
Otherworldly INHUMAN

Xander is a hardworking student from Earth with an idyllic life. But after his soul is transported to a magic world filled with paranormal things, he begins to hear a voice in his head. At first, he dismisses it as a figment of his imagination, but soon realizes it's his alter ego, urging him to embrace evil. Xander resists at first, struggling to cling to his good nature, but his alter ego's influence slowly takes hold. As he spirals into darkness, Xander become a villain who sees no point in being good and instead decides to burn the world that stands in his way. The novel follows Xander's journey as he battles with his alter ego's control and confronts the darkness within himself. Will he be able to overcome the evil that has taken hold of him, or will he succumb to his alter ego's desires and become a force of destruction and chaos?

Vincent_Nightshade · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Temptation and Resolve

Xander spent the next few days engrossed in the book on magical botany that he had borrowed from the library. He pored over the pages, reading and re-reading each passage until the information was firmly cemented in his mind. As he read, he began to understand the intricacies of the various plants and their magical properties.

One plant in particular caught his attention - a rare plant that grew deep in the forest, hidden away from the prying eyes of outsiders. It was said that this plant had the ability to hide a cave from view, making it invisible to anyone who didn't know where to look. Xander realized that this plant would be perfect for hiding his cave, which was located in the territory given to him by his mother.

But there was more to this plant than just its ability to conceal. It required a special touch to activate its magic, and Xander had to teach it to respond only to his blood.

Excited by his success, Xander set out to test his newfound knowledge. He ventured deep into the forest, his heart pounding with anticipation as he searched for the rare plant. It took him hours, but finally, he stumbled upon it - a small, unassuming plant with delicate white flowers.

Xander carefully plucked a few of the flowers and took them back to his cave. It was a place he had discovered by accident while exploring the territory granted to him by his mother. The cave was hidden between some rocks, and Xander had always felt a connection to it. As he explored the area, he noticed that certain plants grew in abundance around the entrance of the cave. These plants were unlike any he had ever seen before, and he knew that they were imbued with powerful magic.

There, he planted the rare flowers in a hidden spot and waited patiently for them to grow. Over time, they thrived, and soon the cave was completely hidden from view. Xander's excitement grew as he realized the full extent of the plant's powers. With a drop of his blood, the path would open before him, leading straight to the entrance of the cave. He felt powerful, invincible, as he gazed upon the hidden cave that was now completely under his control.

Inspired by the knowledge he had gained from the book, Xander began to experiment with the plants. As he tended to them, he noticed that they seemed to respond to his touch, their leaves and stems quivering slightly when he brushed against them. Intrigued, he decided to explore this connection further. He spoke softly to the plants, murmuring words of encouragement, and observed that they seemed to grow stronger, their leaves becoming more vibrant and their flowers more fragrant.

With each day that passed, Xander became more and more convinced that he shared a unique bond with these magical plants. He continued to experiment, learning that they would only respond to his blood. To ensure the plants would recognize his unique signature, he pricked his finger and let a drop of his blood fall onto the soil at the base of the plants. Almost immediately, the plants seemed to react, their roots growing deeper and their stems standing taller.

One day, Xander decided to take the gardener, who had helped him tend the plants, to see the cave. He led the way through the forest, weaving through the trees until they came to the entrance of the cave. Xander approached the plants, and they responded to his touch, parting to reveal a hidden path. He stepped forward, and the plants closed behind him, sealing the entrance to the cave.

The gardener, intrigued by Xander's secretive behavior, tried to follow him. However, the plants that concealed the entrance wouldn't respond to him. Frustrated, the gardener attempted to force his way through, but the plants seemed to come alive, their vines coiling and tightening around him, scratching and clawing at his skin with their thorns.

Hearing the gardener's cries of pain, Xander rushed back to help. He saw the gardener trapped in the grasp of the plants, his face contorted in agony. Xander quickly chanted a spell, and the plants seemed to loosen their grip on the gardener, allowing Xander to pull him away from the plants. The gardener's skin was covered in cuts and gashes, and blood stained his clothes.

"Are you alright?" Xander asked, concern evident in his voice.

"I'll be fine," the gardener replied, gritting his teeth against the pain. "What happened? Why did the plants attack me?"

Xander hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. Finally, he decided to be honest. "These plants are special, and they are connected to me," he explained. "They respond to my touch and my blood. I didn't realize they would react so violently to someone else."

The gardener stared at Xander in disbelief, but he could see the sincerity in Xander's eyes. "I had no idea," he murmured. "I won't tell anyone about this place, I promise."

Xander nodded, grateful for the gardener's understanding. He took out a small jar of magic paste from his bag and applied it to the gardener's wounds. As the paste touched the cuts, they began to close, and the pain visibly subsided. The gardener watched in amazement as his skin healed before his eyes.

After the incident, Xander decided that he would keep the cave a secret. He knew that the power of the plants was too dangerous in the wrong hands, and he couldn't risk someone stumbling upon it by accident.

As Xander stood there, looking at the hidden cave that was now completely under his control, he didn't feel powerful or invincible. Instead, he heard a voice in his head - his alter ego, the one that had plagued him for years.

"Is this all the power you have, Xander?" the voice sneered. "A few plants and a hidden cave? You are weak, pathetic. You will never be able to truly control your magic."

Xander tried to push the voice aside, but it continued to taunt him. He knew that he couldn't let this alter ego take over, but it was getting harder and harder to resist.

As he turned to leave the cave, Xander made a decision. He would keep the cave and the plants a secret, not because they were too dangerous in the wrong hands, but because he didn't want to give his alter ego any more power. He knew that the plants were just a small part of his magic, and that true power came from within himself.

"You're wasting your potential," the voice said. "You could be using these plants for so much more. Imagine the power you could harness if you just pushed the limits a little more."

Xander's stomach turned at the thought. He knew that there was potential for more power, but he didn't want to resort to cruel or dangerous methods to gain it. His alter ego, knowing only what Xander knew, couldn't provide any specific suggestions but continued to push him to take risks in pursuit of greater power.

"You have been given this power for a reason," the voice said. "You cannot let it go to waste. Think of all the good you could do with this power. You could become the most powerful wizard in the land, and no one would be able to stand in your way."

Xander tried to ignore the voice, but it only grew louder and more insistent. He knew that his alter ego was right, at least in part. The plants were powerful, and he had been given this gift for a reason. But he couldn't bring himself to use them in a way that went against his principles.

Dear readers,

In this chapter, we witness Xander's struggle with his alter ego, who tries to tempt him into using his newfound powers in cruel and heartless ways. We see that Xander's principles are strong, but what could potentially change them in the future? Perhaps a brutal incident or a personal loss could shake his resolve and force him to reevaluate his stance on power and morality.

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on this matter. What do you think could challenge Xander's principles? How would he react, and would he remain true to his beliefs, or would he succumb to the darker side of power? Your input is valuable and can help shape the story's direction.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to exploring Xander's story together with you.

Vincent_Nightshadecreators' thoughts