
Success or Failure

Lili, who had been locked in Leeh's room, heard the sound of Du Jinnian's voice calling her and then the sound of him falling to the ground. Her heart leaped to her throat and she pounded on the door, shouting, "Jinnian, I'm right here. Jinnian, why are you silent? What's the matter with you? Jinnian! "

Suddenly, Leeh opened the door with his key. Cheng Zinuo pushed Leeh aside and rushed out.

Seeing that two of Master Xi's men were about to drag the unconscious Du Jinnian into another room, Cheng Zinuo was stunned.

She rushed to Du Jinnian's side like an arrow and hugged him in her arms.

Worried, she called out again and again, "Jinnian, it's Zinuo. Wake up, Jinnian! "Jinnian …"

Du Jinnian did not react at all, and he still kept his eyes tightly shut.