

A long time ago, a war sparked between good and evil; gods and demons on an unknown continent. A thousand years have passed and fortunately, the battle of the supreme beings is now over. With the continent, which held its ground, surviving between the fearsome battles, it began to bloom. Heroes were born, kingdoms were established, gods protected people, some were not, while the demons continued to lurk in the underworld. In the Unknown Continent where it is common for gods to protect people, there lived three royal siblings, who were left by their deceased parents as their citizens wants to overthrow them. This, however, was disrupted as the neighboring kingdom began to start a war on their kingdom, Eolas. Agathi, Lefquena, and Arvad Godfrey are now in a dilemma. But everything changes when they discover a book where the secrets of the world lie in wait to be revealed. Join them as they regain the trust of their people whilst uncovering the secrets of the world. "This is not the end of the story, for it will be rewritten by someone who will change the tides of the world."

Mkael · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Beginning Of A Journey

Present time, Year 1750

AS the three siblings hugged and cried, Arvad noticed a light pointing something at their family picture.


"Brother, that light..." Arvad pointed, "it's saying something."

The other two noticed this as they looked at their family picture. But when they took a closer look, it was already gone.

"What the..." Agathi smiled, "I guess it was nothing." but the end of his lips was shaking. Lefquena, who noticed this, was about to tease her brother when she accidentally pushed something on the frame.


The wall where their family picture is placed, suddenly opened. Stairs going down greeted them. This, of course, received different reactions from the three.

Arvad was serious as he looked at the stairs leading to nowhere, Lefquena, on the other hand, felt like they were on an adventure. And Agathi, of course, is scared.

"Wait, wait, wait, we're--" Agathi gulped, "We're not going in there are we? It-it might be dangerous. Let's not go in there shall we?" He rumbled which made Lefquena laugh.

"Awww ouw bwig puppy is scawed~"

"Huh? Me? Of -of course not." Agathi replied, shaking his legs. This made Lefquena burst into laughter.

"Shh! Someone might hear us!" Arvad hissed. The thought that someone might be in that dark place frightened Agathi more.

So when Arvad started going in holding the candle he got from his brothers' table, Agathi went pale as a sheet and Lefquena had a hard time holding her laughter in.

The moment they reached the bottom, there was nothing but more darkness.

"It's humid in here," Arvad mumbled as he squinted at the dark abyss.

"We're underground." Lefquena announced before taking the only source of light from Arvad. She took the lead this time, stepping into the darkness. Every careful step they take echoed together with the droplets of water every now and then.


"Wh-what was that?!" Agathi's voice echoed and his siblings couldn't help but sigh.

Unbeknownst to him who was holding the hem of Lefquena's sleeve, he stepped onto something. That something lit all the torches, revealing the stone cave they are in.

"Woah..." The hallway was mainly made of stones. It was simple yet intricate. At the end of the hallway, a door is seen.

"Did they made this?" Arvad couldn't help but be in awe.

"I don't think our parents did this." Agathi said as he took the lead heading to the door.

'It's made of iron. Is it made by dwarves? It would be too expensive for our parents if they were the ones who made this. More expensive if they hired dwarves to build this.' Agathi thought as he touched the door.

However, iron ore stressed him out as the major distributor of that specific ore cut them off. Ladron, who waged war on them, cut off their support for iron ore and other supplies— it was their way to make Eolas submit to them.

"As a knight, let me open the door for you, Your Majesty." Agathi snapped back from his thoughts. Lefquena smiled at him before opening the door.


Well, she tried. But it won't budge.

"Hmm? Did our knight lost her touch?" Arvad teased as he tried to open the door. But it still won't budge.

Lefquena laughed. "Says the one who can't make it move even an inch."

"Stop it. How about we push it together, hmm?" Agathi said and the two agreed. However, before they could open the door, the moment they touched it, it opened.

Lo and behold! A room full of gems, pieces of jewelry, and gold bars and coins greeted them. There are also ancient tablets with their parents' names carved on them. It was the rewards they received when they were still adventurers.

"This..." The three couldn't help but wander around the room mindlessly.

"Now this is clearly from Father and Mother." Arvad said as his gaze fixed on an old wooden box. On top of it, the words "To our lovely children." were carved.

"They left something for us." Lefquena realized. She felt a sudden longing as she looked at the wooden box.

Arvad on the other hand was feeling excited. "Let's open it!" He suggested with his eyes twinkling. Agathi laughed, patting his little brother's head.

"Then we shall…" Honestly, he himself is curious as to what was inside the box.

Upon opening the box, an earring, a ring, a necklace, a book, and a letter greeted them. Agathi opened the letter and read it out loud.

"To our lovely children," he started. "Agathi and Arvad, our princess, and Lefquena, our only princess…"

[to our lovely Children,

athi and ari, our princes, and lef, our only princess. the fact that you have read this letter means that i and your father are already gone. i can only imagine how hard it must have been for the three of you and i am very very sorry for that. but Do Not falter, this is something that will happen inevitably. and i know how strong you three are when together. after all, you will always have each other's back when times get tough, right? that's what you guys promised us when you were kids. ah, how i miss those days. whenever i remember that day, i know that the three of you will rule the kingdom better than these foolish parents of yours ehe. i hope one day, you can Tell Anyone that the kingdom has become great once again.

now you must have been shocked about the room. those were the stuff we earned when we were adventuring. all of those are yours! you can use it however you want! but the things inside the wooden box are yours to keep.

agathi, my precious oldest son. i trust that you are now ruling the kingdom back to its prosperity. slowly but surely. The signet ring, my son, is yours. on it is the seal of the crown. it is a verification that you are the rightful heir to the throne and the king of eolas. lefquena, my dear, who holds the beauty, brains, and brawn. i know one day you will conquer every hurdle that you will face, even the obstacles that the kingdom will face. i know you will help your brother. lef, we give you the earrings, the symbol of beauty. someday it will come in handy for you. i know it's not much but i hope you will like it. and lastly, our youngest, arvad. our curious and smart child. we believe that your love for Book will lead you to your success. the necklace is yours, it is for protection.

Trust each other, young ones, and Only do the right thing for the kingdom. we are proud of having our children who have grown as people who care for Each Other. we are very proud of you.



As soon as Agathi finished reading the letter, his brows creased. "Something's wierd."

Arvad nodded. The moment he noticed that something is wrong he already peeked at the letter his brother read. "This is not how Mother writes letters."

Because of this Lefquena took the letter. With raised brows, she read the letter once again. That's when she noticed it.

"I think I know why…" She placed the letter on the floor for his brothers to see. One by one she pointed at the words she noticed oddly and read…

"Children… Do Not… Tell Anyone… The… Book… Trust… Only… Each Other."

"... In short we must protect the book? Is it an ancient treasure?" Arvad asked as he scanned the exterior of the book he is now holding.

"Maybe it's a sacred book that must be protected." Agathi mumbled.

Agathi and Lefquena watched Arvad scan the hardbound book before opening it. A letter, once again, greeted them on the very first page of the book.

[Agathi, Lefquena, and Arvad, my children. Within this book lies the secrets of the Unknown Continent. Henceforth, as your King, I shall command you for the last time, Agathi, to command. Lefquena, you shall protect, and Arvad, you shall wander. These will be your new duty as Royals. The secrets are in your hands. Thus, you shall protect it. I apologize as I have given you a command as part of the Royal Family informally in this letter. But I trust that you will fulfill these duties of yours with honesty.

Lastly, as your Father, I'm sorry. We left you a burden for you to carry. My sons, my daughter. I pray for your safety and well-being. I hope you forgive these foolish parents of yours. May your journey come to fruition. We love you.]

"Royal duties…" Arvad muttered.

Their father has given them their official duties as his last command now that Agathis has succeeded the throne. Silence filled the room as the three slowly looked at each other. A glint of determination was seen in their eyes.

"For the last time…" Agathi started which then they all continued. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

Three days later…

"Don't forget to write letters," Agathi said as he patted Arvad on the shoulder. They are currently at the gate of the kingdom, sending Arvad off.

"Come here…" Lefquena said before putting the necklace their parents left on Arvad the moment he stepped closer to her. She then hugged him. "Be careful," she whispered.

"I will," Arvad reassured.

With that, the three went on their separate ways. Agathi went back to the palace which was located in the northern part of the capital. Lefquena, on the other hand, went to the west to administer and strategize the incoming attack of Ladron. While Arvad headed to the east, his first destination. The Kingdom of Magia.

After a few days, the Kingdom of Ladron started to make a move. The Eolian knights and soldiers were gathered at the camp when Lefquena received the news.

"Soldiers!" Lefquena called their attention. "The day has come. I will not delay any longer by making a long speech. You already know what you should do. But remember this, let's fight and come back!"

The men, who were anxious a while ago, have relaxed somehow. Most of them still do not trust Lefquena because of her parents. But they know her capabilities. And right now, what they need to do is trust each other. And the fact that their princess told them to come back, she trusts them to survive. Slowly, their morale was boosted.

"Soldiers! To your positions!"

Amory, an elite knight who is very loyal to the Godfrey family, smiled as Lefquena faced him.

"Uncle…" Lefquena called softly. However, her attitude and tone changed as she properly faced him. "Amory, I command you to go to the village and position the soldiers. You shall be my second-in-command."

"As you wish, Your Highness." He replied, bowing his head.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Uncle." Lefquena whispered when she got near him.

"No, it is my responsibility as a knight to protect the kingdom, Your Highness. If I must do such task, then I shall."

"Thank you, Uncle."

On the other hand, Agathi fidgeted in his seat as he waited inside the royal court. "How did father handle this?" He sighed as he wondered what his siblings are currently doing.

Knock. Knock.

Just then, a knock on the door and a voice was heard. "Your Majesty, the Elders have arrived."

"Let them in." He replied as he sat straight.

As the door opened, he thought, 'Now how should I turn the tide and have the people favor me?'

The three siblings have now started their journey. Agathi, the King, is now taking care of the politics. Lefquena, the smart one, has now started to defend Eolas against Ladron, and Arvad, the youngest… Is in the middle of nowhere.

"...This is the east… Right?" Arvad looked at his compass before looking back at the place he was in.

"THIS IS THE EAST RIGHT!?" He agitatedly opened the book once again but he found nothing.


His voice echoed in the middle of nowhere.

Hope you enjoy!!!

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