
Our Bonds (A Kantai Collection -Kancolle- Fanfic) (Remastered)

Being an Admiral sounds fun but it is not easy. First there is the war with the mysterious Abyssal Fleet, which have decided to lock down the sea and it's surrounding airspace, indiscriminately shooting at anything they deem a threat. Then there is the issue with logistics and resources, which is hard to come by with the whole lock down going on. Most important job of being an Admiral is ship maintenance. No, not that kind of maintenance. I'm taking about making sure your ships are both physically and mentally well, since they are actually girls who possess memories of historical naval warships and have their own personalities. Join the Admiral of Maizuru Naval Districts he tackles the Abyssal threat and other potential problems, like dealing with the feelings his Shipgirls have for him. PS: I don't own Kantai Collection or Azur Lane. Kantai Collection and Azur Lane belongs to their owners, DMM Games and Shanghai Manjuu respectively.

Tamayako · Anime et bandes dessinées
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96 Chs

Chapter 93: Abyssal Menace

For the past five days, I have taken up the role of a Trainer, along with Kashima. While Kashima handles the theory portions, such as basic battle formations, ship classifications, and enemy classifications, both Abyssals and Sirens. So far, the trainees are doing well with their lessons, training, and living in the base. While Hashimot-san, Nekokami-san, Ogami-san, and Nagamura-san are doing just as expected, Takeshi-san is kind of struggling with the theory part and tactics part. Though, he makes up for it by having a great attitude and the desire the learn. His physical performance is amazing. His speed and stamina are impressive. He took half the time to complete a set of 50 push-ups as compared to the others. Hell, he even did another set of 50 just because he can. As far as I can tell, he is more suited to be a Training Instructor than a Commander, but let's not be so quick to judge.

On top of classes, there is a sudden influx of sorties. The Abyssals decided to choose this time to breed and attack several countries around the globe. Just last night, I had to lead an urgent operation to sink a five Abyssal Fleets near Russia after receiving reports that Vladivostok was being bombarded by Abyssal fire. It was a tough fight as the enemy had three Battleship Princesses and a Northern Water Princess, with the battle dragging till the dead of the night. And don't get me started on the multiple sudden sorties that took place the past three days. It was not just one sortie per day, but rather a few tough engagements with the enemy. There is always a Princess or Water Demon involved in each sortie. 

In hindsight, I could have let the trainees observed these urgent sorties and how the shipgirls work together along with the tactics I gave them. Regardless, what's done is done. Besides, watching a fight with Abyssal Princesses and Water Demons isn't good for a first-timer.

So yeah. It has been a pretty busy week for me and the girls. I had to juggle between my usual work, training the trainees, and handle the sudden influx of Abyssal activity. Hopefully the situation returns to normal soon and we just have to do our routine sorties and culling instead. 

With the weekend here, classes and training is paused for the week. The trainees are free to return to their homes for the weekend, have a leisure day outside or stay in the base should they wish. As long as they return by midnight and follow the rules, this base is a place for them to return to for the next three months after all. Nagamura-san and Takeshi-san decided to return to their family homes in Kobe and Nagoya respectively. Nekokami-san and Ogami-san said they were going on a shopping trip and will be back in the evening. Hashimoto-san was invited, or so I was told, but she rejected them, saying she wants to read up on some combat materials. I will probably check on her later. Or when I feel like it. The three girls reside in Tokyo, which is extremely far from here.

With so much activity going on, I have not been able to focus on one rather important thing, Zuihou's words. Nor have I given her a reply. Now, I have some time to think about it. Is she serious about it? She said she doesn't mind exposing our relationship to everyone. From the beginning, we agreed to keep our relationship a secret. If word of our relationship gets out, it might affect everyone's morale. Although Shouhou and Ryuujou knew about it, they did promise to keep it among themselves. So far, they have stuck to that promise.

I would rather to keep the status quo. Sure, our time alone is limited and having to constantly hide our relationship is tiring, but I feel problems will arise if we go public. It will definitely affect the morale of the other girls. Some of them might even believe I'm being biased to Zuihou if I grant her a special role or privilege. That's why I'm doing my best to treat everyone fairly. Worst case scenario, Zuihou may even be the subject of bullying and get depressed. We might even be torn apart if that happens. I know they are good girls and will never do that, but that is still a possibility. 

"Geez. Why did she drop such a bomb on me? What is she thinking?"

The reports are going to have to wait. Right now, I need some fresh air to think.

I grabbed my hat and jacket as I worked out of my office and locked the door behind me. The cold winter morning air hit me as soon as I opened the door to the outside. It's cold, but refreshing. I worked along the pathway to the courtyard. 

"Here I go, Sakawa!" (Agano)

Agano tossed a ball towards Sakawa, who had to jump up to catch it.

"Oof! Agano-nee! That was too high!" (Sakawa)

The Agano-sisters are playing Catch in the courtyard. The four of them are wearing a navy blue winter coat.


Agano turned around just as Sakawa tossed the ball towards Yahagi,

"Ah! Admiral! Yahoo~!" (Agano)

"Good morning, Admiral." (Yahagi)

""Good morning." (Sakawa)

"Morning." (Noshiro)

"Aren't you girls tired? You just participated in that urgent sortie last night."

"A little. But I feel like we won't be having another sortie today~! So might as well take this time to play!" (Agano)

Oh no...

"Agano-nee! You just said something that should not be said!"" (Noshiro)

"Eh?" (Agano)

"That's right! That's a flag!" (Sakawa)

"Come on. Nothing is going to happen. Right?" (Agano)

My phone started ringing. Ooyodo... if she is calling me like this...

"It's me."

"Admiral, we need you in the Command Centre now! A large Abyssal fleet has been spotted near Rebun Island. HQ has ordered an immediate sortie."

For god's sake! What's up with them?!

I stared at Agano, who was smiling sheepishly. Her three sister glared at her silently.

"Ooyodo, I'm heading to the Command centre now. Prepare whatever intel we have on hand for this."

"Roger." (Ooyodo)

I rushed into the Command Centre. Ooyodo is printing out intel provided by HQ.

"What have we got?"

I hung my jacket on the clothes hanger and head to the console. 

"Just 10 minutes ago, the Wakkanai Coast Guard Office report sightings of Abyssal ships appearing off the coast of Rabun Island. Oominato Guard District has sortie two squadrons of scout planes to maintain surveillance on the Abyssal. The Patrol boats from Wakkanai has since retreated. Evacuation of civilians on Rabun Island has been deemed too dangerous to be carried out as of this moment." (Ooyodo)

"Even if they run, it's useless." 

Ooyodo handed me the intel she just printed out. I scanned through the pages quickly.

"These are heavy hitters. Damn it! Two Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai and an Armoured Carrier Demon are present. We will hit them with a Carrier Task Force, with a single Torpedo Squadron to take of any stragglers. We can't allow a single one to escape." 

"Who are we sending?" (Ooyodo)

"Souryuu, Hiryuu, Zuihou, Shouhou, Fusou and Yamashiro for the main fleet. Yuubari, Suzuya, Mikuma, Ryuujou, Murasame, and Shiratsuyu will be in the Escort Fleet. I want you to lead the Torpedo Squadron."

"Me?" (Ooyodo)

"Yes. I can handle this place myself. Pick your members and prepare to sortie in 15 minutes. Relay my orders first, then announce who will be part of your team."

Ooyodo placed a finger on her chin for a short moment,

"Understood!" (Ooyodo)

She went to her desk and flipped her microphone on,

"All units, alert! We have an urgent sortie! All members who I have called are to prepare for sortie within 15 minutes." (Ooyodo)

She read out the shipgirls I mentioned in order, followed by the ones she had chosen for her squadron. 

"The members of the supporting Torpedo Squadron are Destroyers Shimakaze, Amatsukaze, Satsuki, Fumizuki, and Kamikaze. I repeat, Shimakaze, Amatsukaze, Satsuki, Fumizuki and Kamikaze are to report to the launch bay." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo switch off her microphone and turned to salute me, 

"Fleet flagship, Ooyodo. Sortieing." (Ooyodo)

"I'm counting on you."

"Yes!" (Ooyodo)

She closed the door behind as I checked through the intel once more. I switched the line to HQ and called them.

"Yokosuka Command Office. Comms Officer Minako speaking." (Minako)

"This is Admiral Keita of Maizuru Naval District. Patch me to HQ. I need information on the current Abyssal activity near Hokkaido."

"Roger. Establishing a line to Grand Admiral Hasake." (Minako)

Grand Admiral Hasake? Why is the Head of the R&D Department in charge of this?

"This is Grand Admiral Hakase. Impeccable timing, Admiral Keita." (GA Hasake)

"It's a honour speaking to you, Grand Admiral."

Wait. What did he mean by 'impeccable timing'?

"If you are contacting me first, I assume you want information?" (GA Hasake)

"Yes. My girls will sortie in 15 minutes. At maximum speed, it will take roughly 30 to 45 minutes. In the meantime, I wish to get as much information as I can possibly get. Preferably in real time."

"We should have sent you the enemy fleet composition by now." (GA Hasake)

"Yes sir. I have it. But I am looking for information like movement, how much of the sea has already been corrupted, stuff like that."

"For now, we are monitoring the situation closely through the aircraft from Oominato Guard District. The latest report we have states that the Abyssals are splitting into separate fleets and moving about."

Like they tend to do...

"Is there a way to observe them in real time? Maybe link their camera to our servers." 

"I will order Commander Ayato from Oominato Guard District to synchronise his camera fairy with your monitor until your girls are on-site." (GA Hasake)

"Thank you. Much appreciated."

"There is another order for you." (GA Hasake)

I... do not like that...

"Right before you called me, the guys over at Cyber-Sec were made aware of something concerning. A picture of monsters near Ulleung are being spread around on social media. In the picture that was sent, it looks like a fight between two groups. One of which is clearly a Abyssal fleet. The other... is pretty difficult to make out, but they look like warships. Possibly Sirens." (GA Hasake)

Sirens? We will have to contact Azur Lane about this then. 

"Any chance that it might be fake?"

"Hopefully. That's our job to find out. I want you to send a scouting fleet to Ulleung to check on the situation. Sasebo has their hands full with the sudden increase of Abyssal activity that's appearing near Tsushima island and Jeju island. " (GA Hasake)

If you put it like that, I have no choice but to accept, right? Besides, this is an order. 

"Roger! I accept the mission."

"Good. I will link you up to Oominato to monitor the Rabun Island situation. Stand by. Signing off." (GA Hasake)

I put the phone down. Christ. As if I'm not busy enough already...

A scouting mission... Shioi's group will be more than enough for this. If it is made out of weaker enemies, they are able handle it. Even if they are of stronger variants, Shioi and her team can still cripple them before retreating. Ultimately, it's just a scouting mission. Taking out the enemy is a bonus. Scouting missions are easy but we still need to be prepared for the unexpected.

I turned on the PA system,

"Alert! Submarine fleet, prepare for sortie in 20 minutes! Shioi, report to the Command Centre immediately."

"Admiral, we are ready." (Ooyodo)

Ooyodo voice came through the radio as the monitor showed both fleets in the launch bay. I need to conduct a quick briefing.

"As of 1000 hours, a large Abyssal fleet has appeared off the coast of Rabun Island, near Hokkaido. Latest intel indicates they have yet to launch an attack but we can't wait for such a thing to happen. There are 2 Aircraft Carrier Princess Kai and an Armoured Carrier Demon present, along with several high-class Abyssals. This is going to be like the fight yesterday afternoon."

"Huuh?! Come on! What is going on?" (Suzuya)

"Why are they so active all of a sudden?" (Mikuma)

"No idea. But we don't have time to find an answer. Souryuu will lead the Carrier Task Force,"

The indicator light on my console started blinking, informing me of an incoming call. I flipped the corresponding switch and a birds eye view of the area near Rabun Island showed up.

"Whilst Ooyodo's Torpedo Squadron will take care of any Abyssals that are attempting to escape. The objective is to wipe them out entirely. My standing orders are as usual. Come back alive. Every single one of you."

"Understood!" (All)

"Now, sortie! Defend our country and secure victory!"

"YES!!" (All)

The girls did a salute before jumping onto the launchpad to get equipped with their riggings.

As soon as I was done with my briefing, there was a knock on the door, followed by a voice through the intercom. Actually make that two voices,

"Admiral, I'm here!" (Shioi)

"Wait! Shouldn't you announce your rank and name first? I mean your ship classification and class?" (???)

"Hm? Ah. We don't really practise that here." (Shioi)

"You're here. And..."

I opened the door to see Shioi and Hashimoto-san. The latter was wearing her uniform.

"Hashimoto-san, what are you doing here? You know what? Come in first."

Shioi immediately hopped inside. Hashimoto-san is a little hesitant though...

"Come on. Hurry up. I'm busy right now."

"Yes! I'm sorry." (Hashimoto)

I closed the door as soon as she stepped in.

"Admiral Keita, do you read me? Are you able to see the livestream?" (???)

Hashimoto-san jumped at the disembodied voice coming in from the radio. That must be Commander Ayato. I pushed the PTT button,

"Admiral Keita here. Video transmission is good. My girls are en route." 

"Great. Things are looking crazy out there." (Commander Ayato)

"They are just setting up shop for now. It will be great if they stay like that. Can I rely on you for air support?" 

"Yep. My fairies are dying to see some action after so long." (Commander Ayato)

"What is your range?"

"I can cover the whole area. Just give me the signal." (Commander Ayato)

That's helpful.

"Thank you. No need for anything too complicated. I'm sending a Carrier Task Force over. A simple airstrike will suffice."

"Got it. I will match my timing with your girls. I will maintain the link till your girls are in the vicinity. Ayato out." (Commander Ayato)

Sounds like he is experienced with LBAS. Oominato Guard District is essentially an airfield for IJN aircraft. It's like the opposite of Maizuru Naval District. There are no shipgirls being posted there, only humans and fairies. I have never met Commander Ayato before, let alone work with him.


"Yes?" (Shioi)

"I have a job for you. I just received orders from HQ to investigate the situation near Ulleung island. There is supposedly two groups of monsters fighting there. One of which is an Abyssal fleet."

"So a scouting mission then?" (Shioi)

"Yes. Just go there, check on the situation and report to me straight away. Don't engage them unless I tell you to."

"Unn. Got it. So Seirans and Shiuns?" (Shioi)

"Maybe some Type 2 Seaplane Fighters as well, just in case you need to deal with enemy aircraft. You know your team best, so you pick the loadout for them."

"Roger! Flagship, I-401, sortieing!" (Shioi)

Shioi left the Command Centre and closed the door behind her. I took a quick glance at the monitor, making sure the Abyssals hadn't started attacking, before turning to Hashimoto,

"What can I do for you?"

She stood at attention,

"My sincerest apologies. I heard the announcement. Please let me observe this battle." (Hashimoto)

"No. This battle is extremely important and on an entirely different level. You are not ready for something like this yet."

"Please, Admiral. I know I'm overstepping my boundaries but I want to absorb and gain as much experience as I can. You may penalize or punish me but I need this." (Hashimoto-san)

"Hashimoto-san, I appreciate your desire to learn but I am not able to teach you while handling this fight."

"This is Flagship I-401. We are ready to sortie!" (Shioi)

I switched to Shioi's channel,

"Roger. It's little early but let's begin the mission. Launch."

"Yes!" (Submarine Girls)

The Carrier Task Force and Torpedo Squadron are still en route to the mission area. The enemy is still not doing anything apart from moving about. 

I look at Hashimoto. I can see the determination in her eyes. While I'm glad she wants to learn, I really can't multi-task when it comes to sorties. 

"I know they have been many sudden sorties these past few days but I haven't been able to observe them. I want to take this chance to see how a battle between shipgirls and Abyssals would be like." (Hashimoto)

"Didn't you watch the recordings when you were in the academy?"

"There is a difference between watching a recording and watching it live. I don't need you to go out of your way to train me while conducting the mission. I just want to observe. I implore you!" (Hashimoto)

Hashimoto bowed deeply. It feels weird having the daughter of my superior beg me like this...

Argh. Darn it!

"Fine. You can observe. We still have some time before the three fleets reach their destination. I can answer some questions you may have but once the mission starts, I won't be talking or answering you. And don't be surprised if the whole thing is not what you expect. It is not as simple as it is during class." 

"Thank you very much! I won't get in your way!" (Hashimoto)

"As you already know, this is the Command Centre. I had planned to show you guys this place next week. The console here will be best friend and partner during sorties. This is the intercom, monitors are self-explanatory, that small table and box with many wires over there is the radio set. Whatever that thing can do, the console here can do better."

I pointed and a gave a short description of the important equipment around me.

"Humans like us prefer to use the console because it's easier. Shipgirls love to use the radio."

"Why would they prefer using such an old piece of technology?" (Hashimoto)

"It's something they are used to. The riggings and weapons they are using are from a bygone era. The one that we only dived deeply during our academy days. Yes, they play video games and use smart phones like any ordinary human of this era, but it took them quite a while to learn to use even an old flip phone." 

"That explain why my step-mom prefers to keep that old rotary phone at home." (Hashimoto)

That sounds like something a shipgirl would do. I continued to give her run-down of the equipment we have in the Command Centre. Hashimoto-san listened attentively, asking questions about the various equipment and how they could help in the battle. 

"Say, how old were you when-"

"Admiral, this is flagship Souryuu. We have reached the mission area. Abyssal corruption has started." (Souryuu)

Shit! That means it's getting from bad to worse.

"We need you to quickly settle this then. Are you in attack range?"

"Yes. Zuihou's Saiun has confirmed the first set of enemies. 2 Battleship Ta-class, 1 Torpedo Cruiser Chi-class, and 3 Destroyer Na-class." (Souryuu)

"Understood. Oominato Guard District is providing Land-based Aerial Support. Stand by for the opening bombing run." 

"Roger!" (Souryuu)

"Commander Ayato, do you read me?"

"Loud and clear. Corruption has just begun. We might want to finish this quickly." (Commander Ayato)

"That's the plan. My girls have reached the mission and are in attack range of the first Abyssal fleet."

"Understood. A squadron of Suiseis and JU87s are en route. ETA 30 seconds." (Commander Ayato)

"Got it. I will relay this to them."

I switched the channel,

"Souryuu, commence the battle in 30 seconds. Battle formation." 

"Roger!" (Souryuu)

Exactly 30 seconds later, a squadron of Dive Bombers flew over the first Abyssal fleet. The explosions engulfed the fleet, killing two of the Na-class and severely damaging a Ta-class.

"Let's go! 2nd CarDiv Attack Corps, begin takeoff!" (Souryuu)

Allied planes filled the sky as the girls launched their planes. Once they were in range, the planes dropped their torpedoes into the water and fire bombs on the enemy fleet. The second explosion finished of the already damaged Ta-class and sank the remaining Na-class.

"Are you alright, Yamashiro?" (Fusou)

"Yes, Onee-sama! Main guns, ready, aim, fire~!" (Yamashiro)

The two battleships fired a salvo at the last Ta-class, damaging it badly. 

"How's this for an attack?" (Yuubari)

Yuubari's escort fleet fired a volley of shells. Some of the shells hit the water but a couple struck the Ta-class. How is it not dead yet?! It let out a shriek before firing off a salvo of its own. The Chi-class fired off a barrage of torpedoes as well. 

"Incoming torpedoes. Approaching starboard. Speed up and take evasive actions."

The girls spread out and increased their speed. The enemy shells hit the water and the torpedoes zipped past them. Hiryuu launched her second wave of bombers. The bombs struck the Chi-class, bring it down to its knees. As it struggled to get up, a second bomber squadron flew close to the water surface and dropped their torpedoes. Within seconds, the first Abyssal fleet was destroyed.

"Phew. That was close." (Ryuujou)

The bomber squadron that finished off the Chi-class landed on Ryuujou's scroll and turned back into shikigami paper. The McDonalds employee cosplayer rolled her scrolled back up and placed it behind her hip.

"Don't celebrate now. We have to move quickly." 

"Let's move!' (Souryuu)