
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


2 years later...

Boruto arrived on some strange planet

"Where am I?"

Suddenly the blond heard a scream, the teenager immediately ran to that place, when he arrived he was surprised.


There were figures that looked like Otsutsuki everywhere, one of them was holding a small child.

"Please leave him," the elder Otsutsuki said

"You are pathetic, you could have served the elite and had a better life, but instead you chose a miserable life in this place.

"We will never serve a tyrant like your king"

"You will soon regret your words"

The attacker tried to attack, but suddenly Boruto appeared next to him and hit him in the face, throwing him several meters to the side, Boruto grabbed the child

"All right?"

"Yes, thank you"

Boruto set the boy down.

"Who are you?"

"Nobody important"

"You'll soon regret it"

Otsutsuki started attacking the teenager, Boruto easily blocked his blows, at one point he punched his opponent in the chin and then kicked him in the stomach, throwing Otsutsuki back a few meters.  Before Otsutsuki regained his balance, Boruto teleported behind him and hit him in the back with a Rasengan

"GHRAAARH!  I must inform the honorable king" Otsutsuki said as he disappeared

"Thank you boy, my name is Hogorami Otsutsuki," the elder Otsutsuki said

"My name is Boruto, can you tell me where I am?"

 "You are on the planet Otsu, belonging to the Otsutsuki clan"

 "Planet Otsu, why are the other Otsutsuki attacking you?"

"You see, the Otsutsuki clan is divided into the upper class Otsutsuki and the lower class.  Higher-class Otsutsuki often take part in battles or conquering other planets.  We of the lower class live a peaceful life on this small part of this planet" Hogorami explained

 "So the Otsutsuki who tried to kidnap that kid was from the upper class?"


"Why did he want to kidnap this boy anyway?"

"Because they want to build a new generation of elite warriors"

"I think I'll check this place out"

 Hogorami was surprised by Boruto's decision  "You want to go to the Otsutsuki kingdom, it is dangerous there, the elite of this clan are there, they are powerful"

 "I will find out if they are really as elite as everyone thinks they are"

As Boruto was about to leave, the boy he saved approached him

 "It's you, what's your name?"

 "Miroko, I don't want you to die"

Boruto crouched down in front of Miroko, placing his hand on his head  "I won't die, I promise"  he said and then left.

"Maybe the Otsutsuki clan isn't that bad after all, at least not all of them from this clan"  Boruto thought.

Inside Boruto, Momoshiki looked like he was thinking about something