
5.what about the signs

After organising their stuff into he room. Thy set out for hunting.

" so cecelia where are we go" lucy asked

"You find out when we get their" cece answered without leaving her eyes from the road.

The car stopped in front of a gate that does not allow people to get in.

"We are almost there we just need to open the gate" cecelia said as she got out of the car with Kate leaving lucy at the back seat.

"This land belongs to EOG , no trespassing" kate read loud to the hearing of everyone around. After lucy hearing this she tried getting out of the car and hitting some sense into her wild crazy friend.

She tried to open the car door bit is was all in vien.

" Lucy, that will not work I placed the car back doors on parental lock when we were wanting for you, you can only it from outside " ceceia told her with a wining face leaving her no choice then to follow.

"But cece you know who the EOG are" in the world of business EOG is a high rate company leading in the international market.

"Yeah, I knew someone who worked there but we bro up three months ago " cecelia answered

Cecelia open the car door for lucy who came out with a first aid while Kate took the hunting gear.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Yemi_Ditcreators' thoughts