
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


"What are you going to do now?"  Kashin Koji asked

"I will return to Konoha and pass on the information"

Boruto heard Momoshiki growl, so the blonde entered his mind to talk to him

"What do you mean?"

"Don't forget to get stronger, you have to defeat my brother"

"I know, although I don't know why you want me to defeat him?"

"Because I am dead and you are my vessel"

When evening came, Boruto moved to Konoha, specifically to the training ground, where Sarada was already waiting for him.

"You came, I thought you would forget"  she said in an unpleasant tone

"Is she mad at me?"   Boruto thought, seeing Sarada approaching him  "What happened Sarada, are you mad at me?"

Sarada lowered her eyes as she approached Boruto  "Are you still asking?  Three years... for three fucking years I was worried about you, I didn't even know if you were still alive, you didn't even have the courage to contact me, even by writing a letter"  Sarada started punching Boruto's torso  "Idiot, idiot, idiot you left without saying goodbye  , who am I for you?"  she looked at Boruto with his Sharingan activated

Boruto didn't know what to say, he knew he should explain the situation to Sarada, but three years ago everything happened so suddenly that he couldn't do anything else but run away with Master Sasuke, the blonde put his hand on Sarada's shoulder  "I'm sorry Sarada, I couldn't reach you  write a letter because someone from Konoha could take it over, I didn't want you to worry, and they would consider you even more an enemy if they found out that you had something to do with me"

"I don't care what other people think, we are friends, I want to help you"

"Forgive me, I just didn't want to involve you in my problems" Boruto said

"Okay, I'll forgive you if you take me with you"

Boruto thought for a moment, but finally made a decision  "If that's what you want, fine, I'll take you with me.  I know you're there, you can come out"

Mitsuki and Sumire came out from behind the trees

"What are you doing here?"

"We were following Sarada, I thought she was going to meet you" Sumire replied

"We also want to help you" Mitsuki added

"Okay, come on, I want to show you something"

Boruto along with Sarada, Sumira and Mitsuki teleported to the place where Sasuke was trapped, Sarada was shocked to see her father trapped in a tree


"I'm sorry Sarada, but during our journey, me and Sasuke-san were attacked by Code and his army, one of his creatures bit Sasuke and turned him into a tree.  It turned out that Shinju can create an exact clone by biting him" Boruto explained

"Are you saying there's a Shinju version of Sasuke out there somewhere?"  Mitsuki asked and Boruto nodded

"Not only him, but there are also three other clones.  I didn't want this to happen, if only I was stronger then and could do something" Boruto clenched his fists, regretting that he couldn't do anything then

To his surprise, Sarada placed a hand on Boruto's shoulder  "It's not your fault, more like mine, I told my father to help you. Therefore, I will correct this mistake and save my father" the Mangekyo Sharingan appeared in Sarada's eyes for the second time