
Our Beginning, Ceo.

Mary an, is a beautiful woman, and smart, and hardworking, but did not expect that his life would give an unexpected twist to meet a man who falls in love with her instantly, Mary an, you will note that the best friends do not exist. How can this beautiful couple be happy?

maryriver917 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: "Lavo Night-club"

Chapter 2: "Lavo Night-club"

On The next day, Mary an, parents are up earlier than normal, putting pumps and preparing the cake and the table, with the help of Berta, the decoration was simple but everything looked beautiful, the two adults tired They sat on the sofa, while Berta prepared Mary An's favorite breakfast. "Waffles" Mary an, got up and went directly to bathe and get ready, she had bought a lot of clothes and shoes the day before, to celebrate with her parents and at night with her friends.

When they went down the stairs they felt a lot of joy, her parents were waiting for their beautiful daughter with a dark pink and black cake, the two favorite colors of the beautiful girl, the only daughter of the Ju and Fu family.

 - Happy birthday to our beautiful daughter - !! The two adults said watching beloved daughter, they realizing from her how much she had already grown and how much they loved her.

- Thanks! Mom ... Thanks, Dad I love you ... too -. Mary an, answered, feeling her eyes crystallize. -And we to you daughter- ... blows the candles darling-. They said with tears in their eyes as well. Mary an, still blew out the candles and then the three of them sat at the table. - Hello, Girl ... Happy Birthday -! Berta said, coming out of the kitchen with a silver tray, where she carried the little woman's breakfast.

- ¡Omg! What a delight ... Mommy, daddy, and you Berta, they didn't really have to do this. I feel very lucky to have you all with me -. Mary an, said, happy on the verge of tears. - No, daughter it is a fortune to have you as our daughter… we are very happy -. The two older ones answered, getting up from the table to hug their daughter.

Berta also came over to give the girl a big hug. Berta, had never had a family, that's why she loved Mary an.

- Mary an, how would you like to celebrate your birthday? Asks her father-Shall we go to the movies dad? - Asks the expectant girl - and then we can go to a fancy restaurant and have dinner -.

- that's okay with me !! -. Her mother answers, holding her hands.



They left home in the direction of the Paris Style Mall, where they saw a movie that was showing. At the end of the film, they went out to a very elegant restaurant, as planned. - What are you mom and daddy going to eat? - Mary an asks, so that she also asks for the same.

- I want shrimp, and Chop suey ... oh and drinking lemonade without sugar - please. - for me the same. -answers her father  -Yes, the same as them but I don't want shrimp ... I want red meat with broccoli-.         

- "It´s a pleasure, something more?" the Waiter in charge asks  - No, to drink the same as my mother ... please -. -a pleasure. He answers by going to the bar to place the order.

When they finished they returned home. Mary an, she should get a good night's sleep to stay awake at night. - Daddy, mommy I'll go to sleep I'm very sleepy and tonight I'll go out with the girls -. Mary still said. - It's okay daughter ... sleep beautifully -. She gives her parents a kiss saying goodbye to them.


7:30 pm… At the disco and 5-star hotel Lavo Night-club, Mary an Ju, was celebrating her 21st Birthday, with her three best friends.

Olivia Shu, Silvia Mou and Rose Shi. The 4 Ladies of the second generation of the rich families of the peninsula.

Rose Shi, said goodbye to the girls, she had to go back home at midnight. Since her parents gave her permission until that time. - Mary an, friend Happy birthday and may you celebrate many more years !!!. Rose Shi says goodbye, giving her a hug.

Rose Shi, was the only one who did not help Olivia, with her plan ... she actually lied, if she wanted to participate but she did not want problems with her father or Mary an's father.

Girls have always envied Mary an, she is so beautiful and intelligent.

When Rose Shi, came out.

Olivia Shu and Silvia Mou, carried out the plan, now they were carrying Mary an, by the shoulders trying to prevent her from falling, she was so dizzy that she was walking almost dragging her feet.

- Girls… what… what are you… doing… where… are you taking me? The beautiful woman who was now a bit disheveled asked with difficulty.