
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Otsutsuki arrived at the palace after defeated by Boruto


"What is it, Kiraku?"

"A mortal came to our planet, but I sensed Otsutsuki's chakra in him"

"Huh, interesting"

At the same time, Boruto reached the capital where he found the Otsutsuki kingdom

 "So this is where the elite are"

Suddenly Boruto sensed something and dodged the attack at the last moment, another Otsutsuki stood in front of him

 "What are you looking for here?"

 "I just wanted to visit the capital"

"You are not worthy, you do not even belong to the Otsutsuki clan"  he said, moving to attack

Otsutsuki immediately appeared in front of Boruto, before the blonde could do anything, he received a powerful blow that threw him several meters back.

 "This one is definitely stronger than that one.  Kage Bushin No Jutsu!"

Boruto created a dozen or so clones of himself, which he sent to his opponent. Otsutsuki easily destroyed the clones one by one, while the real one created a Rasengan in his hand and attacked.

 "Take it.  Rasengan!"

Otsutsuki tried to block the blow, but Boruto teleported behind the opponent and hit him in the back, throwing him a considerable distance.

 "You are stronger than I thought, I don't like using this power, but I have no other choice" Otsutsuki said, unleashing his full power

When Otsutsuki increased his power, a strong earthquake was created, his appearance changed (his skin became red, two horns grew on his forehead and a tail grew on his back) Otsutsuki appeared in front of Boruto in the blink of an eye, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him into the air

"He's even faster" he thought

Suddenly, Otsutsuki appeared above Boruto and kicked him to the ground

"Damn, I guess I'll have to fight seriously"  Boruto thought, dispersing the clone that was collecting nature's energy and entering sage mode

Otsutsuki appeared behind Boruto, the blonde dodged the attack by jumping up, then quickly placed seals

 "Raiton:Jiraisen!"  Boruto shot lightning

 However, this attack did nothing to the opponent

"He's completely lost his mind, I guess I have no choice but to kill him" Boruto thought

Otsutsuki fired a shockwave towards the blonde, Boruto activated Jougan and teleported behind the opponent, then he created a Rasengan in one hand and Chidori in the other, after feeling he combined both techniques together

"Chiradoserigan!"  a powerful chakra beam shot out

When the attack hit the opponent, it pierced him through and through, causing Otsutsuki to return to his normal form before falling limply to the ground.

 "I can't believe it, I lost..."

Boruto approached the dying Otsutsuki  "I didn't want to kill you, but you left me no other choice.  I just wanted to know why you are attacking other members of your own clan"

"Heh, I see, you're from Hogorami.  I just wanted to serve the king to free my family"


"He imprisoned them and forced me to serve him...I have no right to ask you for this, but I want you to release them, that's all I want"

Boruto was surprised when Otsutsuki shook his hand.

"I will do my best to free them"  Boruto squeezed the hand of the person he had fought with a moment ago

A few seconds later, Otsutsuki died, while Boruto tried to sneak into the castle.