
Otherworldly Hero With A Group Chat

----------------------------------------------- this fan fiction is made purely out of boredom, the updates will be all over the place. It depends on my mood. The characters and worlds used in this fanfiction don’t belong to me, I don’t make anything off of this, and is purely for entertainment the cover also doesn't belong to me. In short nothing belongs to me except my original characters.

Crims0n · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

Well... I died?

Unknown POV:

'Well... This is quite a predicament.' I thought to myself, as I simply... Floated, in the darkness.

"Right? Isn't it quite interesting, how you managed to end up in this place." I heard a voice in the void, moments before the light shone and illuminated the entire void.

"Well then, what do I do with you?" the light seemed to die out, and in front of me stood a

A being humanoid in shape except that it was completely white.

It has no facial features almost all creatures have. Simply a humanoid body that's simply white, like a blank sheet of paper.

The sudden appearance of this... Being scared me, the things that happens to me in this short time, are things that should be... Unnatural, impossible no other way to describe it.

"Who... No what are you?" I mustered up the courage to ask, my body was trembling all over, but I had to ask.

The being seemed to touch his chin with his fingers, as if thinking of the right answer. "Hmmm, I'm an existence that's far above everything and everyone. God. I guess you could call me God."

God? The figure in front of me is God? That's...

"Don't think much of it, it's for the better." God suddenly said, which brought me out of my stupor.

"Where exactly are we?" I asked another question, I couldn't help it, my curiosity exceeded my fear.

"We are in the void, the place where I spend my time, watching over billions multiverses that exist." God answered and satisfied my curiosity.

"More importantly... We should think about what to do with you, normally no being that is not myself or as strong as myself should be able to make it's way into the void, much less last this long inside it." God said and then he moved forward, studying my very being I would assume.

"I know for a fact that i'm not as strong as you, so how am I alive in the void and how did i get here?" I asked and God momentarily stopped before he answered. "That is what's most surprising... You're just a regular human, no... Not a regular human since you somehow managed to exist in the void."

"Well no use thinking about it this much, I know what to do with you now, while I was answering your questions I looked in your memories, and I'm surprised, such kindness and such a gentle existence you are."

To be praised by God, I was a bit overwhelmed with happiness for a moment. Before he called out to me.

"Let's do it like this, I will give you the chance to reincarnate into a fictional world of my choice, and obviously with some gifts to support you in said world." What he said surprised me once again.

"Fictional worlds? Is that even possible?" I asked filled with anticipation.

God chuckled and answered playfully "Forgetful are we? I'm pretty sure I said it before... In this void I watch over numerous multiverses, including those you call fictional world."

God waved his hand and right next to us appeared a large wheel of sorts, and on the wheel were written numerous names that I recognized such were "Tokyo ghoul", "Danmachi", My Hero Academia", "One punch man."

"Well, let's get to it, I'm sure you're as excited as I am."

He motioned his hand as if telling me to spin it so I did.

And... The wheel landed on "My Hero Academia." I'm not very familiar with this... Animanga I know things here and there but not much.

"Oho... This world huh... I guess the heroic part suits you." God thought about it for a bit, and he waved his hand once again, another wheel appeared but this one had fictional character's on it unlike the previous one.

Just like last time I gave it a good spin.

And the character it landed on... Lord Boros?

That was good. More than good.

"Oh! Quite lucky aren't you? Well then... It's decided, since I enjoyed speaking to you for a bit I'll allow you to wish for one thing."

One thing... He didn't mention anything about limits, I don't think I need anything more... Oh right I do.

"If it's one thing... My family back in my world, can you make sure they are... Happy?" I asked hoping he could grant this wish.

"I could grant you anything, but you use it for others... You really are a kind soul." God said and his face suddenly gained features 2 golden eyes and a mouth he was smiling.

"Well, off you go, I'll give you a small gift. Also, I have another thing to say. Will you hear me out?" he spoke with a smile I also smiled and responded, "Of course I will, God."

"Don't ever loose your kindness." I nodded with a smile.

After saying that he brought up his hand and snapped his fingers.

Then It all went dark.