard time with introducing magic for my future plans.

This novel might have slow-pacing but I want you guys to trust the process of developing the plot.

Miya_5749creators' thoughts