
Otsutsuki: The Path to Supremacy

After a failed experiment, Hajime finds himself in a world he thought was fictitious, using his future knowledge to his advantage, and also being born directly from a goddess. Will he shake the foundation or will he fall like many others who have tried in the past? (This is Naruto's world, but since it is far away, then there will be very little interaction at first, so be warned.) https://www.patreon.com/KingDovahkiin this my Patreo n. https://discord.gg/n6WzWjdsC3

KingDovahkiin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

The Beginning of Supremacy

Another new day in this world that I believed to be the only animation, but now I am living a life in it, full of possibilities, there is a lot of knowledge that I intend to acquire, and for that, I need power, and also a form of immortality, for sure and a lot of knowledge that could spend a lot of time and still not scratch even the surface, especially with a clan like the Otsutsuki in space and dimensions that at the moment I do not know about it, because my dear hand Kaguya and very reserved about it, sigh, it will not be easy, but at least the opportunities are the tables and available.

This way Hajime starts another normal day, full of introspection, and taking advantage that the world is in a peaceful period, he trains very well and still remembers some things regarding the anime, something of training as means to improve Chakra control, such as the exercise of leaves on the body, walking on water and some others that he invented himself.

At the edge of a lake near his house, he is sitting in a meditative pose, trying to see inside with his powers, because he already had access to his Byakugan unlike his brothers, he has been training secretly, even though it is hard to escape from his mother's eyes, and what eyes are those, he has not seen her using her Rinne Sharingan yet, just thinking he shudders. This way he once again sees his Chakra and very dense, very different from his brothers, maybe it's because he is training or because he has more Otsutsuki characteristics than human, he doesn't know yet, but when he has enough power to leave without his mother knowing he will find out.

He tries to compare his Chakra with his mother's, and sees that it's ridiculous because he doesn't even look like an ant in front of her; That way it's a long way to reach at least half of my mother's power if she is like the rest of the Clan, the worst of it is that only the 4 of us have Chakra on this planet, except for that crippled Clan around, but the rest are only normal humans, that with a fart can die, and that way there is no way to know my exact strength, but as long as I base myself on my mother is fine for now.

"Well, one of my goals and get as much information of the Clan and also the technology because the Shinju and a form of biological technology well advanced, and also be able to take advantage that my mother is not crazy for power, because until that moment I have a good 15 years, now I do not know if the power went to her head or also she was corrupted in some way by the divine tree. Well enough of that and time to train."


And that's how some years passed again, as my brothers were growing up they saw that I was stronger and also acting differently, even Kaguya who usually doesn't understand much of these human emotions noticed, but that was something I wanted to let on because at this moment I'm 15 years old, I'm as strong as Madara in his prime because when I was 10, I managed to unlock the Rinnegan was with a lot of training and effort, good thing I train secretly, and I can also suppress my Chakra very well, that even goes unnoticed by my mother, and unlike Hagoromo who had to awaken first his Sharingan and only when he had to kill Hamura awakened the Rinnegan I was direct, I think the concentration of talent and effort, along with his direct son of someone with whom he has eaten the fruit of Chakra does this, well, today I want to go out and venture out and make my bases for my supremacy.

Pov Kaguya:

On a fateful night the Otsutsuki family was eating dinner silently, as they were taught to behave since they were kids, even though Kaguya didn't have to Kaguya was also eating, and watching her three kids, and the more time she spends with them she has been acquiring these feelings, that she knows the name, but tries not to feel, because she has to have this facade of indifference, and also of omnipotence, and behind this, she doesn't feel her mind being changed little by little, it can be human influences or also of the fruit she ate, it was this can go for good as well as for evil.

Breaking the silence Hajime her first son speaks getting her attention; "Mae I am older, so I would like to venture out into the world, know our lands, and also experience certain adventures, and since we are at peace, with you protecting everyone, we don't need to worry." When Hajime finished speaking a certain pressure fell on everyone as the Matriarch was analyzing so intensely that even her Rinne Sharingan activated at the moment, and although she was very strong, Hajime at this moment understood why she was called a Goddess.

"Why would you like to venture out, for the same you that has everything here needs nothing, I gave you everything, including your Chakra, which was mine, I taught you for unlike your brothers, you were interested in my and your origins, now answer me, in a way where I can trust you."

Pov Hajime:

I had never felt any kind of threat in my life, and that happens when someone usually lives in a world ruled by a single being, and of this being only he has a catastrophic power, today I understand that despite being powerful, even though I think I could be at the level of Madara in his heyday before my mother I am still nothing, good thing that she is not good at harnessing this power because otherwise, Hagoromo wouldn't even be able to touch her before losing everything.

"Mae precisely because of this, you give us everything, provide us with everything we want, and have taught us a lot, so I want to grow by my own term now, I want to somehow make my name Hajime Otsutsuki, the one who came first, be heard, and not just the son of the goddess, so I would like you to give me your blessing."

I continued to stare at those eyes, especially his red eye, his Rinne Sharingan, he and very different, even brings the feeling of being alive, and a lot of power for a single eye, good thing my Rinnegan is deactivated, because this would be a very bad way to confront her, and may even lead her to want my Chakra well ahead of schedule.

And in that intense way of looking between the two people, Kaguya lets out a sigh. "Alright, I understand what you are meaning, because I did the same, and that way I ended up coming to this Planet, and consequently had you 3, so you have my permission Hajime, but only you, for now, don't even think about it heard Hagoromo and hamura."

And that way it only took one look at the two of them that they shut up, well he's still very naive, especially Hamura. So after dinner I packed my things so I could leave; 'How I wish I could have a storage scroll, but I don't even know how to start a Fuuinjutsu, I'll have to find that frog as soon as possible so I can learn Senjutsu and some Fuuinjutsu, because I'm sure he knows at least the beginning, what I exactly need and an initial part, and from that I'll be able to develop the mine, in many different aspects, I don't know how the Clan doesn't have such a thing according to mom there is nothing like that, what a waste of talent.

When I finished they were all waiting for me, and maybe that will be the last time that I see my mother because I know that in at least 10 years my two foolish brothers will fight with her, and also I won't get in the way of that, because it will be very beneficial for me. "Well then I will go and thank you for everything Mae, and take care of her you heard Hamura and you too Hagoromo, no use to make that face of disgust". That way I hugged my mother, something I had never done before, and so did she, which surprised everyone, because that was not something I would do, very different from usual;

"Well, I will go until more." And I left for good, leaving my mom stunned with the hug and my brothers, and also this way I will spread my wings, build my own Otsutsuki Clan that will be loyal to me, one thing I will make sure, and in the meantime also get immortality no big deal, because I'm almost there.

And so mother and son with their brothers say goodbye, not knowing what the future holds, for they are witnessing the beginning of someone who will shake the power structure not of this world, but the universe.

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