
Otherworldly Interference

What happens if Harry Potter died at the age of 10 and the soul in his body is replaced by someone from Earth?

Alsiel_A · Livres et littérature
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79 Chs

Conflicted Feelings

Ron watched Harry disappear in front of him, the soundless Disapparition leaving an unsettling silence in its wake. He stood there, rooted to the spot, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. His best friend, the boy who lived, the boy who loved mischief and was usually always in a good mood, seemed totally different today.

Ron had heard countless stories about Voldemort from his parents. They had painted a picture of a man devoid of emotion, a ruthless killer who would stop at nothing to achieve his ends. But the face Harry had shown today... it reminded Ron of all those terrifying tales, only worse. There was no usual glint of mischief in Harry's eyes; they had shifted from their familiar green to a deep, unsettling grey. At that moment, Ron had a hard time believing he was seeing his friend. It was as if he was looking at a dark lord.

His thoughts drifted back to the scene with the dragon. Harry had pointed his wand at the massive creature, his voice cold and devoid of any warmth. "How dare you try to take the people I love from me..." The words echoed in Ron's mind, sending shivers down his spine. The hatred and bloodlust in Harry's voice had been terrifying and absolutely chilling.

As they made their way back from the reserve, Ron could hardly focus on anything else. His dad and Mr. Dursley had stayed behind to help Charlie, leaving the rest of the group to travel back in silence. The usual chatter and banter were absent, replaced by a heavy, contemplative quiet.

"Why was Harry so powerful?" Ron whispered to himself, glancing at the others The question gnawed at Ron. He had seen his friend perform incredible feats before, but this... this was different. Harry had dominated a dragon, a fully grown Hungarian Horntail, one of the most dangerous dragons in the world. And he had done it effortlessly, merely by exerting his magical pressure. How?

Ron glanced around at the others, wondering if they were as troubled as he was. They all seemed lost in their thoughts, processing the day's events in their own way. But for Ron, it was all about Harry. His best friend was changing, becoming someone he hardly recognized. It scared him, but it also made him determined to stand by Harry, no matter what. He just hoped that, in the end, he would still be able to recognize the boy who had become like a brother to him. Would he be able to? He was far behind Harry who was in a league above Dumbledore. How would he catch up to him? Would he even be able to catch up?

Ginny sat quietly in the vehicle, watching her brother's pensive face. Ron had been silent since they left the reserve, and she could see the worry etched into his features. She couldn't blame him; the events of the day had left her shaken too. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Harry, to the moment when everything had changed.

Harry had Disapparated so suddenly, his expression unreadable, but the power he had displayed was still vivid in her mind. She had always known Harry was strong, but this was something else entirely. She shivered, remembering the way his eyes had shifted from green to a dark, stormy grey. That look had sent chills down her spine.

Ginny had grown up hearing the same stories about Voldemort as Ron. Their parents had always been honest about the horrors they had faced, the pure, unrelenting evil of the Dark Lord. But seeing Harry like that today had brought those stories to life in a way she had never imagined. Harry had always been her hero, but today, he had been terrifying.

She thought back to the confrontation with the dragon. She had been so scared, but Harry... Harry had stood there, unyielding, his voice cold and filled with a hatred that was almost tangible. "How dare you try to take the people I love from me..." The words had echoed through the clearing, and Ginny had felt her heart pound in her chest. Harry's magical energy had surged, pressing down on everyone like a physical weight. She had watched in awe and fear as he made the massive dragon bow to his will.

Now, as they neared the villa, Ginny's mind was still reeling. Why was Harry so powerful? She knew he had faced incredible dangers before, but this was on a completely different level. The way he had controlled the dragon, the sheer force of his magic—it was almost unbelievable.

The vehicle stopped, and they all stepped out, the quiet still hanging heavily in the air. Fred and George, usually so full of life, had been uncharacteristically subdued, though they had tried to lift everyone's spirits with a stop at the bakery. Ginny appreciated their effort, but even the sweet pastries couldn't distract her from her thoughts about Harry.

As they walked into the villa, Ginny noticed the tension in the air. Everyone was on edge, thinking about Harry and what had happened. She followed the others as they quietly checked on him, finding that he had placed wards around his bed. He seemed to be sound asleep as they couldn't see him, but those wards spoke volumes about his state of mind. He wanted—no, needed—privacy and rest.

Ginny stood there for a moment, watching Harry's bed from a distance. Even when Harry was that terrifying, Ginny still felt as if their futures were intertwined. Seeing the dark, formidable side of him didn't change her feelings; if anything, a part of her was awestruck by his capabilities. She couldn't understand why she felt this way when she should be scared. If Harry turned out to be a dark lord, would she stand by him? No, she told herself firmly, she would not. But deep down, she had a feeling that she might, a thought she did not wish to be true.

"Is he okay?" Ginny whispered to Petunia, who nodded but looked worried.

"He just needs some time," Petunia replied softly. "Let's give him space."

As she started walking back towards the living room and joined the others who were sitting around the table. Both her mother and Mrs. Dursley were preparing tea for everyone to go with the pastries the twins had gotten from the bakery on their way back. As they served the tea to everyone, Ginny sat down beside Ron. Sirius who seemed to be thinking something quite deeply had not joined them and was sitting on the far corner of the room away from everyone. 

Ginny caught Ron's eye and offered a weak smile. He returned it, but she could see the worry still etched on his face.

"Are you okay?" Ginny asked softly, sitting down next to him.

Ron nodded slowly. "Yeah, just... processing everything, you know?"

She nodded in understanding, "Yes, it was quite something to see Harry that way."

Ron sighed. "I know. It's like he was someone else totally."

Ginny nodded as they sat in silence still thinking about the incident back then. The evening went by quickly as everyone tried to maintain at least some semblance of normalcy. 

Around 9 o'clock, the atmosphere shifted as Vernon and Arthur returned from the reserve, their arrival breaking the quiet of the villa. As Vernon and Arthur entered the room, the group turned their attention towards them, eager for updates from the reserve. Vernon wasted no time in relaying the details, his voice grave as he recounted the events that had unfolded.

"Harry will not be held responsible," he announced, his tone firm. "The reserve failed to contain the dragon, and it's clear that he was not at fault."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room at the news. The tension that had been lingering since their return began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of reassurance.

Arthur nodded in agreement, adding, "The caretakers responsible for the dragon have been fined a hefty amount due to their negligence."

Vernon interjected, "However, I've offered to pay the fine instead. It's quite substantial, and it would have left them with nothing."

The group murmured their appreciation, grateful for Vernon's gesture of kindness. The thought of Harry being held responsible had weighed heavily on their minds, and knowing that he was in the clear brought a sense of relief.

Concern etched Vernon's brow as he asked, "Where's Harry?"

Petunia replied softly, "He's sleeping in his room. He placed wards around his bed; no one can get close."

Vernon's brows furrowed at the news, his worry evident. "We should check on him," he suggested, but Petunia shook her head.

"He needs rest," she insisted, her voice gentle but firm. "Let him sleep. He'll wake up when he's ready."

Back in his room Harry had woken up and was thinking about the things that had happened. He had hastily Apparated back to the villa because his felt his magical energy was behaving strangely. It seemed to be fluctuating erratically, surging and receding without warning. Scared that he might hurt the people around he had quickly apparated back to the villa and set up wards around his bed that refrained anyone to looking or getting close to him.

After setting up those wards, he had tried to get his magical energy under control, but it was in vain. His magical energy didn't seem to listen to him and continued to fluctuate. The constant fluctuation was now starting to sting his body, sharp bursts of pain flaring with each surge.

"What is happening to me?" Harry muttered to himself, clutching his sides as another wave of pain shot through him. "Why can't I control my magic?"

Lying in bed, Harry gripped his sheets tightly, trying to focus his mind and calm the chaos within. But then, something strange happened. His magical energy seemed to take on a life of its own, moving independently of his will. He felt it probing, searching for something.

Harry's magical energy reached out to his subspace pouch. He felt a tug, as if something was calling to him from within the pouch. "What is it?" he wondered aloud, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity.

To his shock, the pouch opened, and the small piece of water resin floated out. Harry's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. The piece of resin hovered in the air, beginning to spin faster and faster, emitting a reddish-black aura.

"This can't be real," Harry whispered, staring at the resin. "Why is this happening now?"

In front of Harry's eyes, the solid water resin piece, which had been a shining blue color, transformed into a single red drop of liquid surrounded by a blackish aura. Confused about it Harry tried to reach out and touch the liquid drop, but it evaded his touch and shot straight into his forehead, disappearing as soon as it made contact with his skin.

The force of the impact was enough to knock Harry out. He collapsed onto his bed, the world around him fading to black.

When Harry woke up, the first thing he noticed was the silence. The chaotic surges of his magic had stopped. Sitting up slowly, he looked around the room. Everything seemed normal, except for the fact that his magical energy was now calm and steady.

"What just happened?" Harry thought, rubbing his forehead where the resin had hit him. "I need to figure this out. For now I should check if the others have arrived."

As he didn't look at the clock in the bedroom, Harry didn't realize it was already ten at night. He stood up, dispelling the wards around his bed, and headed downstairs, feeling a mixture of relief and confusion. Whatever had occurred, his magic was stable again. But the mystery of the water resin and its transformation lingered in his mind, a puzzle he knew he would have to solve soon.

Harry descended the stairs, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. As he stepped into the living room, the conversation quieted, and all eyes turned towards him. Petunia, or rather, his mum, was the first to react. She immediately stood up, her expression a mix of relief and concern.

"Harry," she said softly, her eyes brimming with tears.

Harry smiled and walked over to her, pulling her into a warm embrace. "I'm okay, Mum," he whispered, feeling the tension in her body ease as she hugged him back.

As they broke apart, Harry noticed the anxious expressions on everyone's faces. He moved to sit down, and Abigail, his little sister, came over and climbed onto his lap. Harry smiled at her, his heart swelling with gratitude. He had been afraid that Abigail might be scared of him after what had happened, but her trust and affection remained unwavering.

"Hey there, Abby," Harry said, ruffling her hair gently and kissing her head.

Abigail beamed up at him, her innocence almost a comforting presence to his troubled mind. The rest of the group seemed unsure how to approach the topic, and so they started talking about random things, avoiding the elephant in the room.

Sirius, however, was never one to beat around the bush. He leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Harry. "Harry, what happened earlier today at the reserve?"

The room fell silent, all eyes now on Harry. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "When the dragon attacked," he began, "and I saw Mum and Abigail in danger, I... I lost it."

He paused, the memories of the day flashing through his mind. "Sometimes, I have nightmares," he continued, his voice low. "Nightmares about losing my parents." He hesitated, the weight of his past life pressing down on him. "I blame myself for their deaths."

A collective gasp filled the room. Molly Weasley's eyes filled with tears, and Arthur reached out to squeeze her hand. Ron and Ginny exchanged worried glances, while Fred and George looked uncharacteristically serious. Percy, who had been sitting quietly in the corner, shifted uncomfortably, his stern demeanor softened by concern.

"I know it wasn't my fault," Harry said, trying to reassure them. "But the guilt is always there. And today, when I saw the dragon's breath nearly hit Abigail and Mum... I just couldn't bear the thought of losing them too."

He looked around the room, his eyes meeting each person's gaze. "All I could think about was protecting them, punishing the dragon for trying to take away the people I love."

He took a deep breath, his voice dropping to almost a whisper, but it was heard by everyone. "I wanted to kill it for trying to hurt the people I love."

Harry's admission hung heavy in the air, a tense silence enveloping the room as his words sank in. Molly Weasley's gasp echoed through the quiet, while Arthur's furrowed brow betrayed his concern. Ron and Ginny exchanged troubled glances, having a hard time believe that Harry just said that. Fred and George, usually quick with humor, sat in rare solemnity, their usual smirks replaced by somber expression. Percy's gaze remained fixed on Harry, a mixture of concern and disbelief flickering in his eyes. Sirius Black, no stranger to darkness, nodded in silent understanding.

Petunia, tears streaming down her face, moved closer and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Oh, Harry," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You don't have to carry that burden alone."

Vernon nodded his agreement, his face lined with concern. "We're here for you, son. Always."

Harry looked down at Abigail, who was gazing up at him with wide, trusting eyes. He hugged her tightly, feeling the support and love of everyone around him. "Thank you," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Molly, unable to contain herself any longer, rushed over and enveloped Harry in a hug. "We're family, Harry. We'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Fred and George, trying to lighten the mood, chimed in. "Yeah, mate. But N=next time you decide to take on a dragon, maybe give us a heads-up," Fred said with a grin.

George nodded, adding, "We might want to get some popcorn and watch the show."

Laughter rippled through the room, breaking the tension. Harry smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him. Despite the darkness of the day's events, he knew he was surrounded by people who cared deeply for him. 

Sirius, wanting to move away from the overly emotional atmosphere, stood up and cleared his throat. "Alright, everyone. I think we need a change of pace. To commemorate today, I've got the location of a really great restaurant for dinner. And the best part? It's a wizard restaurant within walking distance!"

A cheer went up around the room, the prospect of a meal out dispelling the lingering tension. Sirius grinned, pleased with the response. "So, let's get changed and head out for a lavish dinner!"

Everyone but Harry rushed off to their rooms to get ready. Petunia hesitated, glancing back at Harry, but she knew he probably needed a distraction tonight. Harry noticed her concern and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, Mum. Go on and get ready."

With a nod, Petunia joined the others, leaving Harry alone in the living room. He looked down at his clothes, realizing he only had one more set with him. An idea struck him. He held out his hand where Elythral materialised and cast a quick cleaning charm on the clothes he was wearing, watching as the dirt and stains vanished. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he transfigured his casual t-shirt and jeans into a clean set of semi-formal clothes.

He looked down at himself, admiring the transformation. The new outfit, a smart emerald green shirt paired with black trousers, complemented his eyes perfectly. Satisfied, he headed to the mirror to make sure everything was in place.

When he was done, he stepped out into the hallway, where the others were starting to gather. Ginny was the first to see him, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Harry, you look amazing!"

He smiled, feeling a bit self-conscious. "Thanks, Ginny. You look beautiful as well". And that she did. She was wearing a simple yet elegant blue dress that perfectly complemented her fiery red hair.

As the rest of the group joined them, everyone commented on how well Harry cleaned up. The mood was noticeably lighter, and the anticipation of a good meal and some time away from the villa seemed to lift everyone's spirits.

Sirius clapped Harry on the shoulder as they headed out the door. "You did good today, Harry. Now let's go enjoy ourselves."

After about a fifteen minute walk they arrived at a small door between two shops, that had the words 'Alchemy & Ambrosia'. The door looked unassuming and people would easily look past it. Sirius smirked at everyone as he opened the door and headed in. 

Inside, the group was greeted by an enchanting sight. The restaurant was a blend of rustic charm and magical elegance. Soft, ambient light glowed from enchanted chandeliers that floated gently above, casting a warm and inviting glow. The tables were set with pristine white tablecloths and flickering candles, giving the place an intimate yet grand feel.

The walls were lined with shelves filled with exotic ingredients and magical artifacts, giving the impression that every meal served here was a carefully crafted potion of flavors. The air was filled with the tantalizing aromas of gourmet dishes, making their stomachs rumble in anticipation.

As they stepped through the small door, the space inside revealed itself to be much larger and more grand than the exterior suggested. The room had been expanded magically, filled with twinkling fairy lights and enchanted chandeliers that cast a warm, inviting glow. Tables were set with fine linens and gleaming silverware, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of delicious food. People were already seated at the tables enjoying their meals. 

A hostess approached them, smiling warmly. "Good evening and welcome to Alchemy & Ambrosia! Do you have a reservation?".

Sirius blinked, clearly not understanding a word as the hostess had spoken in Romanian. He fumbled for a moment, looking around at the others for help. "Er... reservation?"

Harry, however, stepped forward confidently, flashing a charming smile. "We don't have a reservation, but I hope you can help us find a nice table", he said, his tone smooth and soothing.

The hostess's eyes widened in surprise, and she smiled back, clearly intrigued. "It's a very busy evening, but I'll see what I can do", she replied, a hint of a blush on her cheeks.

Harry leaned in slightly, his voice carrying a comforting warmth. "That would be great. Our group is really looking forward to enjoying the wonderful food and atmosphere here. And I must admit, I don't mind waiting at all if it means I get to spend more time talking to you", he said, his voice gentle and soothing.

The hostess chuckled, charmed by Harry's smooth words. "Ah, you're so charming. Are you sure you want to be so generous with your time?", she teased, playing along with his flirtation.

Harry grinned, enjoying the playful banter. "Absolutely. What's better than pleasant conversation and a delicious meal in the company of such a beautiful person?", he replied smoothly.

The hostess blushed a deeper shade of red and giggled. "Ah, such a charming young man you are. Are you really trying to flirt with big sister right now?", she teased with a smile.

Harry grinned, enjoying the playful banter. "Just a bit", he replied with a wink.

The hostess laughed, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "Well, I'll do my best for such a charming young man", she said, before turning to check the reservation list.

Harry's smile widened as he leaned back slightly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And I'm Harry. I've told you my name, now tell me yours. It's only fair", he said, his voice filled with playful charm.

The hostess giggled, charmed by Harry's forwardness. "I'm Elena", she replied, her smile brightening.

Harry's grin widened. "Elena. A beautiful name for a beautiful hostess. Thank you for your help, Elena", he said, his tone sincere.

Elena's cheeks flushed pink, and she nodded, her smile shy but genuine. "You're welcome, Harry. Please follow me", she said, gesturing for them to follow her.

The group exchanged shocked glances as they followed Elena to their table, their surprise evident in the way they glanced at each other with raised eyebrows and widening eyes. They whispered among themselves, their voices hushed with incredulity.

"I had no idea Harry spoke Romanian," Ginny murmured to Ron, her tone filled with amazement.

Ron shook his head, equally stunned. "Neither did I. Wonder where he learned it."

Sirius leaned in, his voice low with disbelief. "The boy never fails to surprise us, does he?"

Petunia, still processing what had just transpired, simply nodded silently, her eyes lingering on Harry with a newfound sense of wonder.

As they settled into their seats, Harry could feel the weight of everyone's curious stares, and he shifted uncomfortably under their scrutiny. He hadn't expected his ability to speak Romanian to cause such a stir among his friends and family.

Across the table, Abigail tugged on his sleeve, her eyes wide with excitement. "Harry, that was so cool! You spoke another language!"

Harry chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Thanks, Abigail. Just a little trick I picked up along the way."

Clearing his throat, Harry addressed the group, his voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Um, well, you see... I've always been interested in languages," he began, searching for the right words. "I've read a lot of books at Hogwarts, and I guess I just picked them up along the way."

Ginny's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You know more languages?"

Harry nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, a few. I've always found it fascinating to learn about different cultures and ways of communicating."

Sirius grinned, clearly impressed. "That's incredible, Harry. You never cease to amaze us."

Petunia smiled softly, her gaze filled with pride. "You truly are remarkable, Harry," she said, her voice warm with affection. 

Vernon's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned forward. "How many languages do you know, Harry?" he asked eagerly.

"Well, besides Romanian, there's Japanese, German, French, Italian, Latin, Greek, Polish, Russian," Harry listed off, his fingers ticking through each language he learnt in his past life. "And I've dabbled in Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, and even a bit of Swahili."

The group stared at him in awe, their astonishment evident in their wide eyes and dropped jaws. Fred and George exchanged incredulous looks, while Ginny let out a low whistle of amazement.

"Merlin's beard, Harry," Percy exclaimed, his voice tinged with admiration. "I had no idea you were so linguistically gifted."

Arthur nodded enthusiastically. "That's quite the talent, Harry. You must have spent a lot of time studying."

Harry shrugged modestly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well I've always been a bit of a bookworm," he admitted.

Meanwhile, Elena returned with menus, her smile warm and welcoming. "Please, enjoy our menu", she said, handing them each a menu.

"Thank you," Harry replied with a grateful smile. He still had it. He congratulated himself in his mind as he still had his skills that he picked up in his past life. Everyone looked bewildered at the menu as it was in Romanian and they didn't know how to read it. 

Harry understood it and explained the menu to everyone. With his guidance everyone ordered their food. Sirius told Harry that he wanted some wine to go with the food. 

Harry nodded and turned to Elena, "Can you get us a bottle of your best wine?". Elena nodded and took the other orders and headed back.

As Elena left to fetch their orders, the group settled into their seats, chatting quietly. It wasn't long before the food began to arrive, each dish looking more delectable than the last.

Ron's eyes widened as a plate of grilled meats was set before him. "This looks fantastic!"

Ginny nodded, picking up her fork. "I can't wait to try everything."

Harry smiled, pleased that his friends were enjoying themselves. "Dig in, everyone."

Sirius leaned back, glancing around the table with a satisfied grin. "To a night of good food and great company," he said, raising his glass of water in a mock toast.

The others followed suit, clinking their glasses together. "Cheers!"

As they ate, the conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter.

"So, Harry," Fred began, leaning forward, "where did you learn to speak so many languages?"

Harry shrugged modestly. "Got some books in the library at Hogwarts. I've always enjoyed learning new things. Languages just seemed interesting to me."

George smirked. "And useful too, apparently."

Elena returned with a bottle of wine and a selection of non-alcoholic drinks. She expertly poured the wine, then distributed the other beverages around the table.

Sirius raised his glass of wine in a more genuine toast. "To Romania!"

Everyone raised their glasses again, this time with even more enthusiasm. "To Romania!"

As the evening progressed, the group continued to enjoy their meal, the warm, inviting atmosphere of Alchemy & Ambrosia making it easy to forget the troubles of the day. They shared stories, jokes, and a sense of togetherness that made the night truly special.