
Otsutsuki King

After Kawaki replaces everyone's memories of Boruto, the Hokage's son and Sasuke leave the village

Damin_Typie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


Kawaki dodged the creature's attack, then placed his hand on its torso and exploded it, before moving towards Code and Boruto. Kara's member tried to attack the blonde, but Boruto disappeared and appeared behind him


 Suddenly Code saw a vortex with Boruto in it "What's going on here?"

"Uzuhiko's Rasengan uses the planet's rotation to create a vortex in which you are trapped.  The technique can be interrupted in two ways, the first is to turn it off and only I can do it, the second is the death of the person on whom I applied the technique.  You better tell me where Juubi's real body is?"

"Don't make fun of me!"  Code tried to attack Boruto again, but again he missed and fell to the ground

 The blonde appeared in front of him  "You see, no matter what you do now, it will still be useless"

Suddenly Boruto sensed something and dodged the attack at the last moment.


"You finally showed up, Boruto, what are you looking for here?"

Himawari and team ten arrived at the scene, Boruto was surprised to see his younger sister transformed


"What are you doing here, Boruto, and what are you and Code talking about?"  Shikadai asked

"Don't interfere"

Kawaki activated Karma and attacked Boruto  "Don't tell me what to do"

Boruto disappeared and in a split second appeared above Kawaki, kicking him in the back and punching his brother into the ground "Don't act like a kid Kawaki, I don't have time to play with you"

"Boruto, please stop" Himawari pleads

Code took advantage of the situation and disappeared from the village, Boruto narrowed his eyes when he saw it

"Boruto, the Sixth Hokage wants to see you" Konohamaru said

Boruto sighed and allowed Konohamaru to handcuff him, then he and the rest of the group went to the Hokage building.

 "You Kawaki, clean up this mess" Konohamaru said

 A few moments later, Boruto was sitting across from Kakashi

"It's good that you showed up, we have a lot of things to explain, first of all why you killed Naruto and Hinata"

 "I didn't kill them, they are still alive, they are just trapped in another dimension"  Boruto replied, surprising everyone

 "If you're telling the truth, then free them!"  Shikamaru said

"I can't do it because it wasn't me who did it it was Kawaki"

"Don't talk nonsense, Kawaki would never do something like that to his father and mother"

"If you don't believe me, then you don't give me any other choice"  Boruto activated Jougan, breaking the effect of Eida's omnipotence from Kakashi, Shikamaru, Mitsuki, team ten, Konohamaru and Himawari

Everyone was confused

"What's going on, why is Boruto captured?"

When Konohamaru released Boruto, Himawari immediately ran to him


"I'm glad to see you too Hima, you've grown!"

"Boruto, we're confused, can you tell us what happened?" Konohamaru asked

Boruto nodded and explained the situation to everyone