
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Boruto created a Chidori in one hand and a Rasengan in the other, the blonde decided to combine both techniques.  When he combined both jutsu, it disappeared

 "What is?"

"Are you trying to combine Chidori and Rasengan?"  said Sasuke

 "Yes, but I can't do it"

 "Listen, Boruto, to do this, you have to use an equal amount of chakra for both techniques"  advised Sasuke

Boruto decided to combine both techniques once again, this time when he did so the technique exploded, throwing Boruto backwards.


 "You see, if you add too much chakra, the technique will explode, but if you add too little, the technique will be useless and will disappear" - Sasuke explained.

Boruto looked at his hands and noticed that they were burned.

 "Damn it"

 "Let it go for now, let your hands heal"

At the same time in Konoha, during Naruto's absence, Kakashi returned to the position of Hokage, suddenly Sarada came to the office.


"What's going on Sarada?"

"Please don't sentence Boruto to death"

"Sarada do you realize, Boruto killed the seventh and his wife and injured Kawaki, we can't forgive him" Shikamaru said

 "Shikamaru is right"  Kakashi agreed with him

"Yes, but how can you explain to me that Boruto has a scar on his eye and not Kawaki, the same with whisker marks on his cheeks?"

 Shikamaru sighed "Sarada, I know..."

Kakashi interrupted his assistant  "Wait Shikamaru, Sarada is right, if she says that, I'm starting to have doubts about Boruto, something doesn't feel right here"

 "If you think Boruto was innocent, why did he run away from the village?"

 "And you wouldn't run away if the entire village considered you an enemy who killed the Hokage?"

 "Please calm down.  Okay, we will give Boruto a chance to explain the situation, I won't put him in the bingo book yet, but I will send an arrest warrant for him to bring him back to the village alive, I hope you will be satisfied with this solution"

"Yes, thank you, Rokudaime-sama" Sarada said politely as she left the office

At the same time, Kawaki came to the apartment where Eida and Deamon live

 "Oh Kawaki, what are you doing here?"

"Tell me where is Boruto?"

"I don't know," she lied

 "How you don `t know?  If you see everything, find Boruto!"   Kawaki wasn't satisfied with Eida's answer

 "I can see everything on this planet, if I can't see Boruto it means he could be hiding in some other dimension that I don't have access to"

Kawaki growled in irritation as he walked to the exit. "If you see him, you're to let me know"

 "What an asshole, if he talks to you like that again I will kill him"  Deamon commented