

Xiaotao panicked. She grabbed the railing with one hand and reached out towards Cheng Zinuo's falling body with the other. "Ms Zinuo —"

Cheng Zinuo couldn't hear what Xiaotao was saying, she could only feel the strong wind whistling by her ears, as if it was going to devour her ferocious beast in one gulp.


Cheng Zinuo's body was stuck on a shelf of a building that was in the process of being built. Her hands grabbed onto the bamboo pole in front of her and her entire body was suspended in midair.

It was simply too high. Cheng Zinuo took a quick glance below and her vision blurred out.

What should he do?

She didn't dare to move at all. If she did, she would immediately fall into a pile of meat paste.

On the balcony, Xiaotao was so scared that she couldn't even stand properly. She lay prone on the ground and couldn't get up. She kept crying.

She was in trouble.