

Passers-by witnessed a heavy car accident, some of them quickly dialed the emergency number, some of them called the police.

Du Jinnian was conscious all the time on the ambulance, while Cheng Zinuo was unconscious.

Du Jinnian held Cheng Zinuo's hand and called out again and again, "Sofia, you'll be fine, hold on, hold on …"

Cheng Zinuo's eyes were tightly shut, unable to hear anything.

Her abdomen had already been dyed red with blood. It was shocking to look at.

When they arrived at the hospital, Du Jinnian and Cheng Zinuo were separately pushed into the emergency room. It was as if the two of them were separated into two different worlds …

When Du Jinnian woke up from the pain from the anesthetic's failure, he found himself in the ward.

When he didn't see Cheng Zinuo, he anxiously asked the nurse, "Nurse, where is my lover? Is my lover all right? "