
Outbreak Genesis

In the heart of New York City, a groundbreaking experiment goes awry, unleashing a deadly virus with the potential to decimate the population. Dr. Emily Carter, a brilliant but troubled virologist, has been working tirelessly on GX-12, an experimental antiviral compound designed to stop the virus in its tracks. When Subject 24, a laboratory rat, succumbs to the virus after receiving the compound, Dr. Carter realizes the gravity of her mistake. Worse still, a minor injury she sustained during the experiment exposes her to the virus, putting the whole world in serious danger.

Angelica3_00 · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning.


Riverside High School sat nestled along the edge of the bustling East River, its stately brick facade a stark contrast to the modern skyline of New York City.

The school was an institution with a proud history, its hallways lined with trophies and photographs commemorating decades of academic and athletic achievements.

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the ivy-clad walls as students streamed through the gates, their chatter and laughter filling the crisp air.Inside, the classrooms buzzed with the energy of eager minds. Riverside High was known for its rigorous academic programs and dedicated faculty, who pushed students to excel both in the classroom and beyond.

The school boasted state-of-the-art science labs, a sprawling library filled with countless resources, and a vibrant arts program that attracted talented students from across the city.

Among the student body was a diverse mix of personalities and backgrounds, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of New York itself. From the star athletes preparing for their next big game to the budding scientists conducting experiments in the lab, Riverside High was a microcosm of youthful ambition and potential.

But there was one particular student who was different.

____The principal office _____

"You do know that the exams are around the corner, right Miss Anderson?" The principal asked as she never broke her gaze with her.

Sarah Anderson, the school's rule breaker, she's 17 years old and doesn't give a damn, she rarely studies, mostly gets F in her grades and is always very late to class

Sarah is the literal definition of incompetent students who love to waste their lives.

"I am fully aware of the upcoming exam Mrs Grace" Sarah said as she crossed her leg and relaxed.

"And you do know that if you fail this exam you won't be able to graduate which means you'll stay behind" Mrs Grace said, her voice tinged with frustration.

"I just don't get it, what's the essence of all this exams and studying, I have only one life you know and I plan to live it without any chaos" Sarah said her voice filled with confusion.

"I understand what you're saying Anderson but you do know that if you don't graduate you won't a diploma and no diploma means no Job and no Job means no money, no money means no food which leads to hunger and then the chaos just continues from there" Mrs Grace said.

"I still don't get it, it's not like a big world wide and highly dangerous situation is going to occur anytime soon" Sarah said, trying to leave no room for argument.

"Anything can happen and that's why you need to prepare for anything, which is why as your punishment I'm assigning you to aeronautics class"

Sarah could not believe what she was hearing, Aeronautics class.

"YOU WANT ME TO STUDY PLANES, with all due respect, why do you want me to do such thing" Sarah asked as she was still trying to process what Mrs Grace had just said.

"Yes, next time you might want to think twice before dipping purple coloring in the school pool and making everyone think it was Infectious" Mrs Grace said as she looked at her watch and continued "And look your first Aeronautics class starts in five minutes, better start preparing".

Sarah rolled her eyes as she stood up, she couldn't still believe that she'll actually be studying planes.

As she made her way outside she bumped into Nathaniel, the school hottie aka, aka captain of the sports club aka smartest kid in the school and aka the exact opposite of Sarah.

"Another trouble making from Miss Anderson, now what is your punishment of the day" Nathaniel said as Sarah rolled her eyes, Nathaniel and her were the exact opposite of friends or anything close.

"None of your business, now leave me alone and go and study or whatever smart kids like you do during your free time"

Then the bell rang.

Sarah then left him as she sluggishly made her way to her first class of the day..... Aeronautics.