

Isabel woke up to her alarm going off, she turned it off and went to the bathroom or she wanted to, her brother Nathaniel was in there

"Come on hurry up!" Isabel said and knocked on the door "shut up I got here first" the boy said and Isabel groaned then walked back to her room

She choose an outfit for herself, and she heard the bathroom door open, she run out and saw her little brother going into the bathroom

"Daniel please I just need to brush my teeth fix my hair and pee, please let me in" Isabel said and her little brother opened the door "thank you"

She said and rushed into the bathroom, five minutes later she walked out and back to her room to put on her outfit and do her makeup

She was already late for school, Isabel ran down stairs "mom I'm going to school bye" her mother didn't have time to respond

She was already outside, she grabbed her bike and she was on her way, she biked past Amelia's house and saw the goth girl just leaving

Isabel stopped "want me to give you a ride?" The blonde girl asked and without hesitation Amelia Sat behind her on the bike

She hugged Isabel from behind so she won't fall off "I hate my brother" the goth girl said and Isabel laughed "I feel the same" the taller girl said

Then she realized that Amelia had her arms wrapped around her body tightly she smiled, five minutes later they arrived

And Isabel locked her bike up, Wednesday waited for her and they hurried to class, since it already started "hey Mrs. Thornhill, sorry for being late" they said and sat down

"No problem girls" the teacher said with a smile on her face, Amelia passed a note to Isabel that said ' '

Isabel smiled ' ' the blonde girl wrote back and passed it to the goth girl ' , ' ' there'

Amelia wrote and gave it to Isabel who looked at her with a smile ' ' the goth girl didn't responded to that

She payed attention to her class, Isabel couldn't take her eyes off of this beauty right next to her,the bell soon rang and they headed outside

Where the group was waiting for them "where the hell you two been? I was stuck here with them" Charlotte said with and looked at the boys

"We were late" Amelia said and sat down next to Charlotte, Isabel was a little sad about this, that she couldn't sit next to Amelia

Charlotte noticed and stood up "I'm going to say hi divina over there" Charlotte said and walked over to the girl "she has a crush on Divina" Adam said and smiled

Amelia just nodded, and Isabel scooted closer a little barley noticeable the goth girl fought back a smile

When she realized Isabel wanted to be close with her, so Amelia moved over w little so their thighs touched, then the goth girl put her hand on enids thigh lightly caressing it

Isabel felt a blush on her face, then three boys walked up to them "oh god what do you want Eliot?" Jack asked and looked annoyed

"I heard about the new girl, and she looks pretty hot so wanted to ask if you want to go out on a date with me" he said and touched his crotch

Amelia thought this was disgusting "no" she simply said and the boy leaned over and grabbed her by the arm "I don't care your coming with me" he said and pulled Amelia up from the bench

Isabel quickly stood up, so did ajax and jack "let her go" jack said and took a step closer "what are you going to do?" the other boy said

Isabel got the grip off of Amelia and the goth girl stepped behind the blonde girl, then Eliot pushed Isabel and she fell back on the ground

Amelia punched him in the face "I'm not very strong but i'll fuck you up if you ever lay hands on this girl again" the goth girl said and Eliot huffed and they walked away

She helped Isabel up "are you okay?" The smaller girl asked and Isabel just nodded without saying a word "are you?" Isabel asked

And Amelia said nothing "want to go somewhere private?" Isabel asked and the smaller girl just nodded, they walked behind the school it was a longer break so they had time

"Are you okay?" The blonde girl asked and Amelia felt her eyes tear up "this reminded me of the time I got raped, he grabbed me just the way this Eliot guy did"

Isabel didn't know what to do "want a hug?" She asked and without hesitation Amelia wrapped her arms around the taller girl

"I know it's basic thing to say, but I'm here for you and you can talk to me anytime you want to, and I will be next to you, making sure no one hurts you"

Isabel said softly as they pulled away "thank you" Amelia said and put her head back on enids chest the blonde girl just smiled

"Come on lets go to the next class" Isabel said but Amelia didn't let go of her "we need to go" the goth girl let go and wiped her tears away

Then nodded, she took a deep breath and walked to the next lesson, Amelia was sitting next to the window and next to her was Isabel

The goth girl wasn't okay at all, so she decided to call her parents and ask them if it's okay for her to go home, Kathy agreed with her and let her come home

"Can you come with me?" Amelia asked Isabel and the blonde girl nodded she called up her parents explained the situation and agreed for her to stay with


Isabel got Amelia home on her bike, then she walked her to the door "come in" the goth girl said and Isabel nodded then they walked inside

Amelia led Isabel upstairs without even saying hello to her family, as they walked into her room, she closed the door and layed down on her bed

Isabel followed her and layed down next to her, they said nothing to each other, but Isabel pulled the covers over them and opened her arms

Amelia turned to her side and then Isabel wrapped her arms around her from behind, this made her feel safe and knew Isabel would protect her no matter what

This made her feel like she doesn't have to worry about a thing in the world because Isabel will be there with her in every step she takes