
Christmas Morning Failure

The sky was a tranquil blue with a few wispy clouds sailing lazily across the horizon when Truce's eyelids sprang open. His eyes fell on the woman sleeping peacefully beside him, while his mind whirled round the memories of the previous night. He smiled, wondering how someone so innocent as she, could be daring and passionate. Supporting his chin on his hand, he adjusted to get a better view of her of her sleeping face.

Her eyelids were gently closed like petals of a delicate flower, a few tiny tendrils of her hair, curled on her forehead, and her skin glowed from the subtle light that streamed in from the expansive window, that brightened the room. His gazed moved from her full, rosebud lips, to her chest that heaved up, and down as she breathed slowly. She looked relaxed and at ease, and beautiful to a fault, he didn't mind watching her all morning.

A video call popped up on his screen, from the mini-office, some few feet away from them and rang terribly loud. Anna groaned and let out a deep sigh, pulled the covers over her head, and turned to face his side of the bed. Truce laughed at her recoil, his own anger dissipating as well. He stood up and moved to the mini-office.

The caller ID identified Chen, and Truce pushed the call icon to green.

Chen appeared on the screen in a tux, and glasses, his usual comportment. "Morning boss, sorry for disturbing your beau-"

"Get to the point, Chen." Truce said tersely, with a blank stare on his face.

Chen took a deep breath, not sure how the boss would take the news. "Kaelin Darkfire requests an interview, sir."

Truce closed his eyes, and shook his head, trying to contain his disgust. "Chen, reschedule for next year. You know these procedures," then he paused, a thought flashed across his mind. "What is he bargaining with?"

Chen wiped an invisible sweat from his forehead with his blue-green hankie. "My fiancé a-and my, my savings are at risk." His voice broke at the end.

Truce stared at his secretary, somewhat internally pleased he wasn't the only one whom a lady had a special control over their actions. "Where are you right now?" Truce asked, running a frustrated hand over his face. "Boston harbor," came the reply.

Truce sighed again, "How long do you have?"

"Two hours, sir." Chen's voice broke again, knowing how impossible it would be, for his boss to get to Boston at that limited amount of time. He was likely in this alone. Truce smirked; classic Anoma isn't he?


 Truce pushed open the doors of the Boston harbor hotel, and strolled into the courtyard, with his hands in the front pocket of his tailored navy-blue trousers, paired with a cream-colored wool sweater. His face was hooded with a black baseball cap, as he scanned the place. It felt a little strange for Anoma to want to meet in public, Truce didn't hesitate to come along with backup. Not that he needed backup for his brother, but for the people that would likely be unfortunate. The time on his Rolex struck nine.

Chen spotted his boss at the entrance, and started making his way towards him, maneuvering through the little crowd. Snowflakes fell gently, families gathered round cozy firepits as little children sweetly sang festive songs, others were scattered in the wide, open space, dancing round evergreen hollies and mistletoes, a few situated themselves at the courtyard railings, drinking in the breathtaking city skyline and harbor islands, frosted in layers of snow and ice.

"Sir!" Chen waved at Truce as he approached him. he took note of Truce's undercover dress and was impressed; he'd look good in anything in fact. His boss had a serious expression on his face, and he swallowed his greetings. "If you would follow me, sir." He gestured with his hands and led the way to a quieter part of the courtyard.

"Brother!!" Anoma cried cheerfully in a deep voice, stretching out his hands in a welcome. His features were a striking contrast to Truce, with iconic resemblance to Tom Hiddleston's Loki, they both had long, dark, messy hair and pale blue eyes, a hint a sarcasm shown in his voice. "I thought you wouldn't make it. What a pleasant surprise." His voice caught the attention of some ladies, and they blushed when he winked at them.

"Kaelin…" Truce whispered, his hands still in his pockets.

"Is he always this uptight Chen? So… businessy. Alright then, lets get down to business huh?" Mischief never left his eyes. He turned to face the city skyline view,

"Merry Christmas by the way. Heard you got yourself a new chick. She pretty?"

A vein popped in Truce's cheek at the mention of Anna; if he thinks he would let him have his way like he did the last time, he'd better be ready to go through him, He wouldn't care about the prophecy or whatever law he had to follow for the future's expected outcome.

He found out Anoma was working with someone, when Anna was ambushed and when she was attacked in his house. he would find them out, and punish them in his own way

"What do you want?" Truce's voice sounded grave.

Anoma chuckled bitterly, his true intentions surfaced for a minute, "What I want, is just something so infinitesimal, yet so big. I want what's mine, and I'll get it, with or without you interfering." He went back to his coy smile. "There's nothing wrong with seeing your brother's face, after a long time. How long has it been, a century? I'm guessing you didn't miss me that much."

He moved close to Truce; a muscle jerked in his cheek. "Watch your back brother, I won't be as nice this time." Then Anoma walked away, flashing a smile at Chen, who stood some distance away from them. "Happy holidays, bitch."

Truce turned back to look at Anoma, his eyes molten hot with anger. Chen saw this and moved toward the boss, a sorry look appearing on his face.

'I'm sorr-"He began but Truce too began walking away as well, leaving Chen standing alone in the cold.

"Great, just what I need on a Christmas morning; your boss's adversary playing pranks on you." Chen muttered to himself.

Truce took the misfortune as an incentive to get Anna a Christmas gift. It truly had been a long time since he did this for a woman; he kicked himself in the shin for not remembering something so crucial, As he perused a marketplace close to the mall, he was at a loss for options. What did she like? Books? Should I get her books? He remembered their date at the Fireside Brew. "Maybe I should get a frame for the picture," He concluded, spotting a few framed photos on the wall. He nodded to himself, beckoning on a staff to get it done for him,

He got back to the estate in Southampton late at noon, with a few wrapped gifts in a large shopping bag. He bought a concert ticket, a custom-made bag, and special jewelry designed with her name. He walked into the foyer, and sensed something amiss. When he stepped into his room, Anna wasn't there. Neither was she in the kitchen, or in her room. He searched everywhere, but she was gone.