
Outbreak Genesis

In the heart of New York City, a groundbreaking experiment goes awry, unleashing a deadly virus with the potential to decimate the population. Dr. Emily Carter, a brilliant but troubled virologist, has been working tirelessly on GX-12, an experimental antiviral compound designed to stop the virus in its tracks. When Subject 24, a laboratory rat, succumbs to the virus after receiving the compound, Dr. Carter realizes the gravity of her mistake. Worse still, a minor injury she sustained during the experiment exposes her to the virus, putting the whole world in serious danger.

Angelica3_00 · Romance
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Lockdown.

Aeronautics class....

Sarah walked into the aeronautics classroom, still fuming from her encounter with Mrs. Grace.

The room was filled with models of airplanes, posters of famous aviators, and complex diagrams of aerodynamics.

The other students were already seated, most of them looking genuinely interested in the subject matter."Great, just what I needed," Sarah muttered under her breath as she took a seat at the back of the room.

The teacher, Mr. Thompson, a tall man with graying hair and a kind smile, approached her. "Welcome, Sarah. I understand this isn't your first choice, but I hope you find something intriguing here."

Sarah forced a smile. "Thanks, Mr. Thompson. I'll do my best."

The class began with a discussion on the principles of flight, which Sarah found surprisingly engaging.

Despite her reluctance, she couldn't help but be fascinated by the science behind how planes stay in the air. Though she still thought that this was a waste of time.

But just as the lesson ended the school's intercom crackled to life. "Attention all students and staff, this is Principal Grace. Due to an unforeseen incident, we are initiating a precautionary lockdown. Please remain in the school premises until further notice."

A murmur of confusion spread through the classroom. Mr. Thompson tried to calm everyone down. "It's probably just a drill. Let's stay focused."

Sarah's mind raced back to her conversation with Mrs. Grace. "Anything can happen, and that's why you need to prepare for anything," she had said. Sarah felt a knot of anxiety tighten in her stomach.

The laboratory....

Dr. Carter was frantic, sealing off parts of the lab and securing samples. The realization of her potential exposure to the virus had her on edge. She quickly called the head of the research department.

"Dr. Nguyen, this is Emily. We've had an incident. Subject 24 is dead, and there's a potential breach. I might have been exposed.

"Dr. Nguyen's voice was calm but urgent. "Emily, follow containment protocol. Isolate yourself immediately and we'll send a team. Stay calm and monitor your symptoms."

But before she could reply, she felt her bone in her leg snap as she dropped the phone and screamed in pain.

"Emily what happened, what's going?" Dr. Nguyen said his voice filled with urgency.

"The Virus, I think it's....."

But before she could complete her statement, she felt another bone twist and break as she threw half of her experiments to the floor destroying half of everything.

"Emily what's going on?" Dr. Nguyen said.

But she didn't reply.

With a frustrated growl, she knocked over a bunch of other experiments including a shelf which contains a lot of files and important things and it looked heavy too but for Emily she knocked it down easily as she some file up angrily.

Then out of annoyance she walked over to her phone which still had Nguyen on the line as he tried to process what was going on as she used her leg and angrily smashed it repeatedly.

It's official... she's been infected.