
Chapter 1

Reagan Fox P.O.V

"Why are you always hanging out with him Huh! Every time I call you, you always seem to be with him. Is it because he's better looking than me or do you just think he's better than me in general".Nixon yelled at me waving his hands around at me while I just stood there with my arms wrapped around my body. That's right he's yelling at me...for no reason...in the middle of the park. All I wanted was for my 17th birthday to be perfect but it was so far from perfect. First, my best friend gets into a fight at a party then we get kicked out and now my boyfriend is arguing with me for no reason."Are you even listening to me"He yelled at me again."Stop yelling at me already"I mumbled to him flinching slightly at the volume of his voice looking down at my feet. After I said that there was an awkward silence that just hung in the air until my phone rang indicating I got a new message.



Hey honey where are you? It's already 10, come home soon, you still need to be home soon so we can celebrate your birthday.


kay I'll be there in 10

End Text

"Sorry, Nix can we talk about this Tomorrow I have to get home my mom just texted me," I said to him quietly while finally looking up at him. When he didn't answer right away I took it as my cue to leave .as I walked off the lawn the streetlight turned green. I was about to step onto the street when I felt a hand grab onto my wrist and spin me around.``You are not going anywhere until we figure this out" he said with a calm but firm voice. at least he's calmed down thought to myself with a loud sigh as he released my wrist from his firm grip.``Nix c'mon I've got to get home it's late, can't we just talk about this tomorrow" I said as I started to turn away from him. I took a couple of steps onto the crosswalk not even caring if the stoplight were green when I heard my name being called.``REAGAN"!!!! I turned to look back at Nix for the second time today but before I could look back I was hit with a bright light and excruciating pain then nothing.


Nixon Wood P.O.V

"Why are you always hanging out with him Huh! Every time I call you, you always seem to be with him. Is it because he's better looking than me or do you just think he's better than me in general".I yelled angry at her but deep down inside I knew the truth. The truth was that I was insecure and that all the words I was saying to her were questions I've asked myself a million times a day. I've always hated myself for being so insecure and jealous but I couldn't help it, it was my flaw. I guess you could also say love played some part in the jealousy I feel towards him for hanging out with my girlfriend. Yes, that's right love. I might have never said the L word to her but I certainly feel it."Are you even listening to me"I yelled at her again but I instantly regret those words, I was never someone who yelled or even accuse people, I was a quiet type of guy who never raised his voice."Stop yelling at me already" she mumbled flinching slightly at the volume of my voice looking at her feet. After she said that there was this awkward silence that just hung in the air leaving us to the torture of our thoughts until her phone rang indicating she got a new message. As she read the text her eyes skimming over her phone I took the time to just stand there and admire her beauty. I wonder what I ever did to deserve someone like her someone so kind and caring."Sorry, Nix can we talk about this Tomorrow I have to get home my mom just texted me" she said quietly while finally looking up at me. Snapping me out of my reverie. When I didn't say anything she turned away and started to walk away. She took a couple of steps onto the crosswalk not even looking if the stoplights were green and that's when I saw it coming straight for her. I started running trying to get her attention yelling for her to stop but she didn't hear me"REAGAN"!!!!I tried calling her once more as a last resort when she turned to look at me but it was too late it had already happened and I couldn't do anything to stop it...And It was all my fault.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'll be sure to take it into consideration.

Question of the day : what's your favorite color,Mine's green

Rene_101creators' thoughts