

Outside the window, the night was long. A cold wind blew and snow danced in the wind.

Cheng Zinuo was shivering from the cold and her teeth were chattering non-stop.

After the group parked her car in the wilderness, they locked her and Du Jinnian in the car.

They took her and Du Jinnian's wallet, then threw her car keys and her and Du Jinnian's cell phone into the grass and walked away.

Du Jinnian took off his jacket and draped it over Cheng Zinuo as he hugged her tightly.

He encouraged Cheng Zinuo over and over again, saying, "Amy, if you bite the bullet and bear with it, someone will come to rescue us." "Endure it a little longer."

Lili's face grew paler and paler and her breathing became more irregular. She fell into Du Jinnian's arms, her voice hoarse. "Jinnian, my hands and feet are cold. Am I dying?"