
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


A certain black-haired girl woke up in Toneri's palace

 "Where am I?"

 "Are you awake?" Toneri asked

 "Who are you and what is this place?"

 "My name is Toneri Otsutsuki, you are in my palace.  When Boruto defeated Mertz, you fell into a coma that lasted for over three years"

 "Boruto, where is Boruto?  I want to see him"


 "Boruto currently resides in another dimension"

"Can you take me there?"

 "Are you sure, in this demension are beings more powerful than the strongest shinobi?

 "I want to help Boruto"

 "All right"

At the same time, Boruto managed to sneak into the castle, then created a clone and told him to find the place where the Otsutsuki are imprisoned.

 "I didn't expect you to make it here"  Yashiki said  "I sense something familiar about you, and it's not that you're Otsutsuki"

Boruto heard Momoshiki react to the voice of the Otsutsuki clan leader by growling

In the blink of an eye, Yashiki appeared in front of Boruto, grabbing him by the neck and throwing the teenager against the wall

"This one is definitely stronger than the others"  Boruto thought as he activated Karma

 "Karma huh, I wonder which of us got it from.  I'll find out soon anyway"

Boruto created a dozen or so clones of himself and started attacking, Yashiki fired black balls that destroyed the clones, the real Boruto appeared above Yashiki, creating a Rasengan in his hand

 "Do you think you'll be able to scratch me with such a pathetic attack?"

Yashiki simply moved away and when Boruto was about to hit the ground, Yashiki kneed him in the stomach, making the blonde spit out blood.

 "Is this all you can afford? If so, you have disappointed me greatly"

 "I've never combined karma with sage mode, but I think it's time to try"  Boruto thought, dismissing one of his clones who was collecting nature's energy and thus entering sage mode, combining it with Karma.

When Yashiki was about to deliver the final blow, Boruto jumped out and punched him in the chin, then punched Yashiki in the stomach, throwing him to the other side of the palace.

 "So if you want, you can muster a little more power"

Yashiki created a chakra blade in his hand and charged at Boruto, who pulled out his sword and poured chakra into it, they both clashed with their swords

 "Do you really think that such a miserable stick can resist such a wonderful sword?"

 "It's not the weapon that makes you a warrior, but the technique"

Boruto leaned back, then activated his Jougan for a second, Yashiki didn't even notice when his cheek was scratched

 "When is he?"

 "You're pathetic, Yashiki"

 "This voice"

When Boruto turned around, he revealed a horn protruding from his forehead and a Byakugan appeared in his eye.

 "Long time no see, brother"
