

Alex pulled the trigger of his gun and pointed it at Rose

"Tell me the truth" He said with fright in his voice.

"son, I am sorry, forgive me "Rose pleaded as she raised her hand above her head.

"Don't call me your son", Tears fought to roll down his cheeks as the cold evening breeze blew across his face .

"Alex !! Alex!!!"Abbie exclaimed as she ra as fast as her foot could take her . When she got to him, hugged him from behind while he struggled to release himself. She held onto him so tightly as she cried endlessly.

"please let it go, for me, for us " Abbie pleaded. Reluctantly, Alex lowered the gun and motioned to face Abbie. He stared deeply into her eyes 😍 which was full of love and admiration for him. He lowered his head and made him inhale her fresh tulip amd honey scent. He gave into the hug and they hugged like all worth depended on it.

Rose shakily syared from afar as she broke down in tears also, without much ado,she made the decision of commiting suicide. She thought about the indelible scar she has made in her son's heart. She ran swiftly away from where she was to another part of the mountain seeing that they were deeply into the hug. She stood inches away from the cliff and start into the long distance between her and the sea. Suddenly she made a way past the cliff and landed and the vast blue sea.

Alex and Abbie broke the hug and had a long confession session confessing what they felt for each other.

" I should have told you how I feel so long ago,I…" Alex said

"shh!! It's okay I like it slow" Abbie interrupted. This started laughing at the dirty thoughts they both had in mind from the last thing she said. After laughing, Alex that intensely him so her eyes as if he was going to read a mind being to read my mind.

" you've not changed do hazel Brown eyes and your light chin patch, I love your perfect imperfections and everything that makes you, you"

Abbie blushed at what he said, a cute young man confessing his love for her after a long teary session of confession on a mountain with Breeze everywhere was all she at ever wanted a first love confession to be like. She chuckeled at what he said it and side away from making eye contacts.

"Look into my eyes"Alex continued as Abbie obeyed sharply.

" I love you so much, thanks for everything and for changing me" Alex continued as he lowered his face, making their faces some inches apart . Her mind wandered off to When yhey almost shared their first kiss , 'this is much more better' she thought. Alex placed a kiss just beneath her ear lobe and placed another on her cheek.

"please be my woman" he whispered cutely into her ear as he gazed at her reaction. Instead of what he expected, he found a confused look on her face.

"Oh sorry, please can you be my girlfriend , my one and only, the love of my life, my precious angel, throne who makes... "

" It's okay baby , I agree to it, to be your girlfriend and more , your wife , the mother of your children and your angel "

Abbie seemed so sure of her response, this gave Alex the courage to continue placing kisses all over her. When he was close to kissing her lips, Abbie suddenly remembered Rose.

"Rosee!! " She exclaimed as she pointed at where Rose stood before, they started running, in search of Rose. Then ,there was a huge splash of water a few meters away. They peeped into the sea and saw Rose clothing from before, floating on the surface of the water.

"No, Mum! Mum! " Alex called out hoping that she'ld answer or something, he took off his shirt and was trying to take off his shirt and shoes when he saw her fighting hard in the water. Alex burst out crying while Abbie tried calling the police to report the emergency.

Afterwards, the police arrived and she was rushed to the hospital since they found out that something could be done.

Hey guyss

My name is Vee, I am the author of this book and I'ld really be happy if ypu guys love this story.

Expect love triangles, mafia, Romance, sexuality and action.


Toluwani_7558creators' thoughts