
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Yashiki had to cut off his hand, which Hikari set on fire for Amaterasu.

"Where did they disappear to?"

Boruto and Hikari teleported outside the kingdom, where Boruto's clone was already waiting, and Otsutsuki freed the imprisoned ones.

"You are lower class Otsutsuki?"  Boruto asked, one of the Otsutsuki group confirmed it  "All right, come with me"

 "Boruto, what's going on here?"  Hikari asked

 "I'll explain everything to you as we go"

Boruto led the freed Otsutsuki to the village he was in earlier, in the meantime he explained the entire situation to Hikari

 "Thank you, Boruto-sama, for bringing the kidnapped residents"

 "It's nothing"

"Hey Boruto, Code attacked Konoha" said the toad hidden under his cloak

 "I see.  If you ever need help, use this" Boruto handed over a sign with the Konoha symbol  "Hikari, we have to go back"


Code and his army attacked the Konoha village, Sarada activated her Sharingan running towards the creatures

"Katon: Gokakyuu no Jutsu!"  she released fireballs from her mouth, then created Chidori in her hands, piercing in front of one of the Juubi

Suddenly Code appeared above Sarada  "We finally meet, nice to meet you Sarada Uchiha"

"Code, why did you attack the village?"

"I'm looking for Boruto"

"You're late, Boruto left the village three years ago"

"I know, that's why I'm going to lure him out of hiding"

At that moment, Boruto fell on top of Code, landing with his boot on his face

"With this attitude, I'm not surprised that girls run away from you"

"Boruto"  Sarada was surprised to see her old friend  "Are you okay?"

Boruto didn't even look at Sarada  "Sarada, first save the inhabitants, we'll talk later, just survive"

Sarada stared at Boruto for a moment before moving to help the villagers

"Boruto, take me to the real Juubi"


"You don't realize the seriousness of the situation, we can still stop it before it's too late"

 "What if I don't agree?"

Boruto narrowed his eyes and drew his sword  "I will only say this once, I can easily kill you, but I will give you a chance to correct your mistake"

 "Do not be funny"

The creatures attacked Boruto, the blonde started cutting them down one by one as if they were no problem for him.  Suddenly, Code appeared in front of Boruto, trying to attack him, but the teenager blocked his attack, then created a Rasengan in his hand and hit Code in the stomach, throwing him a long distance.

"Uzuhiko's Rasengan!"